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Previous studies have indicated a potential association between trauma, such as physical violence, emotional violence and sexual violence, and high-risk sexual behavior. Female sex workers (FSWs) were interviewed to elicit history of traumatic events and sexual behaviors. Among 187 participants, 79 (42.2 %) inconsistently used condoms with clients in the past 30 days. Experiencing community violence (OR: 0.4; 95 % CI: 0.2, 0.8) was found to be significantly protective for inconsistent condom use. In this study, experiencing community violence was found to be protective for inconsistent condom use among FSWs, but none of the other trauma subgroups had significant associations with inconsistent condom use. Reasons for unprotected sex among FSW may be more related to economic or other contextual factors.  相似文献   
The primary purposes of this study were to (1) compare the characteristics of childhood experiences of parental rearing patterns in China reported by patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD), patients with other personality disorders and patients without personality disorders; (2) identify the reported parental rearing patterns associated with BPD in China; and (3) determine whether these patterns differ for males and females. One hundred and fifty‐two patients with BPD, 79 patients with other personality disorders and 55 patients without Axis II diagnoses were administered the Chinese version of the McLean Screening Instrument for BPD and completed the Egna Minnen av Barndoms Uppfostran (EMBU), a self‐report measure of childhood parental rearing patterns. Parental rearing patterns reported by the BPD group were characterized by less emotional warmth, and greater punishment, rejection and control than patterns reported by the other two groups. Within the BPD group, males were more likely than females to report parental punishment, rejection and control. Paternal punishment, low maternal emotional warmth and female gender predicted BPD diagnosis. Negative parental rearing patterns appear to contribute to the development of BPD in China and vary with the gender of the child. Maternal emotional warmth may be a protective factor against BPD.  相似文献   
Inferences about moral character may often drive outrage over symbolic acts of racial bigotry. Study 1 demonstrates a theoretically predicted dissociation between moral evaluations of an act and the person who carries out the act. Although Americans regarded the private use of a racial slur as a less blameworthy act than physical assault, use of a slur was perceived as a clearer indicator of poor moral character. Study 2 highlights the dynamic interplay between moral judgments of acts and persons, demonstrating that first making person judgments can bias subsequent act judgments. Privately defacing a picture of Martin Luther King, Jr. led to greater moral condemnation of the agent than of the act itself only when the behavior was evaluated first. When Americans first made character judgments, symbolically defacing a picture of the civil rights leader was significantly more likely to be perceived as an immoral act. These studies support a person‐centered account of outrage over bigotry and demonstrate that moral evaluations of acts and persons converge and diverge under theoretically meaningful circumstances. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
列宁帝国主义论兼具“解释世界”和“改变世界”的双重意蕴。事实上,这一理论在帝国主义时代首先强调的是为无产阶级革命实践服务,其实践要义是批判、反对并超越帝国主义。在实践原则、策略及其运用上,列宁帝国主义论坚持原则性和策略性的辩证统一,坚决反对帝国主义,主张革命与建设并举、反对资本与利用资本相结合;在实践精神上,列宁帝国主义论坚持批判性和革命性相统一的原则,主张坚决反对任何形式的机会主义,大力倡导国际主义精神;在实践影响上,列宁帝国主义论倡导推动俄国革命从一国到世界范围的空间跃迁。中国共产党百余年来始终坚持继承、运用和发展列宁帝国主义论,深度阐释了反帝反封建、和平共处五项原则、“三个世界划分”、人类命运共同体等思想学说,极大地推进了马克思主义中国化历程。  相似文献   
The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) does not include verbal IQ and performance IQ scores, as provided in previous editions of the scale; rather, this edition provides comparisons among four index scores, allowing analysis of an individual's WAIS-IV performance in more discrete domains of cognitive ability. To supplement the pairwise index score comparisons included in the WAIS-IV manuals, this article describes the use of the mean of the four index scores (the average index score) as a baseline for analyzing index score variability and as a method for identifying strengths and weaknesses within an individual's index score pattern. Davis's formula was used to calculate critical values for the identification of index scores with a statistically significant difference from the average index score. Subsequent analysis of the WAIS-IV normative sample indicates that variability in performance at the index score level is not uncommon in the general population. More than 70% of individuals in the normative sample have at least one index score that differs significantly from their mean index score. This variability in index score performance appears to have little relationship to age or gender, but it is strongly related to the full-scale IQ.  相似文献   
温州两所大学的199个大学生在人际形容词量表上对自己的人际特质进行评定,并对自己选定的一个关系对象进行评定,感知与选定对象的人格相似性,同时评定与该对象的关系质量。根据自我报告和评定对象计算出假定相似性。对关系质量的分层回归分析得到人际特质两个维度的交互效应均为正,即表现出假定相似相吸的效应趋势,亲和性维度显著;相关显示假定的相似性和感知的相似性与关系质量均呈中等程度相关;路径分析表明感知的相似性中介假定相似性与关系质量的关系。  相似文献   
荀子的"重己役物"和庄子的"物物而不物于物",集中地概括了儒道的"超越"思想和"超越"精神。他们认为人应该正确地对待自己的功利追求,"重己役物";求利而不为功利所役,不应成为功利的"心奴","不物于物"。这是一个包含相当深刻的哲学智慧和人文精神的哲学命题。在功利至上的现代社会,人们陷于"为物所役",成为物质功利的"心奴"。"重己役物"、"物物而不物于物"的"超越"思想,对于现代人摆脱因被物质主义、拜金主义、享乐主义所役而陷于的精神桎梏,或许会有一定的人文启迪。  相似文献   
1月28日上午,由中央统战部、全国政协民宗委、国家宗教事务局联合举办的2011年宗教界人士迎春茶话会在北京金台饭店举行. 茶话会由国家宗教事务局副局长蒋坚永主持,全国政协民宗委主任田聪明致新春贺词.中央统战部副部长斯塔,全国政协民宗委副主任周明甫,国家宗教事务局副局长张乐斌,中国佛教协会会长传印,中国道教协会会长任法融,中国伊斯兰教协会会长陈广元,中国天主教爱国会主席房兴耀,中国天主教主教团主席马英林,中国天主教一会一团名誉主席刘柏年,中国基督教三自爱国运动委员会主席傅先伟,中国基督教协会会长高峰,以及在京宗教界人士共200多人出席了茶话会.  相似文献   
应意大利道教协会的邀请,中国道教协会副秘书长孟至岭道长和编辑部副主任尹志华博士于3月4日抵达意大利卡塞塔省(Provinciadi Caserta),出席2011年道教节世界庆典开幕典礼。出席典礼的还有新加坡道教协会和马来西亚沙巴  相似文献   
1月8日至11日,中国道教协会会长任法融一行应邀赴港参加香港啬色园黄大仙祠90周年纪庆系列活动。随同任会长访港的有中国道教协会副秘书长李兆彩、北京白云观管委会主任李信军等9人。  相似文献   
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