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心理学能够从对实证资料积累的追求中解放出来,转而注重学科自身的理论反思与理论建构,是心理科学逐渐走向成熟的一种表现。随着西方理论心理学的崛起,中国心理学理论研究也逐渐得到重视,出现很多有价值的理论成果,但在心理学元理论和实体理论的建设上,仍旧过度依赖欧美心理学,原创性的元理论和实体理论几乎没有。在研究的规模、研究领域、研究水准、研究方法乃至研究从业者数量上的差距也使中国理论心理学发展显得步履维艰。然而,西方理论心理学的崛起却可以给中国理论心理学发展带来重要启示,在对中国理论心理学建构过程中,要积极对国外理论心理学的理论思维和理论研究方法进行筛淘,加强原创性的理论建设,处理好理论与实践、引进与创新、反思和建构的关系。  相似文献   
The energetic driving force and resistance for shearing and cracking in metallic glasses (MGs) are quantitatively evaluated. A universal thermodynamic criterion is proposed for better understanding the intrinsic correlations between fracture toughness and Poisson’s ratio, the competitions between various deformation modes and the ductile-to-brittle transition in MGs and other materials. A new cooperation parameter δ is also introduced to depict quantitatively the relative propensity of shearing versus cracking. This work could provide insights into the long-standing issues of deformation mechanisms of glassy materials, and be helpful in searching for ductile and tough MGs.  相似文献   
The effects of irradiation with electrons having energies in the range 0.7–1.7 MeV on the dark conductivity and the network of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) thin films have been studied. The dark conductivity measurements show that electron irradiation leads to a degradation in the dark conductivity, with the degradation being greater at lower electron energies. The Raman results suggest that the irradiation induces structural defects in the a-Si:H films, with the lower energy electrons producing more disorder in the amorphous network.  相似文献   
There have been a number of behavioral and neural studies on the processing of syntactic gender and number agreement information, marked by different morpho-syntactic features during sentence comprehension. By using the event-related potential (ERP) technique, the present study investigated whether the processing of semantic gender information and the processing of notional number information can be differentiated and to what extent they might interact during Chinese pronoun resolution. The pronoun (with singular form in Experiment 1 and with plural form in Experiment 2) in a sentence matched its antecedent or mismatched it with respect to either biological gender or notional number or both. While the number mismatch elicited a P600 effect starting from 550 ms (for singular pronoun) or 400 ms (for plural pronoun) post-onset of the pronoun, the gender mismatch elicited an earlier (for singular) and larger (for both singular and plural) P600 effect. More importantly, the double mismatch produced a P600 effect identical to the effect elicited by the single gender mismatch. These results demonstrate that biological gender information and notional number information are processed differentially and have different processing priorities during Chinese pronoun resolution.  相似文献   
通过探索我国运动员主观幸福感的内部结构,并对我国运动员主观幸福感的外部影响因素进行分析。研究结果发现,我国运动员主观幸福感由7个二级指标及38个三级指标构成,其中负性情感、生活环境、训练竞赛、人际关系等二级指标对我国运动员主观幸福感有重要影响。竞赛水平的发挥、教练员对运动员的公平性、运动员伤残补偿制度建设、运动队管理方式、运动成绩提升空间等三级指标是影响运动员幸福感的重要外部因素。  相似文献   
蒋奖  徐凤  曾陶然  徐亚一 《心理科学进展》2014,22(11):1782-1790
体验购买是指为了获得生活经历或经验而进行的购买, 与其相对应的是实物购买, 指的是为了拥有物质类商品而进行的消费行为。这两种购买类型对于个体的快乐有着不同的影响, 体验购买比实物购买更让人感到快乐和愉悦, 其中的原因存在于以下5个方面:体验随时间的推移而改善, 变得越来越美好; 体验与自我的联系更为紧密; 体验购买不易引起社会比较; 体验能够满足基本心理需要, 尤其是关系需要; 体验易于分享。未来研究可以从以下3个方面着手:(1) 探索购买类型对快乐感的长期影响以及对不同取向幸福感的作用, 体验优先的适用范围; (2) 改进现有回忆和想象的研究范式, 提高生态效度; (3) 结合我国实际情况开展购买类型与快乐感的本土化研究。  相似文献   
刀切法是统计学家Quenouille提出的一种参数估计方法,由Miller等在1998年首次将刀切法应用在单侧化准备电位(LRP)启始时间点(onset)的测量中。相对于以往单个被试法而言,它是较新的一种统计方法。本文综述了刀切法的统计原理和基本使用过程,并和单个被试法进行了差异比较,最后对这一方法的发展趋势做了展望。  相似文献   
基于期望-效价理论探讨了期望(关系修复可能性)和效价(关系重要性)对工作场所排斥后应对行为的影响。研究1采取回忆范式证实了遭遇工作场所排斥后个体将以积极、消极或不作为行为进行应对,而期望和效价对应对行为有显著预测作用;研究2在研究1基础上,通过情境问卷对期望和效价进行操纵,进一步验证了期望、效价与应对行为之间的因果关系,即关系修复可能性越大、关系越重要,个体越倾向以积极而非消极行为进行应对。  相似文献   
This study aimed to examine whether dopamine (DA) pathway gene variation were associated with smoking cessation, and compare the relative importance of infulence factors on smoking cessation. Participants were recruited from 17 villages of Shandong Province, China. Twenty-five single nucleotide polymorphisms in 8 DA pathway genes were genotyped. Weighted gene score of each gene was used to analyze the whole gene effect. Logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratios (OR) of the total gene score for smoking cessation. Dominance analysis was employed to compare the relative importance of individual, heaviness of smoking, psychological and genetic factors on smoking cessation. 415 successful spontaneous smoking quitters served as the cases, and 404 unsuccessful quitters served as the controls. A significant negative association of total DA pathway gene score and smoking cessation was observed (p < 0.001, OR: 0.25, 95% CI 0.16–0.38). Dominance analysis showed that the most important predictor for smoking cessation was heaviness of smoking score (42%), following by individual (40%), genetic (10%) and psychological score (8%). In conclusion, although the DA pathway gene variation was significantly associated with successful smoking cessation, heaviness of smoking and individual factors had bigger effect than genetic factors on smoking cessation.  相似文献   
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