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2011年6月13-18日,清华大学人文学院哲学系举办了逻辑、语言和哲学讲习班与研讨会。本次活动的主旨是:对逻辑学、自然语言和哲学的交叉研究领域中的一些课题进行深入的介绍,交流最新的研究成果,展示逻辑学在跨学科研究领域中的重要作用。本次活动分为两个部分:为期五天的讲习班与为期一天的研讨会。活动的参加者有:阿姆斯特丹大学与斯坦福大学的范丙申(Johan vanBenthem)教授,阿姆斯特丹大学的斯托科霍夫(Martin Stokhof)教授,哥德堡大学与斯德哥尔摩大学的威斯特斯达(Dag Westerstahl)教授,  相似文献   
采用问卷调查法对澳门(118对)和东北地区(266对)夫妻进行研究,以检验两地夫妻沟通模式的差异,及其对婚姻满意度的主客体效应。结果发现:澳门夫妻双方回避沟通显著少于东北夫妻;两地夫妻报告的妻子要求/丈夫回避行为多于丈夫要求/妻子回避行为;建设性沟通对两地夫妻婚姻满意度正向预测力最强;要求/回避沟通只对澳门夫妻的婚姻满意度有负向预测力。两地妻子的建设性沟通都能显著正向预测丈夫的婚姻满意度,而只有东北地区丈夫的建设性沟通能正向预测妻子婚姻满意度。  相似文献   
以往关于捐助的心理学研究主要聚焦于现实环境中的捐助行为,以及捐助者自身特点对捐助的影响,网络环境、求助者特征对捐助影响的研究较少。本研究以大学生为被试,比较不同信息发布者情境中,网络与现实中捐助的意愿,并确定求助者的身份特征和求助信息特征对网络捐助的影响。结果发现,在捐助意愿和捐助金额方面,网络渠道高于现实渠道、熟人发布高于陌生人发布;当求助者与捐助者同为大学生时,捐助者对求助者的理性求助信息比情绪性求助信息有更强的捐助意愿和更多捐助金额。以上结果与大学生网络社会支持水平较高、处理网络信息能力较强有关。  相似文献   
从心血管疾病的美国模式看肿瘤的中国模式   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
近年来,心脑血管疾病和癌症的死亡率在世界范围内已上升至前三位。自从美国通过改变生活方式,以控制心血管疾病的方针以来,心血管疾病的患病率减少了50%,死亡率降低了25%,人们称之为心血管疾病的美国模式。与此相应的是上海市癌症俱乐部提出了“群体抗癌”的新模式,倡导了“第四医学”和“第三人生”的新理论,10年努力的结果,使癌症患者的5年生存率延长了3倍,10年生存率延长了2-3倍,创造了癌症康复的中国模  相似文献   
丘处机是金元时期全真教龙门派的创始人,他的道教思想推动了全真教的发展,并通过全真教对中国道教的后期发展产生了重大的影响.融道、儒、释为一炉是全真教一贯的宗旨与特质,而丘处机赋予了"三教合一"以新意.丘处机站在道教立场上对"三教合一"思想的推扬,既丰富了全真教思想,也促进了传统道教的变革.  相似文献   
The purpose of this research is to examine gender-based determinants of consumer trust towards computer agents. Employing multiple literatures, we propose a contextual gender influence theory (CGIT) which has direct bearing on trust in online exchange relationships. A set of studies is presented that begin to demonstrate how the effects of gender identity on human-to-computer interaction are not the same for person-to-person interaction. Indeed, employing both gaming and shopping exchange environments, the results reveal that while biological gender identity appears in a person-to-person interaction as concerns trust, psychological gender identity (specifically femininity) and not biological gender identity, influences relationship trust online.  相似文献   
This study examines the potential encoding in long-term memory of subphonemic, within-category variation in voice onset time (VOT) and the degree to which this encoding of subtle variation is mediated by lexical competition. In 4 long-term repetition-priming experiments, magnitude of priming was examined as a function of variation in VOT in words with voiced counterparts (cape-gape) and without (cow-*gow) and words whose counterparts were high frequency (pest-best) or low frequency (pile-bile). The results showed that within-category variation was indeed encoded in memory and could have demonstrable effects on priming. However, there were also robust effects of prototypical representations on priming. Encoding of within-category variation was also affected by the presence of lexical counterparts and by the frequency of counterparts.  相似文献   
The current research examines how the vividness of food depictions affects consumers' consumption expectations of indulgent food items. Through three studies, we found that the level of motivation to be healthy plays a crucial role in determining how vividness impacts their consumption expectations of indulgent food items. Specifically, when consumers are less motivated to be healthy, vividness increases their consumption expectations due to increased attention-driven involvement with the food information. On the other hand, when consumers are motivated to be healthy, vividness is assumed to increase goal conflict, leading to reduced consumption expectations. Importantly, our research also found that the joint effect of vividness and health motivations on consumption expectations is attenuated when the indulgent food items contain healthy ingredients.  相似文献   
Nostalgic advertising uses images relevant to past periods in individuals' lives to market products. The current study examines the reminiscence bump in a new context: reactions to nostalgic advertising. We examine diachronic relevance and its influence on purchase intent using a 3 (time frame: bump advertisements, non‐bump past advertisements, present‐focused advertisements) × 2 (age group: Generation X, late‐stage baby boomers) between‐subject design. Results show that advertisements for a fictional camera brand (i.e., Optimax) that focus on a bump year (i.e., 15–24 years) have more diachronic relevance than advertisements from either a non‐bump past year or present‐focused advertisements. In addition, advertisements focused on bump years elicit greater intent to purchase the advertised product than non‐bump past and present‐focused advertisements. Analyses show that intent to purchase the product is fully mediated by diachronic relevance of the bump‐year advertisement. These effects hold across both age groups.Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This research aimed to investigate educators' implicit perspectives on wisdom in order to compare interpersonal and intrapersonal perspectives and to help identify similarities or differences between these two theoretical perspectives. A total of 56 educators in Taiwan were interviewed individually. We utilised the grounded theory method to analyse the qualitative data. Results showed that both interpersonal and intrapersonal perspectives converged on four core components of wisdom: intrapsychic integration, actions in service of problem solving and ideal implementation, positive results and feedback and adjustments. The interpersonal perspective referred to external characteristics, and admiration and influence, whereas the intrapersonal perspective included greater detail about intrapsychic integration and action strategies than did the interpersonal perspective. We close with a discussion both of how wisdom appears to span across different fields and how the present results might feed into the teaching of wisdom in schools.  相似文献   
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