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言语想象不仅在大脑预处理机制方面起到重要的作用,还是目前脑机接口领域研究的热点。与正常言语产生过程相比,言语想象的理论模型、激活脑区、神经传导路径等均与其有较多相似之处。而言语障碍群体的言语想象、想象有意义的词语和句子时的脑神经机制与正常言语产生存在差异。鉴于人类言语系统的复杂性,言语想象的神经机制研究还面临一系列挑战,未来研究可在言语想象质量评价工具及神经解码范式、脑控制回路、激活通路、言语障碍群体的言语想象机制、词语和句子想象的脑神经信号等方面进一步探索,为有效提高脑机接口的识别率提供依据,为言语障碍群体的沟通提供便利。  相似文献   
We examined the religion–deviance relationship in China, analyzing the 2010 China General Social Survey data to estimate ordinary least squares, logistic, and negative binomial regression models. First, we found respondents who followed some form of religion to be no different from those without religion in law or rule violation. Second, respondents of folk religion were more favorable to unconventional sex than those without religion, and those of organized religion were less so. Finally, respondents of organized religion were less likely to report daily drinking and smoking than their irreligious counterparts, whereas those of folk religion were not different from the religious nones.  相似文献   
"次道德"现象的伦理反思   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文试图从“次道德”这一社会现象出发,指出“次道德”是一个“伪概念”,其实质是违法犯罪;之后对“次道德”现象进行了深刻的伦理反思:“次道德”问题的出现,既反映了中国人精神道德陷入了危机,又彰显了当代中国人的道德底线不断崩溃;最后探寻了对这一问题的解决途径。  相似文献   
An auditory Eriksen-flanker task was used to study how conflicting information interferes with selective attention to task-relevant differences in pure-tone frequency. Across the observation intervals of the discrimination task, the relevant frequency differences between target tones were positive, but within an observation interval, they could appear to be small or negative relative to conflicting differences in flanker tones leading or trailing the target. Being correct required attending to the between-target and ignoring the target–flanker pitch relation (across and within observation-interval, respectively). The interference index was an elevation of conflict-laden frequency discrimination thresholds (FDTs), relative to no-conflict FDTs. When conflicting differences in frequency or level (but not in duration) trailed the relevant differences, interference (i.e., FDT elevation) was large and persistent, increased with the target–flanker time proximity, but decreased with extensive training. Interference occurs when the target–flanker pitch relation is more prominent than the one between targets, and the physical and/or perceptual effects of relevant and conflicting differences tend to cancel one another, as with the above conflicting differences. With untrained participants, the target–flanker pitch relation is most prominent in conditions fostering both the perceptual grouping of the target and flanker (e.g., close time proximity), and the recency and salience of the conflicting differences (e.g., trailing conflicting difference); conversely, by lessening such grouping and salience, prolonged training decreases or nullifies the interference. The interference observed herein does not arise because the relevant and the conflicting differences each prompt separate decisions or responses that are in mutual conflict; instead, it arises from the early-stage interaction between their perceptual effects.  相似文献   
Accumulating evidence suggests that particular kinds of dysfunctional beliefs contribute to obsessive-compulsive (OC) symptoms. Three domains of beliefs have been identified: (a) perfectionism and intolerance of uncertainty, (b) overimportance of thoughts and the need to control thoughts, and (c) inflated responsibility and overestimation of threat. These beliefs and OC symptoms are both heritable. Although it is widely acknowledged that OC symptoms probably have a complex biopsychosocial etiology, to our knowledge there has been no previous attempt to integrate dysfunctional beliefs and genetic factors into a unified, empirically supported model. The present study was an initial step in that direction. A community sample of monozygotic and dizygotic twins (N = 307 pairs) completed measures of dysfunctional beliefs and OC symptoms. Structural equation modeling was used to compare 3 models: (a) the belief causation model, in which genetic and environmental factors influence beliefs and OC symptoms, and beliefs also influence symptoms; (b) the symptom causation model, which is the same as (a) except that symptoms cause beliefs; and (c) the belief coeffect model, in which beliefs and OC symptoms are the product of common genetic and environmental factors, and beliefs have no causal influence on symptoms. The belief causation model was the best fitting model. Beliefs accounted for a mean of 18% of phenotypic variance in OC symptoms. Genetic and environmental factors, respectively, accounted for an additional 36% and 47% of phenotypic variance. The results suggest that further biopsychosocial investigations may be fruitful for unraveling the etiology of obsessions and compulsions.  相似文献   
影响驾驶安全的驾驶员注意模式研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
驾驶员的视觉注意模式对于汽车安全驾驶具有非常重要的意义。本文主要从驾驶员的路面视觉扫描模式和整体视觉场景的注意模式两个方面对国内外有关研究进行了概览。主要包括: (1)视觉扫描模式对驾驶安全的影响研究; (2)驾驶员视觉注意分配模型研究; (3)以及针对驾驶员视觉扫描模式的培训研究。并提出进一步研究有待于深入探讨影响驾驶员视觉注意模式的影响因素以及开展适合我国汽车驾驶特点的本土化研究。  相似文献   
许为  葛列众 《心理科学进展》2018,26(9):1521-1534
当前新技术、人机交互的新特征、社会和人的新需求给中国人因学(Human Factors)的进一步发展创造了一个有利时机。本文首先讨论和分析了一些具有代表性的开拓了人因学科研究深度和广度的新技术和新途径, 包括神经人因学, 认知工程, 协同认知系统, 社会技术系统; 以及人因学科应用中的一些挑战和策略。然后, 就进一步发展我国的人因学科, 本文提出首先要解决的问题是建立多学科交叉的人因学科的科研教育体制, 并在此基础上, 注重理论创新, 以创新设计为突破点, 在智能系统、用户体验、航天航空和医疗健康等领域中优先发展和应用。当前迫切需要解决的是, 建立完善的人因学科高校教育体系, 建立完善的人因学科多学科交叉的科研体系, 以及建立人因学科行业资质标准和设计标准体系。  相似文献   
加强我国农民工职业病防治工作的思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
我国现有两亿多农民工,且遭受不同程度的职业病危害,以致近年新发现的职业病人几乎是农民工,但他们却没享受法律规定的平等待遇,为此中央领导多次批示,要求制定有利于《职业病防治法》贯彻落实和职业病防治工作的制本之策。结合广西开展农民工职业病防治工作的实践,指出其6个方面的主要原因和防治对策。  相似文献   
荣辱观建设是道德力量的基本保证   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
今年初胡锦涛同志发表了关于树立社会主义荣辱观的重要讲话,引起了社会的广泛关注。以“八荣八耻”为主要内容的荣辱观是社会主义价值导向的集中体现,是形成良好社会风气的重要基础。学术理论界尤其是伦理学界对树立社会主义荣辱观的相关问题进行了研究和探讨。我刊特开辟“社会主义荣辱观”专栏,对此问题展开研究。本期约请了中国人民大学伦理学与道德建设中心、天津社会科学院部分专家从不同角度对社会主义荣辱观的时代内涵、作用机制、现实意义及如何在实践中贯彻落实等问题进行了阐述,以期推动社会主义荣辱观理论研究的不断深入。  相似文献   
This study examined whether a virtual avatar could be perceived as a real human by patients with mental disease, especially schizophrenia, as well as whether a virtual avatar could be applied to acquiring patients' behavior characteristics in a short conversation situation. The virtual avatar has been used for various applications which need to communicate with other person or to train or educate by showing humanlike behavior. Recently, many researches have shown that the virtual avatar technology has been enhanced and the avatar could be perceived like real human. A virtual avatar, standing in a virtual room, was designed for this study. Tasks to approach, initiate a talk, and answer to avatar's questions was assigned to the 11 patients with schizophrenia. As behavioral parameters in the virtual environment, the interpersonal distance and the verbal response time were acquired. In addition, the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) for patients was administered in order to investigate the relationship between patients' symptomatic characteristics and behavior parameters. The interpersonal distance was negatively correlated with the negative syndrome scale, a subscale of PANSS, which is consistent with previous research reporting the relationship between interpersonal distance and a real person's image. The verbal response time, however, was not correlated with any other subscale of PANSS. After analyzing subitems of the negative syndrome of PANSS, two positive correlations were found: one was with blunted affect and the other was with poor rapport. We concluded that the virtual avatar could be perceived as a real human by schizophrenic patients and the avatar could draw the schizophrenic patients' behavior characteristics.  相似文献   
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