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社会性框架效应指个体进行社会性决策时, 描述方式(即框架)对其选择倾向的影响。采用“伤害/帮助框架”范式, 本研究在行为上发现了显著的框架效应:被试在伤害框架下比帮助框架下, 更倾向于选择利他选项, 这可能是由于伤害框架凸显了伤害他人的后果及有意性, 从而提高了道德冲突水平。在神经活动上发现(1)静息态下, 右侧颞顶联合区(TPJ)的低频振荡振幅(ALFF)与框架效应强度存在显著正相关; (2)道德加工相关脑区构成的局部脑网络内部的功能连接强度(FC)能够有效预测框架效应强度。本研究首次利用静息态功能连接探讨个体的社会性决策受到语言表述方式影响的神经机制, 为进一步揭示社会决策中的个体差异提供了神经学证据。  相似文献   
李泰安  张禹  李杰 《心理科学进展》2019,27(9):1585-1595
多目标追踪范式主要用来探讨动态情景下对多个目标的视觉注意和记忆加工过程, 早期研究侧重于追踪过程中的影响因素及加工机制。近年来, 越来越多的研究应用多目标追踪范式对各类人群进行评价与训练, 包括儿童、老年人、神经发育障碍患者、驾驶员、运动员、电子游戏玩家以及一些其他职业群体。总体来看, 多目标追踪表现越好, 在复杂快速的动态情境中的专业表现越好; 反之, 多目标追踪表现差, 标志着认知功能可能发育不成熟或出现衰退。并且, 多目标追踪还可作为认知训练的手段, 改善老年人和神经发育障碍患者的认知功能, 提高各职业人群的专业表现。未来, 多目标追踪作为评价和训练的方法还有很大的发展空间, 包括加强特殊职业人群的模拟训练, 扩展目标人群, 结合立体视觉和真实场景, 结合身体活动, 探索多人合作的多目标追踪, 拓展用于进行情绪和社会功能的评价与训练等。  相似文献   
研究了条件反射性抗体反应增强模型的建立。被试为49只雄性成年Wistar大鼠,采用糖精水作为条件性刺激,一种蛋白抗原卵清蛋白作为非条件性刺激配对给予大鼠,两者结合后,在初次抗体应答下降阶段再次单独给予条件刺激,用酶联免疫吸附法分时段检测抗体水平的变化。发现条件组在条件刺激后15,20,25天左右抗体水平明显高于对照组。这一过程与初次抗体应答的规律类似。这些结果证实经一次条件训练,单独给予条件刺激能诱导出明显的条件反射性抗体反应增高。  相似文献   
邵郊  林国彬  陈劭夫 《心理学报》1981,14(3):112-117
文昌鱼的中枢神经系统早在上个世纪就受到神经解剖学家们的注意。这是因为它代表着动物演化上的一个很典型的阶段。在这个阶段,动物身体的背侧开始有了神经管。这个神经管在外形上很象脊椎动物胚胎初期形成的神经管,其内部的神经组织也较简单。此外,正如神经管初成阶段的脊椎动物胚胎一样,文昌鱼还不具备发育的和特异  相似文献   
We explored the possibility of applying 4 psychological scales developed and commonly used in the West to Chinese culture. The participants, 273 Chinese and 302 Americans, completed measures of self-esteem (Self-Esteem Scale; Rosenberg, 1965), depression (Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale; Radloff, 1977), social support (Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support; Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet, & Farley, 1988), and suicidal ideation (Scale for Suicide Ideation; Beck, Kovacs, & Weissman, 1979). All scales were found to be reliable and valid cross culturally. Comparative analyses suggest that gender differences on all 4 scales are smaller among the Chinese than the Americans. Americans were more likely to score higher on the socially desirable scales (self-esteem and social support) and lower on the socially undesirable scale (suicidal ideation). However, no cultural differences were found in this study on the measure of depression. Results suggest that, with a few considerations or potential modifications, the current measures could be used in Chinese culture.  相似文献   
Cross-cultural evidence for the fundamental features of extraversion   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Psychologists have not determined the defining characteristics of extraversion. In four studies, the authors tested the hypothesis that extraversion facets are linked by reward sensitivity. According to this hypothesis, only facets that reflect reward sensitivity should load on a higher order extraversion factor. This model was tested against a model in which sociability links the facets. The authors also tested the generalizability of the model in a diverse sample of participants from 39 nations, and they tested the model using widely used extraversion scales. Results of all studies indicate that only facets that reflect reward sensitivity load on a higher order extraversion factor and that this factor correlates strongly with pleasant affect. Although sociability is undoubtedly an important part of extraversion, these results suggest that extraverts' sociability may be a by-product of reward sensitivity, rather than the core feature of the trait.  相似文献   
科学主义的尴尬与中医学的多向度发展   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
近50年的中医现代化研究暴露了科学主义试图消解其他向度存在的独尊倾向,而经络实质研究、证客观化研究等方面的失败,宣告了科学主义并不是解决中医学所有问题的灵丹妙药。科学主义所遇到的这种尴尬局面表明,中医学应该有多种向度的发展,除了现代化研究这一模式之外,至少还应当有两种向度的存在,即原有形态的传统中医学体系应继续存在下去,传统中医学在技术上与西医学的结合应当受到鼓励。  相似文献   
In three picture-naming experiments, we examined the effect of prosodic context on the synonyms people use to name pictures in Mandarin Chinese. This was done without time pressure. The results showed that when monosyllabic and bisyllabic synonyms (e.g., hen/chicken) were embedded in a context of pictures with either bisyllabic or trisyllabic names, participants gave bisyllabic responses to the synonyms more often than they did in a condition without such a context. The difference was very similar in magnitude in both the bisyllabic and trisyllabic contextual conditions. These results suggest that people are biased toward using synonyms that have numbers of syllables equal or similar to those of the prosodic context. If it is assumed that prosodic effects originate at a stage of processing beyond the lemma level, then this suggests either that multiple phonological forms of synonyms can be activated or that there is feedback from prosodic processing that influences lemma selection.  相似文献   
我国小学生品德发展关键期研究的述评与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邵景进  刘浩强 《心理科学》2005,28(2):412-415
关于小学生品德发展关键期的研究是德育心理学研究领域的重要的组成部分之一。本文综述了国内20多年的研究资料,探讨了我国小学生品德发展的关键期、测查工具,阐述了研究中存在的不足,并提出了研究的思路和方向。  相似文献   
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