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Despite wide applications of both mediation models and missing data techniques, formal discussion of mediation analysis with missing data is still rare. We introduce and compare four approaches to dealing with missing data in mediation analysis including listwise deletion, pairwise deletion, multiple imputation (MI), and a two-stage maximum likelihood (TS-ML) method. An R package bmem is developed to implement the four methods for mediation analysis with missing data in the structural equation modeling framework, and two real examples are used to illustrate the application of the four methods. The four methods are evaluated and compared under MCAR, MAR, and MNAR missing data mechanisms through simulation studies. Both MI and TS-ML perform well for MCAR and MAR data regardless of the inclusion of auxiliary variables and for AV-MNAR data with auxiliary variables. Although listwise deletion and pairwise deletion have low power and large parameter estimation bias in many studied conditions, they may provide useful information for exploring missing mechanisms.  相似文献   
The argument from faultless disagreement employed by the relativist purports to show that contextualism falls short of explaining cases of faultless disagreement. The demonstration is intended to give credence to the relativist semantics of epistemic modality expressions. In this paper we present some cases showing that even though cases of faultless disagreement do reveal some intrinsic features of epistemic modality claims, they do not support the relativist semantics. The sophistication of faultless disagreement goes beyond what the relativist semantics can cope with. We also advance an epistemologically oriented proposal to account for faultless disagreement.  相似文献   
What is the best account to explain the object-based attentional benefit—that is, the spread of attention within an attended object or prioritization of search across possible target locations within an attended object? Using a task in which the location of the target was known with certainty, in the present study we systematically manipulated the type (letters or bites) and the presentation time (long or short) of the target and flankers in order to test the effects of target–object integration and target presentation time on object-based attention. The results showed that an object-based effect could appear when the target was a bite, no matter whether the target presentation time was long or short; but when the target was a letter, an object-based effect was only observed when the target presentation time was short enough. These findings provide additional evidence supporting the argument of attentional spreading in object-based attention. However, this spreading is moderated jointly by target–object integration and the target presentation time.  相似文献   
王小艳  钟毅平  范伟  雷潇 《心理科学》2013,36(4):827-831
采用ERP技术考察句子加工过程中句法信息和语义信息交互作用的时间进程。以汉语“把字句”为实验材料,分别比较句法违例句与双重违例句的LAN和P600效应、语义违例句与双重违例句的N400效应。与句法违例句相比,双重违例句的LAN效应的波幅更负,潜伏期更长,皮层分布更广泛;双重违例句的P600效应出现减弱趋势;双重违例句的N400效应的潜伏期显著长于语义违例句。结果表明,在句子加工的各个阶段,句法信息和语义信息呈持续交互作用,支持句子的平行加工模型。  相似文献   
王南湜 《哲学研究》2012,(3):3-9,127
<正>近年来中国马克思主义哲学研究范式正在发生一种深刻的转变。大致上说来,这种转变的核心之点,是从一种笼统的实践哲学转向回归马克思的实践哲学,即从包含实体性哲学范式和主体性哲学范式两种类型的理论哲学回归实践哲学,进而转向回归历史唯物主义。①这一转向所关涉的问题主要体现在三个方面:一是对于盛行了几十年的黑格尔主义阐释范式的超越,二是对于原本马克思思想的关注,三是对于中国现实问题的理论性关注。而由这些方面的转变,形成了一些具有重大意义的核心问  相似文献   
The current study examined how self-esteem and social achievement goals affect individuals’ emotions independently and jointly using the data collected from 367 college students. Social development goals were related to positive emotions (i.e., love and joy). Social demonstration-avoid goals were related to maladaptive patterns (low levels of joy but high levels of fear, shame and sadness). Social demonstration-approach goals were positively associated with joy but had null relations with all other emotions. The results indicated that social development goals buffered students with low self-esteem against negative emotions and amplified the positive emotional experiences. In contrast, social demonstration-avoid goals were especially harmful for students with low self-esteem.  相似文献   
内隐联想测验“内隐性”的可控性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
贾凤芹  冯成志 《心理科学》2012,35(4):799-805
在许多社会科学研究中,社会称许性会对研究的效度产生不良影响。研究者希望能得到被试的真实态度和反应,从而极力避免这种社会称许性偏见。内隐测量工具的一个主要目的是让研究者能够获得未加任何粉饰的态度测量结果从而消除和避免自我表现和社会称许性。本文通过四个实验考察了内隐联想测验的可掩饰性、掩饰的持久性、掩饰的条件化和IAT经验的迁移性,结果显示:(1)被试可以通过一定的反应策略来掩饰其真实的内隐态度,从而使所测得的个体内隐态度和群体内隐态度失真,典型的反应策略是均衡相容和不相容任务的反应速度;(2)内隐联想测验的可掩饰性需以先前的IAT经验为基础,且IAT经验无需属于相同的测验范畴,对IAT原理的掌握将有助于被试成功地实施掩饰;(3)内隐联想测验的可掩饰性具有一定的时效性,先前的IAT经验越久远,则成功掩饰的可能性越低;总之,内隐联想测验并不能彻底避免社会称许性。  相似文献   
通过对认知风格既往文献的回顾和分析,从临床心理学的角度将认知风格定义为个体在解释生活事件时所偏爱的和习惯化的特征性认知方式,并确定了4个维度:过度概括化、选择性提取、个体化和灾难化。通过开放式问卷调查、参考国内外已有量表、自编项目及专家评定,形成27个项目的认知风格问卷初测版,并分别在大学生样本和非学生样本中进行测试,筛选出在两个样本中都符合心理测量学要求的16个项目,最终形成认知风格问卷正式版。对认知风格问卷正式版进行心理测量学指标考察,结果发现问卷的内部一致性信度、重测信度、结构效度、内容效度、聚合效  相似文献   
汪文义  丁树良 《心理科学》2012,35(2):452-456
目前已有研究证明可达阵在认知诊断测验编制中起重要作用,但迄今为止并没有引起普遍注意。本文主要讨论当题库缺少某些可达阵对应的项目类,对原始题的属性向量在线标定的准确性的影响。本文对含6个属性的独立型结构进行了模拟试验,结果显示:如果题库不充要,原始题的属性标定准确性受到影响,题库中非可达阵中项目对标定有一定的弥补作用。间接印证了可达阵在认知诊断题库起到非常重要的作用。  相似文献   
刘佳 《现代哲学》2020,(1):41-48
工会是资本主义现代性范畴,标志工人阶级集体行动进入到"自为"阶段。马克思恩格斯所目睹的工会组织,是在资本主义雇佣劳动体制下,工人阶级有组织地同资本斗争的共同体形式;但是资本主义体制下的工会必然出现内卷化、贵族化问题,使其倒退为狭隘的经济利益社团。中国共产党在中国社会情境中对工会的政治形态、职能形态、文化形态和制度形态进行系统再造,领导工人阶级革命建国,使工人阶级上升为国家领导阶级,工会进入社会主义国家政权,成为中国共产党治国理政的经常性、基础性工作。"工会再造"是马克思主义工会学说中国化的源头活水,是发展21世纪马克思主义工会学说的现实依据。  相似文献   
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