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A plethora of data supports links between parenting behaviors and child anxiety, but few studies have examined factors that can contribute to variability in these relations. Adopting a biological sensitivity to context framework, this study explored the role of children's physiological stress reactivity in the links between emotion-parenting and child anxiety symptoms in a group of Chinese families. Sixty-one parent–child dyads (child Mage = 8.21 years, SD = 1.40, range = 6–12 years) participated in an acute stress protocol, from which children's physiological (cortisol and respiratory sinus arrhythmia) responses to a social speech task were recorded. Participants then completed questionnaires assessing parents’ emotion-parenting behaviors and children's anxiety symptoms. Results showed that the relation between supportive emotion-parenting and child anxiety was stronger in the context of greater child RSA suppression to acute stress, such that children higher in RSA suppression exhibited lower anxiety symptoms when supportive emotion-parenting was higher than when it was lower. Thus, these findings supported the biological sensitivity to context model. No significant moderation effect was detected for cortisol reactivity or recovery. Instead, exploratory mediation analyses showed that supportive emotion-parenting was negatively related to child anxiety via greater cortisol recovery. There was also a significant indirect path where unsupportive emotion-parenting was related to blunted cortisol recovery, which in turn was associated with higher child anxiety. The results highlight the importance of coaching parents to respond in supportive ways to children's emotional expressions, particularly in the context of greater child reactivity, to help buffer against childhood anxiety symptoms.  相似文献   
This study examined the association between grandparental co-residence and child academic and behavioral outcomes using a sample from Shanghai, China (n = 1,763), and was built on two theoretical perspectives: intergenerational solidarity theory and the contextual model of family stress. These models integrate the impact of residential and relational proximity to grandparents on child well-being and underscore the importance of family context. This study also explored the moderating effects of family resources using proxies that prior theoretical and empirical studies have found to be important to such associations: family income, parental education, hukou status, and subjective social status. Results indicated that among families without co-residing grandparents, rural and low-income parents reported their children to have more externalizing behavioral issues than their respective urban and non-low-income counterparts. In addition, children who resided in poorly resourced families (i.e., low family income, low parental education, low subjective social status, or rural hukou status) tended to benefit from living with grandparents compared to their well-resourced counterparts in terms of lower externalizing and internalizing behaviors reported by teachers. These results do not negate the potential beneficial effects of living with grandparents for children in well-resourced environments. Implications for practice and policy, as well as future research directions, are discussed.  相似文献   
Drawing on a sample of 438 working professionals from various organizations across the central United States, the authors investigated the relationship between Holland's (1959, 1997) RIASEC (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional) model and employee perceptions of work-family conflict. Results revealed that the RIASEC model contributed unique variance in predicting work-family conflict beyond demographic characteristics and the Big Five personality constructs. The RIASEC interests were found to be associated with different dimensions of work-family conflict. These results signal that vocational interests may influence not only work-related attitudes and behaviors (e.g., job satisfaction, performance), but also one's ability to balance work and family demands.  相似文献   
FOK判断等级及其准确性的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过实验集中探讨了FOK判断等级及其准确性的影响因素。实验以中文字串为学习材料,使用组内设计的实验方法研究了被激活信息的量和强度对FOK等级及准确性的影响。实验结果表明:FOK判断的等级是由被激活信息的总量决定的,和被激活信息的正确与否无关;FOK判断的准确性是由被激活信息的强度决定的;且二者之间是有内在联系的。  相似文献   
本研究选取北京市3所幼儿园108名3~6岁儿童为被试,采用个别测查法对儿童进行非标准空间测量时所依据的认知加工线索进行研究,结果表明:1、3~6岁儿童在一维空间测量中从两个端点和端点之间的连续空间提取信息进行量的判断,当从端点和端点之间的连续空间提取的线索不一致时,多数儿童不能对其进行整合;2、3~6岁儿童二维空间测量主要遵循一维规则,并且一维规则适用于各种图形;3、儿童根据空间量中显著特征进行量的判断,儿童对作为判断依据的显著特征的选择受各维度对比度影响。  相似文献   
从语义上看,社会主义价值体系就是人们对社会主义属性的感受、体验、认知以及评判的总和,体现为一种观念的集合(社会意识系统),社会主义核心价值体系就是指在这些观念集合中居于主体地位、起着主导性作用的观念系统。而在语用层面,社会主义核心价值体系因解释者不同而具有不同的诉求。一般来说,主要有这样三种类型的诉求:国家的角度,基于阶级意志而要求整个社会如何如何;社会的角度,着眼于“应该”的愿景来表达预期的意愿;个体的角度,立足于事实的效力坚持大众认同的标准。  相似文献   
邵建 《学海》2006,(4):117-122
1928年国民党名义上统一全国后,遵照孙中山生前制定的“军政、训政、宪政”的建国策略,决定在全国范围内结束军政,实行训政。国民党训政的实质在于搞一党专制,所以自1929年上半年起,以胡适、罗隆基、梁实秋为代表的“新月派”从人权角度对此进行了尖锐的批判。这一场带有强烈宪政诉求的“人权运动”,揭开了20世纪中国自由主义知识分子与执政党冲突的历史第一幕。但是,近三年(1929—1931年)的“人权论战”,“新月派”遭到了来自左右两个方面的围攻,腹背受敌。“人权论战”的历史困局,同时也是20世纪中国自由主义知识分子的历史困局。  相似文献   
柴民权  管健 《心理科学》2015,(5):1170-1177
以新生代农民工为研究对象,以其对群际通透性的感知为测量指标,检验积极群际接触的有效性,探察群体受害者身份感知和群体认同对积极群际接触有效性的影响,以及群体认同在群体受害者身份感知与积极群际接触关系中的作用。结果表明:(1)积极群际接触可以有效促进新生代农民工对群际通透性的感知;(2)新生代农民工群体受害者身份感知对积极群际接触有效性有显著的中介作用;(3)新生代农民工的城市人认同水平对积极群际接触有效性具有显著的调节作用;(4)新生代农民工群体受害者身份感知对积极群际接触有效性的中介作用不受其群体认同水平的影响。研究结论对积极群际接触的有效性和感知的群体受害者身份与群体认同的关系进行了深入地讨论。  相似文献   
由于视角和侧重点的差异, 无望抑郁认知研究基本上可以分为两大取向。一是以认知易感-压力模型为核心, 围绕“无望”展开的病因学研究, 关注认知危险因素、消极生活事件与无望以及抑郁风险之间的关系。二是以恢复模型为核心, 围绕重获“希望”展开的无望抑郁恢复研究, 关注认知保护因素、积极生活事件与重获希望以及抑郁缓解之间的关系。厘清一些相关问题、整合两个研究取向有利于准确评估个体无望抑郁的风险和弹性恢复。  相似文献   
态度元认知指个体对所持态度的主观判断(如态度是否正确、重要与否等),是态度强度的重要维度,并能在态度说服过程中发挥关键作用。首先介绍态度元认知的主要成分(态度确定性、重要性及矛盾性),然后重点阐述新近对态度说服元认知过程的解释模型:认知加工精细程度模型(ELM),内隐-外显双过程模型(APE)和元认知模型(MCM),并从来源属性(来源可信度)、受众属性(情绪及身体动作)、信息属性(信息与受众的匹配程度)和情景四个方面阐释了影响说服元认知过程的因素。未来可以在态度元认知成分及其影响、说服元认知过程的心理机制、态度元认知神经机制等方面展开进一步研究。  相似文献   
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