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The purpose of this study was to examine the change in work values which takes place during adolescence between the ninth and twelfth grades. The Occupational Values Inventory (OVI) was the instrument selected for use in the study. This instrument was previously developed as part of the longitudinal Vocational Development Study (VDS) project in the Department of Vocational Education at the Pennsylvania State University. The unique features of the OVI is that it is an ipsative instrument with a forced choice format containing work value statements with a seventh grade reading level. The major hypothesis of the study was that important changes do occur between ninth and twelfth grades and that these changes differ depending on the students' high school curriculum. The sample for the study were 659 high school students who were seniors in the Spring of 1972 and who had taken the OVI 3 yr previously when they were in ninth grade. The results of the study indicate that five of the seven OVI values did change over the 3-yr period and at least some of this change appeared to be related to the students high school curriculum. Other important findings observed were: (1) the “Salary” value experienced the greatest increase; (2) value intensity changed so that strong values grew stronger and weak values weaker; (3) the Home Economics curriculum which is totally female experienced almost no change in work values while all other curriculums change on at least three values.  相似文献   
Summary Albino rats under either a daily high (2 gms) or moderate (12 gms) food deprivation condition were presented stimuli at the termination of reinforced fixed ratio bar press response chains. Within each drive group, half the animals received a session of brief light-off stimuli accompanied by reinforcement followed by a session of a buzzer and light-off compound stimuli paired with reinforcement. The remaining animals had the buzzer first paired with reinforcement and then the compound stimulus paired with reinforcement. Each stimulus element was tested for its respective control of nonreinforced food-cup approach behavior. These tests demonstrated that the buzzer cue blocked and overshadowed control of approach behavior of the light-off cue. In animals that received the initial light-off conditioning session, overshadowing by the buzzer of the light-off stimulus was less strong in high than moderate drive animals. These results were discussed in terms of Kamin's (1969) findings and Easterbrook's (1959) arousal-cue utilization hypothesis.The present study was supported by a grant given to the senior author from the National Research Council of Canada (APA 7450). The findings of the single stimulus control groups were also presented as a paper in modified form to the Canadian Psychological Association at its annual meeting, 1974, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.  相似文献   
The Tarasoff decision is discussed as a logical extension of evolving legal doctrine imposing a special duty on caretakers. The mental health professions are being held to a standard of negligence and perhaps even to a standard of strict liability. Tarasoff is viewed as a part of society's interest in using the information disclosed in confidential relationships as a means of social control. This in turn is seen as part of a disquieting trend to curtail First Amendment rights. The adversarial nature of the relationship between the 1974 Tarasoff decision and the constitutional rights of patients to privacy, confidentiality, and privilege is discussed. The author re-asserts: “As asepsis is to surgery, so is confidentiality to psychiatry” (Beigler, 1978, p. 255).  相似文献   
Thirty-six four-year-old children of each sex were tested in a two-choice marble dropping task. There were three Ss in each cell of a 3 × 2 × 2 × 2 factorial design. The factors investigated were: reinforcement condition (Contingent, Yoked, Nonreinforcement), sex, base preference level (strong vs weak), Base Rate Level (high vs low). The dependent variables were: base preference ratio, base rate, preference ratio change, rate change. The contingently reinforced Ss had significantly higher preference change scores than Ss in the other two reinforcement conditions but only at the high base preference level. The Ss in both the contingent and yoked groups had higher rate change scores than Ss in the nonreinforcement group. The results were interpreted as indicating social reinforcement may have two effects, one a cue function and the other an effect on S's motivational system. The results indicate that regression effects do not operate in the two-choice task and that crossing baseline levels of performance is an effective way to control baseline differences in analyses of change in the two-choice task.  相似文献   
This experiment was designed to isolate the incentive properties of uncertainty reduction (information) from those of material reward value and variety in a binary, competitive reward situation. After pretraining, fourth-grade children chose between a prescaled high-reward object and a question mark stimulus which concealed one of two lower-valued objects on each of 40 trials. The concealed objects appeared equally often for half the Ss and with a 9:1 ratio for the rest, thus, reducing one or 47 bit of uncertainty, respectively, when chosen. Ss also served as their own controls. In the control condition, stimulus color cued the identity of the concealed object, reducing uncertainty before a choice was made. As predicted, significantly more question marks were chosen when such choice reduced uncertainty (p < .001). Evidence for the influence of relative-reward value and object novelty was obtained. Uncertainty reduction appears to have incentive value independent of other factors.  相似文献   
The number of alternative directions that a point of light can take in the apparent movement produced by the successive exposure of two points of light may be considered its directional information. The present experiment is concerned with the relationship between such directional information and the threshold between apparent movement and apparent successiveness, the original hypothesis being that the greater the directional information, the higher the threshold of movement. In fact, contrary results were obtained. Thresholds were obtained under conditions where movement could occur in either eight directions or only in two directions, better and more persistent movement being found under the former conditions. But this result is obtained only when one measures thresholds by an ascending method: increasing the time separation between light points from optimal movement to successiveness. An hypothesis is proposed to explain the findings stated in terms of “attentional disarticulation”.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT This article describes a semantic space model of personality. According to the model, representations of facets of the self (e.g., actual self, self) and of others are arrayed in a semantic space, with proximities among representations predicted to be associated with mood, self-evaluation, broad personality dimensions. The relation of proximities among pairs of representations to personality and mood measures was found to be mediated by spatial proximity of other representations, indicating that the representations constitute dynamic systems. Proximities among representations were shown predict self-esteem and self-evaluative moods even after controlling for the contribution of the personality dimensions of Neuroticism, Extraversion, and Agreeableness. Generally, the semantic space model led to better predictions did several related models concerning representations of self and other.  相似文献   
Thirty-two female undergraduates were presented with varied, mildly stressful incentives while the temperatures of their face and hands were recorded with infrared telethermography. There was an increase of hand skin temperature to film clips intended to generate a happy affect but cooling to threatening personal questions. There was no significant skin temperature change in response to cognitive tasks or fear eliciting film clips. Larger temperature changes occurred on the hands than on the face, and most subjects were cooler on the left side of the face and the left hand than on the right side of face and right hand.  相似文献   
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