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Stress is closely associated with not only physical illness but also with indices of psychological maladjustment. However, such negative mental health outcomes may vary depending on the individual’s cognitive style, or perception of stress. Air force pilots are particularly vulnerable to experience a high degree of stress as they are required to conduct missions while simultaneously monitoring for safety in complex and uncertain flight situations. It can thus be posited that appropriate use of cognitive stress management strategies is one of the crucial competency requirements for pilots. As such, the present study examined the effects of stress on psychological symptoms of Korean Air Force pilots and further investigated the moderating role of cognitive flexibility in this relationship. A total of 192 air force pilots participated in the present study. The results indicated that degree of stress was positively correlated with indices of psychological maladjustment, while cognitive flexibility was negatively associated with psychological symptoms. Furthermore, cognitive flexibility demonstrated a significant moderating effect on the relationship between stress and psychological symptoms. Such results suggest that cognitive flexibility may serve as a protective factor in the potential effects of stress on psychological adjustment. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
季琴 《宗教学研究》2005,(3):140-141
支谦译经是研究中古汉语词汇的宝贵材料,本文主要探讨了支谦译经所反映的东汉三国时期的新词.  相似文献   
各位领导、各位代表:现在,我受中国道教协会第六届理事会委托,向第七次全国代表会议作工作报告,请予审议。一、六年来工作的回顾中国道教协会第六次全国代表会议于1998年8月召开,距今已经六年多了。过去的六年,对我们国家来讲是具有重大历史意义的六年,也是极不平凡的六年。在此期间,召开了具有历史意义的中国共产党十六大和十六届三中、四中全会。全党、全国各族人民高举邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想伟大旗帜,在党中央领导下,团结一致,奋力拼搏,战胜种种困难,在改革开放和经济发展诸方面都取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就。党中央、国务院高…  相似文献   
在中俄战略协作伙伴关系的框架下,双方的确没有出现如中美或中国与欧盟之间那样的纷争和冲突,但也缺乏中美、中欧之间相互深刻影响对方的社会进程、经济发展和生活方式变革等积极成果。造成这种矛盾现象的因素固然复杂,但俄罗斯东正教作为远远超出宗教领域的巨大存在,影响着后苏联社会进程的每个方面,却不能被中俄战略协作伙伴关系所考虑,这在客观上必然影响俄中关系,应该是这种战略实施后果不很理想的重要原因。本文探讨两个问题:俄罗斯东正教之于后苏联的超常重要性,以及,中国对俄国的认知绕开东正教因素和无神论政策是不可能的。  相似文献   
Flickering light induces visual hallucinations in human observers. Despite a long history of the phenomenon, little is known about the dependence of flicker-induced subjective impressions on the flicker frequency. We investigate this question using Ganzfeld stimulation and an experimental paradigm combining a continuous frequency scan (1–50 Hz) with a focus on re-occurring, whole percepts. On the single-subject level, we find a high degree of frequency stability of percepts. To generalize across subjects, we apply two rating systems, (1) a set of complex percept classes derived from subjects’ reports and (2) an enumeration of elementary percept features, and determine distributions of occurrences over flicker frequency. We observe a stronger frequency specificity for complex percept classes than elementary percept features. Comparing the similarity relations among percept categories to those among frequency profiles, we observe that though percepts are preferentially induced by particular frequencies, the frequency does not unambiguously determine the experienced percept.  相似文献   
A tableau is a refutation-based decision procedure for a related logic, and is among the most popular proof procedures for modal logics. In this paper, we present a labelled tableau calculus for a temporalised belief logic called TML+, which is obtained by adding a linear-time temporal logic onto a belief logic by the temporalisation method of Finger and Gabbay. We first establish the soundness and the completeness of the labelled tableau calculus based on the soundness and completeness results of its constituent logics. We then sketch a resolution-type proof procedure that complements the tableau calculus and also propose a model checking algorithm for TML+ based on the recent results for model checking procedures for temporalised logics. TML+ is suitable for formalising trust and agent beliefs and reasoning about their evolution for agent-based systems. Based on the logic TML+, the proposed labelled tableau calculus could be used for analysis, design and verification of agent-based systems operating in dynamic environments.  相似文献   
通过对本院2007年~2008年399例放弃治疗后死亡的病历分析,探析放弃治疗的原因,探讨临床对策.病情恶化是放弃治疗的主要原因.放弃治疗涉及医学、哲学、法律等多方面问题.医生应该尽告知义务,尊重患者的生命权、健康权,知情权、选择权和决定权.放弃治疗后,工作的重点应转向安抚和临终关怀,同时规范"放弃治疗"的医学文书.  相似文献   
成功的隆胸手术能够让女性更美丽,但手术失败势必给患者的生理和心理带来巨大的打击.如何正确面对失败的隆胸手术是摆在医患面前的一个严肃的课题.本文详细列举了隆胸手术失败的危害,系统分析了造成隆胸手术失败的原因,积极思索了隆胸手术失败时如何有效的补救.  相似文献   
光照除了传统的视觉作用外, 还具有一定的非视觉效应, 包括调节昼夜节律、褪黑素分泌和警觉性等生理功能和行为表现。随着光照对生理节律影响研究的不断深入, 近来很多学者开始关注光照的警觉性作用。我们根据最新研究进展总结了:(1)警觉性的测量工具; (2)光照强度、时长、时间点、波长、色温等对光照警觉性作用的影响; (3)光照在治疗情绪障碍、调节生理节律、完善办公照明方面的应用; (4)提出了继续探讨光照警觉性作用的神经机制、优化参数特征和探讨混淆变量的研究方向。  相似文献   
Chinese and Canadian children were compared to examine cultural and developmental differences in lay theories of change: implicit beliefs about how the world develops and changes over time. Chinese and Canadian children (ages 7, 9, and 11 years) made predictions about future performance, relationships, happiness, and parental incomes based on a series of scenarios. Overall, the Chinese children predicted greater change than did the Canadian children, indicating that they believed more in change than did the Canadians. Moreover, cultural differences increased significantly with age: In comparison with their Canadian counterparts, Chinese children made no more change predictions at age 7, made slightly more change predictions at age 9, and made significantly more change predictions at age 11. This was true for questions starting with an extremely positive or negative state and those starting with a neutral state. Reasons for cultural and developmental differences were discussed.  相似文献   
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