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禁忌是指被禁止或忌讳的言行,在古代被认为是不可触犯的戒律。禁忌作为人类最古老的观念,从原始社会到传统社会一直是人类生命安全的守护神。然而,近代以来市场经济、工业革命和现代科技汇聚成的巨大力量使过去建立在畏惧敬畏对象和恇畏对象基础上的禁忌消失殆尽,导致了许多前所未有的重大社会问题和灾难性事件。因此,重建近代以来被否弃的禁忌观念必须提上议事日程。今天的禁忌对象也无非就是敬畏对象和恇畏对象这两大类,前者包括自然、神灵和祖先,后者包括战争、恐怖主义、干预人类自然生长和生活的各种科学研究,以及毒品、性乱、谣言、不讲卫生等。重建禁忌观念,就是要努力促使人们将禁忌内化为自己的底线生存观念,从而在内心深处对触犯禁忌感到羞耻和有罪。当前尤其要注重从小培养人们的畏惧和禁忌意识,强化触犯禁忌的耻感和罪感,营造切忌触犯禁忌的舆论氛围,用法律和道德促进禁忌观念形成。  相似文献   

According to the temporal need–threat model, ostracism results in three stages of responses. Research on the responses to ostracism has predominantly focused on the first two stages, and the literature needs further empirical evidence on responses to long-term ostracism. We conducted two studies to better understand the association between long-term ostracism and depressive symptoms. Study 1 found a positive association between long-term ostracism and depressive symptoms. More importantly, Study 1 found the threatened sense of meaning in life partially mediates the relationship. Study 2 further found that self-compassion, a positive and healthy trait, weakens the relationship between long-term ostracism and depressive symptoms. More specifically, self-compassion moderates the relationship between the threatened sense of meaning in life and depressive symptoms. Our findings not only further our understanding about the negative consequences of long-term ostracism but also suggest a possible way to mitigate depressive symptoms associated with long-term ostracism.  相似文献   
早期全真道在山东的活动,根据以往的研究,似乎只集中于胶东半岛,沂蒙山区未见记述。然而新见考古资料《仙公山建栖真观记》揭示了早期全真道一段不为人知的历史,它表明,沂蒙山区也是早期全真道的重要活动区域。沂源县安平村栖真观是早期全真道在山东地区最重要的活动中心之一,其辐射面相当大,影响西至济南,并且在当时全真道当中十分活跃,具有重要地位。这一新发现将改写山东地区早期全真道的历史。  相似文献   
田单与田横是中国古代历史上的两个重要人物,他们分别生活在战国末年和秦朝末年,对中国古代历史的发展都产生了重要的影响。对两人进行比较研究,不仅有利于我们加深对两人及其所处历史时代的认识,而且更重要的是能从两人的成败得失中得到启迪。  相似文献   
本文用系统科学方法分析了化学物致癌机制,化学致癌是一个长期的,多基因,多阶段,多病因过程已被公认,研究者们认为化学致癌系统由基因和非基因因素构成,在此系统中存在若干系统属性,如整体性,综合性,动态性等,医学研究者要在癌症病因,治疗和预防中取得的半功倍成效,就应该科学地运用致癌系统中的这些系统属性。  相似文献   
蒋狄青 《学海》2015,(1):121-130
本文拟从社会政策学角度考察著名的托克维尔悖论,探讨托克维尔有关英国即将爆发革命的预测失败之原因。通过解读《济贫法报告》等著作,本文发现托克维尔考察英国济贫制度时,在实地调查、文献梳理、文档收集等方面有许多不足之处,他全面接受了当时功利主义的观点,误解了英国社会权利的来源和影响。此外,他受到国家理论的局限,过于重视中央集权的官僚体制、遗漏地方社区政府的重要角色,从而忽视了地方自治政府在横向和纵向上在提供社会福利时的高效率和巨大作用。  相似文献   
大学生主观幸福感的测量研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
姜永杰 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1460-1462
本文主要论述了大学生主观幸福感的测量研究的现状及其测量研究的内容,并讨论了大学生主观幸福感的测量研究的发展趋向,旨在为以后的研究提供参考。  相似文献   
Self‐construal is thought to mediate and explain the effects of culture on a wide variety of outcome variables. A meta‐analysis of published cross‐cultural self‐construal research is reported in this article, and the results across studies suggests that the evidence for the predicted cultural differences is weak, inconsistent, or nonexistent. The results of 3 priming experiments (N = 121, N = 99, and N = 361) suggest that (a) priming does not account for the inconsistent results observed in the meta‐analysis, (b) that scores on a self‐construal scale appear to be measuring trait‐like constructs that are not sensitive to priming, and (c) that measures of self‐construals lack convergent validity. The results of several measurement studies (N = 121, 223, 230, 323, 214, 206, 126, 204, 148, 141, and 150) were inconsistent with the a priori two‐factor measurement model in every case. Self‐construal scales were found to be radically multidimensional and highly unstable within and across cultures. These results lead us to conclude that catastrophic validity problems exist in research involving the use of self‐construal scales in cross‐cultural research.  相似文献   
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