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错误论和非事实论是用语义方式表述的两种不同形态的非实在论,当中涉及"真"、"假"、"指称"、"真值条件"这样的语义概念。布高西昂认为,针对真值条件内容概念的错误论和非事实论是内在地不一致的,从而可以先验地予以拒绝。本文详细分析布高西昂的论证,揭示其论证的缺陷,以及分析布高西昂与其批评者达维特之间的争议,消除他们对用于表述非实在论的语义概念的误解,尝试为真值条件内容非实在论给出一致的表述。  相似文献   
Adults are often better at recognising own-race than other-race faces. Unlike previous studies that reported an own-race advantage after administering a single test of either holistic processing or of featural and relational processing, we used a cross-over design and multiple tasks to assess differential processing of faces from a familiar race versus a less familiar race. Caucasian and Chinese adults performed four tasks, each with Caucasian and Chinese faces. Two tasks measured holistic processing: the composite face task and the part/whole task. Both tasks indicated holistic processing of own-race and other-race faces that did not differ in degree. Two tasks measured featural and relational processing: the Jane/Ling task, in which same/ different judgments were made about face pairs that differed in features of their spacing, and the scrambled/blurred task, in which test faces were scrambled (isolates memory for components) or blurred (isolates memory for relations). Both tasks provided evidence of an own-race advantage in both featural and relational processing. We conclude that even when adults process other-race faces holistically, other manifestations of an own-race advantage remain.  相似文献   
很多论者遵循黄宗羲的看法把白沙学看作阳明学的先导。事实上,白沙学与阳明学、象山学都有根本性的不同。陈白沙的三大学术要旨(自然、自得、主静)无法以心学来统括。白沙的思想渊源、身后影响等也证明白沙学非心学。以心学来说白沙学,是20世纪产生的一种很大的误读。黄宗羲以阳明学的兴起、发展作为主线来叙述明代学术,有一定的合理性,但也有很大的片面性。  相似文献   
老子是第一个提出人性善的哲学家。从他的宇宙生成论、人性修养论可以看出老子是主张人性善的。老子认为人性变坏的原因主要是客观事物的影响和世俗教育,"复归于婴儿"是老子人性修养论的总纲,其复归美好天性的主要措施是:反对享乐品的出现,反对世俗的教育。  相似文献   
此文以闽台缘为着力点,以明清时期闽台多明我会的往来联系为考察对象,分明末和晚清两个时间段来论述闽、台多明我会的相互关系。具体为:明末时期,多明我会由台入闽,呈现单向流动特点;晚清时期,闽台多明我会互有往来,交流频繁,两地教务的发展呈现较大的相似性。剖析个中原因,闽台间的历史地理、经济文化渊源,与多明我会在闽台的传播过程中有密不可分的联系。  相似文献   
六朝道教典籍《真诰》使用了口语、俗语,其用语较有特点,学界多有讨论。但由于道教文献的特殊性,其中对某些语词的讨论尚欠深入,仍有可商之处,本文即对"不授"、"盛"、"建"三个语词的含义进行了考释。  相似文献   
中国传统环境伦理思想以德性的视角和话语关注人与自然环境的关系,强调面对自然存在物或置身自然界时应当培养和展示人的卓越品质。从其作为一种环境德性伦理来看,中国传统环境伦理思想既是应对现代环境问题的生态智慧,也是实施环境道德教育的德育资源,对于生态文明建设具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
自由软件是拥有"中心自由"的软件.为了把"中心自由"贯彻到自由软件许可证之中,自由软件基金会利用现代版权制度创造性地提出左版概念.但是在实现"中心自由"的过程中,自由软件遇到来自用户的不道德使用、程序员的偏好,科技进步是"双刃剑"以及私权软件的诘难等方面的伦理困境,从而对"中心自由"形成挑战.然而,根据罗尔斯"无知之幕"的概念,"中心自由"之自由0是自由软件社区内公正合理分配权利和责任的守护神.实际上,没有法律帝J度作保障,对自由软件的任何道德限制最终都难以实现.  相似文献   
The recognition memory for inverted faces is especially difficult when compared with that for non-face stimuli. This face inversion effect has often been used as a marker of face-specific holistic processing. However, whether face processing without awareness is still specific remains unknown. The present study addressed this issue by examining the face inversion effect with the technique of binocular rivalry. Results showed that invisible upright faces could break suppression faster than invisible inverted faces. Nevertheless, no difference was found for invisible upright houses and invisible inverted houses. This suggested that face processing without awareness is still specific. Some face-specific information can be processed by high-level brain areas even when that information is invisible.  相似文献   
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