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The present study investigated emotion recognition accuracy and its relation to social adjustment in 7-10 year-old children. The ability to recognize basic emotions from facial and vocal expressions was measured and compared to peer popularity and to teacher-rated social competence. The results showed that emotion recognition was related to these measures of social adjustment, but the gender of a child and emotion category affected this relationship. Emotion recognition accuracy was significantly related to social adjustment for the girls, but not for the boys. For the girls, especially the recognition of surprise was related to social adjustment. Together, these results suggest that the ability to recognize others' emotional states from nonverbal cues is an important socio-cognitive ability for school-aged girls.  相似文献   
The present study investigated whether facial expressions modulate visual attention in 7-month-old infants. First, infants' looking duration to individually presented fearful, happy, and novel facial expressions was compared to looking duration to a control stimulus (scrambled face). The face with a novel expression was included to examine the hypothesis that the earlier findings of greater allocation of attention to fearful as compared to happy faces could be due to the novelty of fearful faces in infants' rearing environment. The infants looked longer at the fearful face than at the control stimulus, whereas no such difference was found between the other expressions and the control stimulus. Second, a gap/overlap paradigm was used to determine whether facial expressions affect the infants' ability to disengage their fixation from a centrally presented face and shift attention to a peripheral target. It was found that infants disengaged their fixation significantly less frequently from fearful faces than from control stimuli and happy faces. Novel facial expressions did not have a similar effect on attention disengagement. Thus, it seems that adult-like modulation of the disengagement of attention by threat-related stimuli can be observed early in life, and that the influence of emotionally salient (fearful) faces on visual attention is not simply attributable to the novelty of these expressions in infants' rearing environment.  相似文献   
Aims: Education is an important indicator of health and well-being. We studied the relationship between childhood family background and later educational achievements. Methods: A total of 10,581 subjects from the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort were studied prospectively covering the period from pregnancy to 31 years of age. The association between family background (two-parent family and three types of single-parent families, wantedness of pregnancy, mother's education, family size, social class and its change between 1966 and 1980) and educational achievements (school performance and highest attained education by age 31) was examined using two-way tables and logistic regression analysis. Results: Low maternal education and large family size were the most powerful predictors for low education in adulthood. Single-parent family background seemed to be less important compared with other family background variables in predicting low school performance or low educational level in adulthood. Conclusions: Single-parent family background and other adverse family features may increase the risk of educational underachievement. However, in a welfare state with well-educated population the effect of single-parent family background seems to be relatively small. Health care professionals, teachers and parents should pay attention to the specific educational needs and counselling of young adults from disadvantaged families.  相似文献   
Information on hopelessness at the population level is limited, and no previous studies have focused on its stability in a general population. We examined the stability and associated factors of hopelessness in a general population sample of 1,389 adults. More than half of those who were hopeless at baseline remained hopeless on follow-up. When those with a mental disorder were excluded, the relative risk for stable hopelessness in unemployed men was 7.2 (95% CI 2.6-19.9), in men with a poor financial situation it was 3.5 (95% CI 1.3-9.3), and in women with a poor financial situation it was 3.8 (95% CI 1.5-9.4). Awareness of the stability of hopelessness offers us newpossibilities in preventative and mental health work.  相似文献   
Humans have shown a detection advantage of direct vs. averted gaze stimuli in visual search tasks. However, instead of attentional capture by direct gaze, the detection advantage in visual search may depend on attention-grabbing potential of the distractor stimuli to which the target needs to be compared. We investigated attentional capture by direct gaze using the change blindness paradigm, in which successful detection does not require comparison between the target and the distractor items. Participants detected a masked gaze direction change in one of four simultaneously presented schematic faces. The distractor gaze directions were systematically varied across three experiments. Changes resulting in direct gaze were detected more efficiently than those resulting in averted gaze, independently of distractor gaze directions. This finding suggests that the detection advantage is specifically due to attentional capture by direct gaze, not properties of distractor items.  相似文献   
This longitudinal study examined the consequences of job crafting on two important employee outcomes: psychological capital (PsyCap) as a work-related personal resource and work engagement as an indicator of employee well-being. The study also tested the reverse causation effects of PsyCap and work engagement on job crafting. It used a three-wave, three-month panel design to survey 940 employees from three European countries working in a broad range of economic sectors and occupations. The results of the cross-lagged longitudinal structural equation modelling demonstrated that job crafting predicted PsyCap and work engagement over time. No reverse causation effects were found. Overall, this study shows that when individuals proactively build a resourceful and challenging work environment for themselves, it can lead to diverse positive outcomes that are crucial to employee health and well-being. Employees should therefore be encouraged and be given the opportunity to craft their own jobs.  相似文献   
This study investigated the factor structure and factorial group and time invariance of the 17-item and 9-item versions of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES; Schaufeli et al. (2002b) Journal of Happiness Studies 3:71–92). Furthermore, the study explored the rank-order stability of work engagement. The data were drawn from five different studies (N = 9,404), including a three-year longitudinal study (n = 2,555), utilizing five divergent occupational samples. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the hypothesized correlated three-factor structure—vigor, dedication, absorption—of both UWES scales. However, while the structure of the UWES-17 did not remain the same across the samples and time, the structure of the UWES-9 remained relatively unchanged. Thus, the UWES-9 has good construct validity and use of the 9-item version can be recommended in future research. Moreover, as hypothesized, Structural Equation Modeling showed high rank-order stabilities for the work engagement factors (between 0.82 and 0.86). Accordingly, work engagement seems to be a highly stable indicator of occupational well-being.  相似文献   
To investigate the extent to which the cognitive strategies people apply in various situations, and their subjective well‐being, predispose them to certain life events, 210 students filled in questionnaires measuring their strategy use, self‐esteem, and depression at the beginning of their studies. Self‐esteem and depression were also measured four and five years later. The participants also filled in a life‐event questionnaire yearly between the first and last measurements. Four groups were identified based on the patterns of positive and negative life events. Moreover, the cognitive strategies young adults reported at the beginning of their studies, and their well‐being, were found to predict group membership. Those who had experienced many positive and only few negative life events showed high well‐being and adaptive strategies, whereas those who had faced many negative but only few positive events reported low well‐being and self‐protective strategies. Groups that experienced many positive and many negative, or only few positive and few negative events, were in between these two extremes. Life event patterning was also found to influence later well‐being. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Background. Student's temperament plays a significant role in teacher's perception of the student's learning style, educational competence (EC), and teachability. Hence, temperament contributes to student's academic achievement and teacher's subjective ratings of school grades. However, little is known about the effect of gender and teacher's age on this association. Aims. We examined the effect of teacher's and student's gender and teacher's age on teacher‐perceived temperament, EC, and teachability, and whether there is significant same gender or different gender association between teachers and students in this relationship. Sample. The participants were population‐based sample of 3,212 Finnish adolescents (M= 15.1 years) and 221 subject teachers. Methods. Temperament was assessed with Temperament Assessment Battery for Children – Revised and Revised Dimensions of Temperament Survey batteries and EC with three subscales covering Cognitive ability, Motivation, and Maturity. Data were analyzed with multi‐level modelling. Results. Teachers perceived boys’ temperament and EC more negatively than girls’. However, the differences between boys and girls were not as large when perceived by male teachers, as they were when perceived by female teachers. Males perceived boys more positively and more capable in EC and teachability than females. They were also stricter regarding their perceptions of girls’ traits. With increasing age, males perceived boys’ inhibition as higher and mood lower. Generally, the older the teacher, the more mature he/she perceived the student. Conclusions. Teachers’ ratings varied systematically by their gender and age, and by students’ gender. This bias may have an effect on school grades and needs be taken into consideration in teacher education.  相似文献   
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