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应澳门道教协会邀请,中国道教协会组成以任法融会长为团长、丁常云副会长、袁炳栋秘书长等7人的参访团于2007年3月16日至20日赴澳,参加了“2007道教文化周”活动。  相似文献   
心灵返朴与生命归真——《道德经》养生思想管窥   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道教的养生术滥觞于《道德经》,其养生思想和方法博大精深,对后世产生了深远影响。自古及今注疏《道德经》者对其养生思想仁者见仁,智者见智,众说纷  相似文献   
B2C电子商务中消费者的风险来源及其影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
研究目的是通过考察B2C(Business to Consumer)电子商务中消费者知觉到的风险来源来验证电子商务交易中的虚实界面假设。通过访谈法和问卷法调查了337名被试,探讨了B2C电子商务中消费者认知到的风险来源结构,以及这些风险来源对消费者认知风险的影响。结果表明:消费者在B2C电子商务中的认知风险一部分来源于虚实界面  相似文献   
禅籍中有大量俗语词意义隐晦,有待诠释。本文结合文献和现今活的方言例证,对“高茅”、“骨底骨董”、“哄哄恫恫”、“轰轰磕磕”、“胶胶缀缀”、“狤狤獠獠”等数则词语作了考释。  相似文献   
邹衍在稷下学宫创建了阴阳五行学派,邹衍的主要思想,反映了阴阳家试图对自然界和人类社会作为一个统一体而做出解释。  相似文献   
该研究以山东省610名高中生为被试,检验了中文版一般自我效能量表(GSES)的信度和效度.结果表明:(1)中文版GSES的有些项目,区分度不高;(2)中文版GSES具有较高的内部一致性信度与分半信度,但重测信度不高;(3)中文版GSES的单维度性没有得到证实;(4)中文版GSES不具有很好的预测效度.  相似文献   
儿童期社交退缩的亚类型及与社会适应的关系   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
对20世纪80年代以来有关儿童期社交退缩的研究进行了综述,包括社交退缩的概念、研究方法、亚类型以及不同类型社交退缩行为与儿童社会适应之间的关系。对社交退缩的概念进行了总结,指出社交退缩包括安静退缩、活跃退缩和焦虑退缩3种亚类型,其中安静退缩在儿童中后期与社会适应的关系较为紧密,活跃退缩在整个儿童期都与社会适应水平负向联系,而焦虑退缩与社会适应之间的关系具有情境性的特点,只有熟悉情境下的焦虑退缩行为才与社会适应具有负向联系。最后,文章指出了现有研究的不足和今后的研究方向。  相似文献   
How do early bilingual experiences influence children's neural architecture for word processing? Dual language acquisition can yield common influences that may be shared across different bilingual groups, as well as language-specific influences stemming from a given language pairing. To investigate these effects, we examined bilingual English speakers of Chinese or Spanish, and English monolinguals, all raised in the US (= 152, ages 5–10). Children completed an English morphological word processing task during fNIRS neuroimaging. The findings revealed both language-specific and shared bilingual effects. The language-specific effects were that Chinese and Spanish bilinguals showed principled differences in their neural organization for English lexical morphology. The common bilingual effects shared by the two groups were that in both bilingual groups, increased home language proficiency was associated with stronger left superior temporal gyrus (STG) activation when processing the English word structures that are most dissimilar from the home language. The findings inform theories of language and brain development during the key periods of neural reorganization for learning to read by illuminating experience-based plasticity in linguistically diverse learners.  相似文献   
Queue wait is a prevalent daily experience, with most prior research documenting its negative consequences on consumer outcomes. Recent research has suggested otherwise, revealing potential positive effects of queue wait. However, studies on the positive queue effects are rather limited and have largely neglected the role of consumers' affective experience in driving potential favorable consumer outcomes. Expanding this stream of research, in this article, we build on the queue wait literature and the curiosity literature to propose that the presence of queue waits generates feelings of curiosity and more importantly such curious feelings influence consumers' decision-making in fashions that enhance their purchase intentions. The boundary condition for this effect was also examined. Five studies provided empirical evidence: the presence versus absence of queue wait enhances participants' purchase intentions that carry real consequences (Study 1); this effect is mediated by participants' feelings of curiosity after accounting for quality (Study 2) or after controlling for quality (Studies 1, 3–5), and is stronger among participants with hedonic versus utilitarian consumption motivation (Studies 4 and 5). By documenting the curiosity account for the positive effect of queue wait on consumers' purchase intentions, this research adds to extant research on positive queue effects and expands the curiosity literature into the queue wait context. The observed moderating effect of hedonic versus utilitarian consumption motivation echoes with the curiosity account. Practical implications for marketers were discussed.  相似文献   
探讨社会比较对大学生抑郁的影响机制,采用社会比较倾向量表、物质主义价值观量表、正念注意觉知量表和抑郁问卷,对980名大学生进行了调查研究。结果表明:1.社会比较和物质主义价值观都显著正向预测了大学生抑郁;2.物质主义价值观在社会比较对大学生抑郁的影响中起部分中介作用;3.正念在社会比较通过物质主义价值观对大学生抑郁产生影响的中介过程中起调节作用,正念调节了中介过程的后半路径。因此,在社会比较对大学生抑郁的影响过程中,物质主义价值观起到了部分中介作用,正念起到了调节作用。  相似文献   
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