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The authors' aim was to find the features of balance, proprioception, and gross motor development of Chinese children 3–6 years old and their correlations, provide theoretical support for promoting children's motor development, and enrich the world theoretical system of motor development. This study used a Tekscan foot pressure measurement instrument (Tekscan, Inc., Boston, MA), walking on a balance beam, Xsens 3-dimensional positional measuring system (Xsens Technologies, Enschede, the Netherlands), and Test of Gross Motor Development-2 to assess static balance, dynamic balance, knee proprioception, and levels of gross motor development (GMD) of 3- to 6-year-old children (n = 60) in Beijing. The results are as follows: children had significant age differences in static balance, dynamic balance, proprioception, and levels of GMD; children had significant gender differences in static balance, proprioception, and levels of GMD; children's static balance, dynamic balance, and proprioception had a very significant positive correlation with GMD (p < .01), but no significant correlation with body mass index.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to compare African American and non-African American hepatitis C virus (HCV) patients on self-reported symptoms of HCV liver disease and psychosocial characteristics commonly affected by it in a sample of 309 patients enrolled in a randomized controlled trial. African Americans (n = 196) rated a higher reliance on religion/spirituality for coping with HCV compared to non-African Americans. This study’s findings are a basis for encouragement of public health efforts and programs to seek partnerships with African American faith and religious communities to identify and treat undiagnosed cases of HCV and promote HCV awareness.  相似文献   
This study examined the applicability of the theory of planned behavior to understand factors that influence whether young South Koreans help peers with depression to seek professional counseling services. The structural equation modeling on the survey data collected from 191 South Korean students suggests that subjective norms and behavioral control could be salient factors for young South Koreans to take initiative and assist their peers in need of counseling services. Este estudio examinó la aplicabilidad de la teoría del comportamiento planificado para comprender factores que influyen sobre la decisión de jóvenes surcoreanos de ayudar a sus compañeros que sufren de depresión a buscar ayuda profesional a través de servicios de consejería. El modelo de ecuación estructural de los datos de la encuesta recogidos de 191 estudiantes surcoreanos sugiere que las normas subjetivas y el control del comportamiento podrían ser factores destacados para los jóvenes surcoreanos a la hora de tomar la iniciativa y ayudar a sus compañeros que necesitan servicios de consejería.  相似文献   
This research conducts an extensive review study on the extant research on self‐congruity, and presents some recommendations and propositions for future research. It describes the differences between two constructs (i.e., self‐congruity and brand personality) regarding the symbolic benefits of a brand. It also suggests an integrative model to encompass important cognitive and motivational factors to moderate the relationship between self‐congruity and brand evaluation. Although there should be meaningful moderators of self‐congruity effects that are not addressed in the model, this research can be a starting point for future research in order to develop a better research model for analyzing self‐congruity effects.  相似文献   
元贤是清初具有强烈民族意识和气节的禅僧,他的<鼓山志>在清初编纂刊印以后,一直没有广为流通.清修<四库全书>仅有存目,未收全书,国家图书馆等处所收藏的此书均为残本.本文依据的<鼓山志>现藏于世界宗教研究所,为品相极佳的足本,最早被清初藏书家汪宪收藏,乾隆修<四库全书>时呈于朝廷,又辗转藏于八千卷楼、江苏省图书馆,后流传至民间.该书具有重要的版本价值,内中题记、钤印等亦极为珍贵.本文还考察了历代编修的鼓山寺志的内容和存佚情况,对元贤的流传和撰述时间进行了考证,并在标点校勘该书的基础上,与黄任的<鼓山志>的内容加以比较,指出元贤所编的<鼓山志>从内容、特色以及版本上都具有极为重要的文献价值.  相似文献   
One's ability to properly regulate emotion is critical to psychological and physical well‐being. Among various strategies to regulate emotion, cognitive reappraisal has been shown to modulate both emotional experience and emotional memory. However, most studies of reappraisal have focused on reappraisal of negative situations, with reappraisal of positive emotion receiving considerably less attention. In addition, the effects of reappraisal on emotional reactions to stimuli are typically only assessed either immediately or after a short delay, and it remains unclear whether reappraisal effects persist over longer time periods. We investigated the effect of cognitive reappraisal on emotional reactions and long‐term episodic memory for positive and negative stimuli. Men and women viewed emotionally negative, positive, and neutral pictures while they were instructed to either increase, decrease, or maintain the initial emotional reactions elicited by the pictures. Subjective ratings of emotional valence and arousal were assessed during the regulation task and again after 1 week. Memory for the pictures was assessed with free recall. Results indicated that pictures accompanied by instructions to increase emotion were better recalled than pictures reappraised to decrease emotion. Modulation of emotional arousal elicited by stimuli persisted over a week, but this effect was observed only for men. These findings suggest that cognitive reappraisal can have long‐lasting effects on emotional reactions to stimuli. However, the sex differences observed for the effects of reappraisal on emotional reactions highlight the importance of considering individual differences in the effects of regulation.  相似文献   
The present study is a cross-sectional survey that investigates ethical practices among Chinese psychotherapists from the perspective of a large representative sample of Chinese clients (N?=?1,100). In reports from clients, we found that psychotherapists did poorly in providing informed consent and had other ethical difficulties in the therapeutic setting and with dual relationships. We conclude that Chinese culture, especially Confucianism, had significant impact on the attitudes toward the psychotherapists' ethical practices, which complicated ethical dilemmas. It is important for cross-cultural psychotherapists to become sensitive to the influences of traditional Chinese culture when counseling Chinese clients.  相似文献   
Although Korean American women show high levels of involvement in religious practices and high prevalence of alcohol consumption, no studies have assessed the association between religious denomination and alcohol intake among this group of women. This cross-sectional study examined the associations of religious denomination and religious commitment to alcohol consumption among Korean American women in California. Polychotomous regression models were used to provide estimates of the associations between religious denomination and religious commitment to alcohol consumption. Catholic Korean American women (OR 5.61 P < 0.01) and Independent Christian women (OR 4.87 P < 0.01) showed stronger associations to heavy alcohol consumption when compared to Conservative Christian Korean American women. Path analysis suggested that specific denominations had both direct and indirect effects on the outcome of interest, and that religious commitment and drinking models served as moderators for this phenomenon.  相似文献   

El objetivo del presente trabajo es comparar la eficacia de dos tratamientos, Autoinstrucciones (AI) y Solución de Problemas (SP), en la reducción de la impulsividad infantil y la mejora del rendimiento escolar. Alumnos impulsivos (seleccionados a partir del MFF-20) de cuarto y quinto de EGB (n = 18) fueron asignados a una de las dos condiciones de tratamiento, de dieciocho sesiones, o a un grupo control. Los resultados indican una superior eficacia del tratamiento de SP, ya que las latencias sobre el test MFF-20 aumentaron (p <.01) Y además, tanto en latencias como en errores, diferían de los otros dos grupos al terminar el tratamiento (p <.01). En cuanto al rendimiento escolar, los efectos de ambos tratamientos han sido mínimos, aunque sugieren también cierta superioridad del SP. Estos resultados señalan la necesidad de analizar en los programas multicomponentes el grado de contribución de cada procedimiento a la reducción de la impulsividad, concretamente el componente AI no parece contribuir decisivamente a ello.  相似文献   
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