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语言构成并反映了使用这门语言的民族的存在世界,分析一种语言是达到使用它的民族的存在世界的途径.治水是汉民族根源性智慧的发源地,通过对水部、泉部、川部等与水系词汇的分析可以达到对汉民族的存在世界的理解.从水系词汇出发可以把汉民族的存在世界分为感性具体性、动作与行为、一般普遍性、对水的性质的认识、普遍性五个层次,每一个层次都对应一个专门的词汇类型.词汇可以跨界使用,这表明汉民族的存在世界是变动不居、生生不息的.从对词汇的分析中,可以看出汉民族存在世界的时间意识、法律意识、以主客体的同一性为内涵的主体性、主体性的生命力和人的境界等."永"、"恒"分别表示客观与主观的时间;"灋"(法)有一个从行动优先到普遍原则优先的转化;"渊"在老子为道、心,在<中庸>为"诚",这是二者对于根源性智慧的不同运用;"凑泊"见证了道学从理学到心学的转型;"活"同为禅宗和儒家的境界哲学;"洋"将会有一个从价值判断到事实描述的演变史.  相似文献   
在17、18世纪的西欧启蒙运动中,儒家思想作为"理性"的化身,启发了欧洲启蒙主义哲学,著名的《法国人权宣言》就包含了儒家思想;1948年联合国发布的《世界人权宣言》也包含有儒家思想。但是,在中国本土,近代以来为了吸收西欧人权思想,思想界的主要工作是批判以至于清除儒家思想。20世纪90年代以来,美国的儒家研究者和中国思想界的不少学者认为,儒家思想也是人权的思想,比西方还要丰富。从"概念认识论"的方法论看,这些观念其实并不是人权思想;如果把这些内容等同于人权,不仅是对儒家思想和人权思想的误解,也十分不利于人权建设。儒家思想对于当代世界人权建设能够做出自己的贡献。鉴于当今人类生存所面临的生态等各类问题,可以运用儒家思想重构人权观念,把人权置于人与人、人与社会、人与自然的整体框架中进行思考,形成第四代人权观念。  相似文献   
目的了解工科院校大学生网络成瘾现状及其与人格特征的关系,为多方面理解网络成瘾及其矫治提供依据。方法采取随机抽样的方法从西安市某工科院校抽取学生共262人,用网络成瘾量表和艾森克人格量表对研究对象进行测试。结果网络成瘾检出率为41.8%;男生网络成瘾程度显著高于女生;大三、大四学生网络成瘾程度显著高于大一学生,大三学生成瘾程度显著高于大二学生和大四学生;大学生的网络成瘾程度与神经质、精神质呈显著的正相关,与掩饰性呈显著的负相关,与内外向的相关不显著。结论人格特征在一定程度上可以预测网络成瘾的程度。  相似文献   
本文试图对朱子关于心、性的结构及其关系的学说提出一些新的见解。按照传统理解,朱子属于理学,阳明属于心学;在理学中心、性是分离的,而在心学中心即是性。这种见解大体不误,能够揭示两派的特点。可是,也有一些当代学者称朱子哲学为心学,如中国的钱穆先生、美国的狄百瑞  相似文献   
Reduced neural activation have been consistently observed during repeated items processing, a phenomenon termed repetition suppression. The present study used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate whether and how stimuli of emotional valence affects repetition suppression by adopting Chinese personality‐trait words as materials. Seventeen participants were required to read the negative and neutral Chinese personality‐trait words silently. And then they were presented with repeated and novel items during scanning. Results showed significant repetition suppression in the inferior occipital gyrus only for neutral personality‐trait words, whereas similar repetition suppression in the left inferior temporal gyrus and left middle temporal gyrus was revealed for both the word types. These results indicated common and distinct neural substrates during processing Chinese repeated negative and neutral personality‐trait words.  相似文献   
As the ion density at a solid–liquid interface changes, the interfacial tension varies accordingly, which can lead to a large energy density output, particularly when amplified by the high specific surface area of a nanoporous material. This concept is validated by the results of a controlled-temperature infiltration experiment on a hydrophobic zeolite immersed in a saturated aqueous solution of sodium acetate. As the temperature changes, the sodium acetate concentration varies significantly, which in turn causes a variation in infiltration pressure. Since the infiltration and defiltration are reversible, under the working pressure, this system exhibits a volume memory characteristic, with a non-monotonic temperature–volume relationship.  相似文献   
Thermal effects on the energy absorption efficiency of a system consisting of hydrophobic mesoporous silica particles immersed in water have been investigated. As the temperature increases, although the infiltration pressure decreases only slightly and the accessible pore volume remains nearly constant, the system recoverability can be significantly improved, primarily due to an increase in outflow pressure. The sequence of changing pressure and temperature has little influence on the system performance.  相似文献   
People sometimes prioritize helping ingroup members over outgroup members, but sometimes they do not. The current research investigated whether residential mobility, a socioecological factor, would reduce ingroup favouritism in prosocial behaviour. In three studies, we found evidence supporting the causal role of residential mobility in reducing ingroup favouritism in prosocial behaviour. First, we found that participants in the residentially stable condition had stronger intentions to help ingroups than outgroups whereas this tendency was eliminated in the residentially mobile condition (Study 1). We replicated these findings by examining participants' money allocation in a dictator game and their actual helping behaviour in an additional request (Study 2). Furthermore, we explored the underlying mechanisms of the effect of residential mobility on ingroup favouritism in prosocial behaviour (Study 3). We found that the differentiation component of individual identity (i.e., distinctiveness and uniqueness from other people) explained the relation between individuals' moving history and ingroup favouritism in prosocial behaviour (Study 3), in which frequent moves increased differentiation, which in turn reduced ingroup favouritism in prosocial behaviour. Taken together, these studies indicate that residential mobility is powerful in shaping people's behaviour toward ingroups and outgroups, which advances the understanding of intergroup processes from a socioecological approach.  相似文献   
主要探讨不同延时间隔和线索类型对遗忘元认知判断的影响。采用传统的学习判断任务,让被试学习40对无意义配对词,并告知随后进行测试,当呈现第一个词时,被试能够回忆与之配对的后一个词。让被试预测当延迟不同时间(5分钟、1天和1周)进行测试时,他们能够记住(学习判断)或者遗忘(遗忘判断)后一词的可能性。最后,要求被试回忆所有词对。结果发现延时间隔对学习判断和遗忘判断有相似的影响;学习判断的等级和相对准确性均高于遗忘判断,说明人们对记住和遗忘的线索很敏感;相比于学习判断,人们监测自己遗忘能力的信心不足。研究结果表明人们能够利用延时间隔和线索类型来预测未来的测验成绩,对遗忘的监测能力低于对记住的监测。  相似文献   
学龄期是个体性心理发展的转折期、关键期。本文在回顾学龄期儿童性心理研究发展脉络的基础上,从国内外学龄期儿童的性心理概念与结构、性心理的发展、研究方法以及性心理健康等几方面概述了该领域现状。该领域研究的进一步发展有赖于学龄期儿童性心理测量工具的改进,影响学龄期儿童性心理健康因素的澄清以及性心理健康教育策略的有效整合。开发出中国情景下的学龄期儿童性心理调查问卷,以期能科学评估他们性心理结构特点和发展应在未来研究中得到重视。  相似文献   
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