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Sixteen pairs of successive tones, with different amplitude combinations, were presented with 16 combinations of tone duration and interstimulus interval. A separate group of 12 subjects was assigned to each presentation condition and made comparative loudness judgments for each of the pairs. Perceived within-pair loudness differences were scaled by a Thurstonian method using the subjective width of the "equal" category as the unit. The scale differences were well described by weighted linear combinations of the sensation magnitudes of the tones in the pairs. The time error can be regarded as an effect of this differential weighting. For the longer interstimulus intervals, the weight of the second tone was the greater, causing the usual inverse relation between time error and stimulus intensity level. For the shorter interstimulus intervals, these effects were reversed. An analysis of the pattern of weights led to the development of two models, one of which is a generalization of Michels and Helson's time error model. The weights could be interpreted as reflecting the differential efficiency of the loudness information from the two compared stimuli.  相似文献   
The authors report their experience with a special form of psychodrama for the treatment in small groups of neurotic children aged five to fifteen. The acting out of ambivalent, partly unconscious and restrained tendencies and inclinations by playing, i.e., by taking roles in spontaneous performances, is followed by alternation of identification in the group and, possibly, careful indirect verbalization by the therapeutist and/or group, of which the purpose is to arrive at a reorientation of the attitudes of patients and a consolidation of the newly won attitude.  相似文献   
简论经济德性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济德性不是经济和德性或经济和道德之间的简单、机械的相加,经济和德性或经济和道德正如一枚硬币的两面一样,是社会现象的两个方面.经济是人之经济,是人际关系之经济,它必然蕴含着生产责任意识、经营境界、经济行为规范和经济品质等德性内涵.而且,这些德性有着其他经济因素所不可替代的功能.  相似文献   
以"人类是否对自然承担直接道德义务"的问题为根据,可以将西方环境伦理学划分为非人类中心主义和人类中心主义两种类型。这两种类型的环境伦理学存在尖锐的分歧和激烈的争论背后却具有理论基础、价值立场的一致性。从理论基础的一致性看,它们都割裂自然观与历史观的辩证统一关系,这使得它们不去探讨一定的社会制度和生产方式下人类和自然之间的实际的物质与能量交换关系是如何断裂的,进而把生态危机的本质归结为生态价值观的危机,秉承的都是一种抽象的文化价值决定论;从价值立场的一致性看,它们不仅都是为资本主义制度和生产方式辩护的伦理学,而且漠视人民群众和发展中国家为了消除贫困追求生存的发展权与环境权,是一种以追求"生活质量为导向"的"西方中心主义"的环境伦理学。我国的生态文明理论研究开始于对西方环境伦理学的引进、评介,由此形成借鉴或认同人类中心主义或非人类中心主义两种类型的生态文明理论。随着学术界对西方环境伦理学在理论基础和价值立场上的缺陷的认识更加深入,学术界提出了环境伦理学本土化的理论主张,这也使得学术界开始运用马克思主义关于人与自然关系的理论,在吸收西方环境伦理学积极成果的基础上,建构中国形态的生态文明理论,...  相似文献   
钦佩感是对优秀他人或榜样的一种高度喜欢和尊敬, 是看到他人的优秀行为或品质时所产生的一种积极情绪, 其典型成分是欣赏和鼓舞。他人的优秀能力、美德、积极态度、自我提升动机、相似的价值观等因素影响钦佩感的产生。美德钦佩感会导致后叶催产素分泌, 和能力钦佩感分别激发不同但又相互重叠的脑区。钦佩感具有激励作用, 提高自我效能感和结果期望并影响其职业意向, 激发个体的亲社会动机与行为。拓展钦佩感的概念与成分、辨析与崇拜的相似与不同、开展钦佩感的应用研究以及跨文化或本土化研究等是该领域未来重要的研究方向。  相似文献   
农村初中生学习适应性发展的研究   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
本研究运用测量的方法考察了 3 86名农村初中生学习适应性的发展。结果表明 ,初一学生的学习适应性显著地好于初二、初三、初四的学生 ;男女学生的学习适应性差异显著 ;在“学习态度”、“学习技术”、“学习环境”、“身心健康”四个分测验中 ,年级差异非常显著 ;优等生和差生在学习适应性上也存在着非常显著的差异。  相似文献   
群体绩效和团队效能研究的新进展   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
近几年来 ,在群体和团队方面的研究比较活跃 ,并取得了不少新的进展。本文在近几年的国内外文献的基础上 ,着重讨论几个与群体绩效有关的长期存在的问题 ,主要包括群体构成、凝聚力、激励、领导、群体目标等因素。同时探讨团队与组织之间的内在联系。然后 ,讨论团队效能研究中的几个开放性问题 ,以及将来研究的新动向新趋势。最后 ,对影响团队效能的几个关键的调节因素作一简要的讨论。  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to present a new electromagnetic device which uses alternating magnetic fields for tracking movements of multiple points inside and outside the vocal tract. It is biologically safe, noninvasive, it does not interfere with speech movements, allows for multiple recording in the same subject, and for easy collection of large amounts of data. It is especially suitable for evaluation of patients with speech motor impairments.  相似文献   
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