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现有先天性心脏病防治模式存在明显不足.为了更加有利于患者的治疗及先心病的学科发展,建议重新构建先心病学科新模式,将先心病独立成科,内外科融为一体,使先心病学科向专业化发展.  相似文献   
医护人员工作倦怠与A型人格、控制点的关系研究   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
蒋奖  许燕  林丹瑚 《心理科学》2004,27(2):364-366
通过对320名医护人员的调查,探讨工作倦怠与A型人格,控制点之间的关系。结果表明:(1)情绪疲惫、去人性化与A型人格、控制点存在显著正相关,个人成就感与控制点存在显著负相关。(2)A型人格、控制点对情绪疲惫,去人性化具有正向预测作用,控制点对个人成就感具有负向预测作用。(3)与B型人格相比.A型人格者的去人性化程度更高;与内控者相比,外控者工作倦怠程度更高。  相似文献   
成就目标定向与学习策略、学业成绩的关系研究综述   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
蒋京川  刘华山 《心理科学》2004,27(1):168-170
成就目标理论整合了曾经分离的动机研究和认知研究,是社会认知取向在动机领域中的代表性课题。文章对近十年国内外成就目标定向与学习策略、学业成绩的关系研究进行了综述,认为研究所取得的成果加深了我们对学习内在机制的理解。同时,作者也提出了这一领域应改进测量工具、进行重复验证、跨文化研究以及干预研究的主张。  相似文献   
企业管理者人际沟通能力结构研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究拟在系统论指导下建构企业管理者人际沟通能力结构,并对结构中各元素之间的关系进行探讨。通过访淡、开放性问卷、专家评定等方法编制问卷,并对上海、沈阳、宁夏等地区企业429位管理者进行测量。在获取问卷信度、效度后,对人际沟通能力结构进行分析。结果显示:人际沟通能力由沟通倾向、沟通技能和沟通认知能力三元成分组成;在沟通认知与沟通倾向、沟通认知与沟通技能之间存在直接的相互作用,沟通倾向与沟通技能是通过沟通认知彼此发生间接的相互作用。  相似文献   
This study examined biases in attention and memory toward body-related images among restrained (n = 31) and unrestrained (n = 29) eaters. Attentional allocation to images of thin and overweight bodies during a visual search task was measured by tracking participants’ eyegaze. This task was followed by a recognition test assessing participants’ memory for those images. Restrained and unrestrained eaters allocated more attention to body-related images than to control images, but there was no difference in attentional allocation between the two groups. Restrained eaters showed better recognition of body-related images that they had previously seen during the visual search task. Finally, increased attention was associated with better recognition of body-related images for both restrained and unrestrained eaters, but restrained eaters had better overall recognition regardless of the level of attention. These findings suggest that restrained eaters may have more organized strategies for processing body-related information than do unrestrained eaters.  相似文献   
In the attentional boost effect, memory for images presented at the same time as unrelated targets (e.g., an orange square) is enhanced relative to images presented at the same time as distractors (e.g., a blue square). One difficulty in understanding the nature of this enhancement is that, in most experiments demonstrating the attentional boost effect, targets have been less common than distractors. As a result, the memory enhancement associated with target detection may have been driven by differences in the relative frequencies of targets and distractors. In four experiments, participants encoded images into memory at the same time that they monitored a second, unrelated stimulus stream for targets. In some conditions, targets were as common as distractors (1:1 ratio); in others, targets were rare (1:6 ratio). The attentional boost effect was present when the target and distractor frequencies were equated, ruling out oddball and distinctiveness effects as explanations. These effects were observed when targets required a buttonpress and when they were covertly counted. Memory enhancements were not observed for images presented at the same time as rare distractor stimuli. We concluded that selectively attending to events that require an overt or covert response enhances the processing of concurrent information.  相似文献   
上世纪80年代末期,中国开启了民族伦理学的研究。经过20余年的发展,民族伦理学取得了令人瞩目的成果,不仅有多部民族伦理学专著出版、大量的研究论文问世,而且在一些民族高等院校设立了民族伦理学研究所,招收民族伦理学方向的研究生。但是,在民族伦理学研究一派繁荣的表象  相似文献   
蒋波 《管子学刊》2011,(3):30-33
我国古代的隐逸发生很早,至迟在商周之际就有不少可信的例子,到春秋时期成为一种普遍社会现象。对于隐逸,管、晏进行了具体分析,给予隐士客观评价,并主张国家积极征召隐士。管、晏的隐逸观与他们自身经历有关,也是其“举贤授能”人才思想的一部分。管、晏招隐士的主张,对于当时诸侯笼络人才、赢取民心、稳定社会具有积极作用。  相似文献   
朱宇  江汶聪 《心理学探新》2011,31(5):445-449
该研究以某985高校550名硕士毕业生为样本,编制、修订了相关问卷或量表,通过数据分析探讨了就业压力源对就业过程产生的负性情绪的直接效应及人格、情绪调解策略等中介变量的效应。结果发现,就业压力源、神经质性对负性情绪有显著直接效应,就业压力源通过人格的神经质性维度对负性情绪产生显著间接效应;神经质性的影响程度大于就业压力源的影响程度。关于负性情绪,未发现情绪调节策略对其有显著的直接效应或中介效应。  相似文献   
1958年发掘的湖南长沙金盆岭西晋永宁二年墓墓室四角距墓底1.54米处各有一块平砌的砖伸出壁面一段,表明该墓形制乃模拟北斗,象征着整个墓室乃是死者卧斗修炼成仙的炼形之宫。墓中出土的陶俑等40件精美器物分区摆放,其中对书俑应为司命司录俑,其三笔象征司命神所注写墓主人三命,另可识别有诵经真官俑、鬼官北斗俑等。不同的器物群构成不同的功能区域,代表着墓主人地下修炼成仙过程的不同阶段。墓内器物有其内在符号逻辑,表达着墓主人所追求的太阴炼形、飞升成仙的终极理想。文中首次提出墓葬器物分布逻辑分析法,力图还原墓葬及器物背后那个支配着整个仪式结构的思想图景。  相似文献   
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