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This research examined how one affectively reacts to others' guesses at a value one cares about, such as one's income. Conventional wisdom suggests that people will feel happier upon receiving more favorable guesses (e.g., higher income) than less favorable guesses. We found the opposite pattern. We propose a model to explain the effect and identify its boundaries and report experimental evidence for the model. This research enriches existing literature on self-enhancement and yields practical implications for how to approach guessing in interpersonal communications.  相似文献   
理解他人是指推断他人的心理状态,以及解释和预测他人行为的心理加工。本研究采用常识问题任务,通过三个实验来考察成人理解他人的加工机制,提出并验证双加工模型。研究发现:第一,个体在理解他人的过程中综合考虑了自我信息和他人信息,提出并验证了双加工模型。第二,反馈作用会改变个体自我模拟所获得的自我信息,从而影响理解他人。第三,他人信息将影响自我对他人的推断预测,片面的他人信息会导致理解他人出现偏差。  相似文献   
高峰毅  焦瑾琦 《五台山研究》2008,(3):F0002-F0002
受世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)和国际古迹遗址理事会(ICOMOS)的委派,加拿大籍专家桑赛尔(Jim Thorsell)、日本籍专家杉尾伸太郎(Shintaro SUGIO)先生,于9月9日至12日正式对世界自然与文化遗产提名地五台山进行了实地考察。忻州市委书记张建欣、市长李平社向专家们介绍了五台山的保护历史和措施;国家建设部城建司司长王凤武、风景处左小平处长、国家文物局陆琼处长、中国联合国教科文组织全委会杜越、孔萍、著名文物专家吕舟、崔正森、吴锐、著名自然专家梁永宁、李江海、田永清、杨锐等教授以及省建设厅副厅长任在刚、省文物局副局长高可等陪同考察。  相似文献   
Distinction bias: misprediction and mischoice due to joint evaluation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This research identifies a new source of failure to make accurate affective predictions or to make experientially optimal choices. When people make predictions or choices, they are often in the joint evaluation (JE) mode; when people actually experience an event, they are often in the single evaluation (SE) mode. The "utility function" of an attribute can vary systematically between SE and JE. When people in JE make predictions or choices for events to be experienced in SE, they often resort to their JE preferences rather than their SE preferences and overpredict the difference that different values of an attribute (e.g., different salaries) will make to their happiness in SE. This overprediction is referred to as the distinction bias. The present research also specifies when the distinction bias occurs and when it does not. This research contributes to literatures on experienced utility, affective forecasting, and happiness.  相似文献   
照度变化对视觉辨认的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
前 言 近年来,关于工业企业和民用照明视觉功能的探讨逐渐多起来,这方面的研究对于制定照度标准和保护视力有着现实意义。我国过去的研究虽获得不少有益结果,但大多是在一般照明环境中、照度一般在几百勒克斯以下,以阅读视力表作为视觉功能指标。本研究是在比较严格控制的近似等效球照度的实验条件下,在1.7-2160Lux照度范围内,控制观察时间,探讨照度变化对视觉辨认的影响。此外,我们还研究了两种背景(亮和暗)对视觉辨认的影响。  相似文献   
The current research examines whether the public or private nature of consumer goals affects goal‐commitment escalation following initial goal failure. In particular, the authors explore the moderating role of self‐monitoring. Across three experiments, the authors demonstrate that high self‐monitors are more likely to persist following a public failure than a private failure. However, the public versus private nature of the goal failure does not affect low self‐monitors’ persistence. The authors also explore two boundary conditions for this effect by manipulating the timing of feedback and by testing the role of the perceived value of the incentive for achieving the goal. The article concludes with a discussion of theoretical and managerial insights from this work.  相似文献   
基于事件的前瞻性记忆的年老化   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
王青  焦书兰  杨玉芳 《心理学报》2003,35(4):476-482
采用类别判断任务作为正在进行任务,采用Einstein的研究范式探讨了前瞻性记忆是否随年龄的老化而出现年老化现象。结果表明,当前瞻性记忆任务和当前进行的任务要求的认知过程一致时,前瞻性记忆成绩不会随增龄下降;当前瞻性记忆任务和当前进行的任务要求的认知过程不一致时,前瞻性记忆出现了年老化现象;前瞻性记忆成绩和自由回忆成绩无显著相关  相似文献   
中国科学心理学是在20世纪初复杂的社会背景下通过传入西方心理学而建立和发展起来的.在这一过程中,心理学图书的出版和传播起到了重要作用.文章以《民国时期总书目》中收录的心理学图书为研究对象,通过对心理学图书的年出版量、编著与译著的比较、出版数量的地域差异、分支学科的出版特征等四个方面的出版状况进行计量分析,探讨其形成原因和历史背景,试图从出版视角对民国时期科学心理学在中国的发展做微观的历史考察.  相似文献   
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