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Huang  Xianhong  Hua  Le  Zhou  Xueyang  Zhang  Hao  Zhang  Meng  Wang  Sheng  Qin  Shangren  Chen  Jie  Wang  XiaoHe 《Journal of child and family studies》2021,30(6):1416-1427

To investigate the influence of the home environment, defined as family socioeconomic status (SES) (parent education level, household income), student resource-mediated SES (access to nutritional resources and cognitively stimulating experiences), reading ability, and difficulty with homework on quality of life in children and adolescents residing in urban and suburban areas in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China. This study included 3200 Grade 3–6 students from 8 elementary schools in Hangzhou City. Assessments included questionnaires that evaluated student quality of life, family SES, resource-mediated SES (dietary behavior and the home literacy environment), reading ability, and difficulty with homework. The effects of the home environment on student quality of life were analyzed by univariate analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, and structural equation modeling. Overall, 80.6% of students had a medium or better quality of life. Young age (Grade 3 or 4), female sex, household income of 10000–15000 RMB, high breakfast consumption, daily intake of fruit, a balanced diet, and good reading habits were positively correlated with student quality of life (P?<?0.05), while overuse of electronic devices was negatively correlated with quality of life (P?<?0.05). Dietary behaviors, home literacy environment, and student reading ability and difficulty with homework directly affected quality of life. Family SES indirectly affected student quality of life. Children and adolescents in China should have access to good nutrition and cognitively stimulating experiences to enhance their well-being and provide them with social and academic advantages.

物质成瘾是一种涉及生理、心理和环境等多因素的复杂现象, 但是当前基于生物还原论的解释对物质成瘾现象整体性的理解和康复研究造成了阻碍。网络理论聚焦于心理障碍变量之间相互作用形成的反馈环路, 从整体视角为研究物质成瘾提供了新的理论框架。将网络理论应用于物质成瘾的研究中将有利于:(1)理解症状之间的相互关系和影响; (2)理解症状网络的整体性和系统性动态变化过程; 以及(3)将多层次和多水平因素整合到统一的理论框架中。从网络理论视角来理解物质成瘾, 也将对未来的干预和治疗提供了理论支持。目前, 网络理论仍处于言语模型阶段, 未来需要进一步提出更具体、可验证的统计模型, 以完善对于物质成瘾机制的了解, 更加有效地推进物质成瘾的治疗与恢复。  相似文献   
双眼瞳距使得空间某物体在左右眼视网膜的成像存在微小位置差异, 这种差异被称为双眼视差(binocular disparity), 是立体视知觉的重要信息来源。对双眼视差的心理物理学研究始于18世纪初, 迄今已有接近两百年的历史。近年来, 双眼视差研究主要集中在两方面。其一是用电生理、脑成像技术考察双眼视差在视觉背、腹侧通路的模块化表征, 其脑区表征反映出视觉系统的层级式、平行式加工规律。其二是应用知觉学习范式研究双眼视差的可塑性。未来研究应综合脑成像和神经调控技术考察双眼视差的神经机制及其学习效应, 包括双眼视差与多种深度线索间的信息整合和交互作用。应用方向上, 可结合虚拟现实等技术优化训练范式, 实现立体视力的康复和增强。  相似文献   
近似数量加工是对大数目物体数量在不依赖逐个数数前提下的估计。行为学研究提示高数学焦虑人群近似数量加工能力下降, 但神经机制未明。本研究探讨高数学焦虑个体近似数量加工的神经机制, 比较高低数学焦虑脑电活动的差异:(1)行为上无显著组间差异; (2)高数学焦虑组的P2p成分波幅增加; (3) δ频段ERS及β频段ERD无显著数量比例效应, 而低数学焦虑组在上述指标的数量比例效应显著。本研究为高数学焦虑人群近似数量加工能力下降提供了电生理学的证据。  相似文献   
杨洁  张露  黄勇 《心理科学进展》2020,28(4):523-534
互联网企业通过营造快乐愉悦的玩兴氛围, 推动员工持续创新, 以期组织目标的实现。然而, 现有玩兴氛围与员工创新行为关系的研究以理论分析为主, 缺乏实证研究, 进展相对缓慢。在回顾组织管理领域玩兴研究成果的基础上, 开展三个方面的研究:研究一基于组织氛围理论和玩兴活动特征, 开发中国情境下互联网企业的团队玩兴氛围量表。研究二立足于团队层次, 依据资源保存理论重点探讨了玩兴氛围对员工创新行为的跨层次作用机制。研究三从创造力成分模型出发, 引入个体思维方式和多重认同, 探讨激发员工创新行为的边界条件。研究结果发展了中国互联网企业团队玩兴氛围的概念, 促进了玩兴氛围理论的发展, 为互联网类企业营造玩兴氛围以激发创新行为提供理论支持和实践启示。  相似文献   
先秦齐、鲁两国作为周王室分封在东方的重要诸侯国,虽然同处东方,但所处地域的地理环境还是存在差异,而且各自所奉行的治国策略也不相同。文化作为人类在特定的自然环境与社会环境中为了生存与发展而有意识地进行的物质创造与精神创建,决定了齐、鲁文化之间必会存在着相同点和不同点,本文借助现有文献对齐、鲁文化的渊源、政治、经济、习俗、文化特征等方面进行了初步的异同比较阐述。  相似文献   
We explored the possibility of applying 4 psychological scales developed and commonly used in the West to Chinese culture. The participants, 273 Chinese and 302 Americans, completed measures of self-esteem (Self-Esteem Scale; Rosenberg, 1965), depression (Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale; Radloff, 1977), social support (Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support; Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet, & Farley, 1988), and suicidal ideation (Scale for Suicide Ideation; Beck, Kovacs, & Weissman, 1979). All scales were found to be reliable and valid cross culturally. Comparative analyses suggest that gender differences on all 4 scales are smaller among the Chinese than the Americans. Americans were more likely to score higher on the socially desirable scales (self-esteem and social support) and lower on the socially undesirable scale (suicidal ideation). However, no cultural differences were found in this study on the measure of depression. Results suggest that, with a few considerations or potential modifications, the current measures could be used in Chinese culture.  相似文献   
Cross-cultural evidence for the fundamental features of extraversion   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Psychologists have not determined the defining characteristics of extraversion. In four studies, the authors tested the hypothesis that extraversion facets are linked by reward sensitivity. According to this hypothesis, only facets that reflect reward sensitivity should load on a higher order extraversion factor. This model was tested against a model in which sociability links the facets. The authors also tested the generalizability of the model in a diverse sample of participants from 39 nations, and they tested the model using widely used extraversion scales. Results of all studies indicate that only facets that reflect reward sensitivity load on a higher order extraversion factor and that this factor correlates strongly with pleasant affect. Although sociability is undoubtedly an important part of extraversion, these results suggest that extraverts' sociability may be a by-product of reward sensitivity, rather than the core feature of the trait.  相似文献   
科学主义的尴尬与中医学的多向度发展   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
近50年的中医现代化研究暴露了科学主义试图消解其他向度存在的独尊倾向,而经络实质研究、证客观化研究等方面的失败,宣告了科学主义并不是解决中医学所有问题的灵丹妙药。科学主义所遇到的这种尴尬局面表明,中医学应该有多种向度的发展,除了现代化研究这一模式之外,至少还应当有两种向度的存在,即原有形态的传统中医学体系应继续存在下去,传统中医学在技术上与西医学的结合应当受到鼓励。  相似文献   
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