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Quantification of a chaotic system can be made by calculating the correlation dimension (D2) of the data that the system generates (Packard et al., 1980). The D2 algorithm, however, requires stationarity of the generator, a feature that biological data rarely reflect (Mayer-Kress et al., 1988). So we developed the “point correlation dimension” (PD2), an algorithm that accurately tracks D2 in linked data of different dimensions (Carpeggiani et al., 1991). We now present a mathematical argument that, for stationary data, individual PD2s converge to D2 and we demonstrate that the algorithm rejects contributions made by bursts of noise. Data were obtained from the surface of the olfactory bulb of the conscious rabbit (64 electrodes, 640 Hz each, 1.3 sec epochs) before and after presentation of a novel or habituated odor. D2 could be calculated in only 1 of 10 novel-odor trials, whereas PD2 could be calculated in all. Both algorithms indicated that a novel odor evokes a spatially uniform dimensional increase. The PD2 uniquely exhibited the dimensional decreases that occur during inspiration and the gradients of mean dimension present during the nonstimulated control state. These control gradients remained unchanged without odor experience, but showed spatially specific PD2 increases following odor habituation. It is interpreted that, 1) the PD2 issensitive, accurate, and appropriate for dimensional assessment of biological data, 2) that during analysis of unfamiliar information a singleglobal process is transiently evoked in the neuropil, and 3) after experience multiplespatially specific processes tonically map the sites of learning. Grant Support: National Institutes of Health, HL 31164 and NS27745  相似文献   
Outside of the laboratory, listening conditions are often less than ideal, and when attending to sounds from a particular source, portions are often obliterated by extraneous noises. However, listeners possess rather elegant reconstructive mechanisms. Restoration can be complete, so that missing segments are indistinguishable from those actually present and the listener is unaware that the signal is fragmented. This phenomenon, called temporal induction (TI), has been studied extensively with nonverbal signals and to a lesser extent with speech. Earlier studies have demonstrated that TI can produce illusory continuity spanning gaps of a few hundred milliseconds when portions of a signal are replaced by a louder sound capable of masking the signal were it actually present. The present study employed various types of speech signals with periodic gaps and measured the effects upon intelligibility produced by filling these gaps with noises. Enhancement of intelligibility through multiple phonemic restoration occurred when the acoustic requirements for TI were met and when sufficient contextual information was available in the remaining speech fragments. It appears that phonemic restoration is a specialized form of TI that uses linguistic skills for the reconstruction of obliterated speech.  相似文献   
Thirsty rats were used in order to determine whether a vinegar solution, which had been paired with an injection of lithium chloride, could block the formation of an association between a pentobarbital- and a lithium chloride-induced state. During phase 1 the rats in the blocking group had a 2.0% vinegar solution paired with an injection of 240 mg/kg of lithium chloride, during phase 2 these rats were reexposed to the vinegar prior to each injection of 20 mg/kg of pentobarbital and 240 mg/kg of lithium chloride, and during phase 3 these rats were given access to a novel 0.75% saccharin solution and were injected with pentobarbital after saccharin removal. Animals with this history did not form an association between the pentobarbital- and lithium chloride-induced states during phase 2 as evidenced by their refusal to consume the saccharin solution over repeated pairings of saccharin with pentobarbital during phase 3. Control groups that received forward pairings of pentobarbital and lithium chloride, in the absence of a previously conditioned vinegar solution during phase 2, formed an association between pentobarbital and lithium chloride. These findings indicate that drug states and flavors can interfere with each others' capacity to predict the occurrence of lithium chloride.  相似文献   
A number of studies have demonstrated stable individual differences in the cues that generate emotions and other feeling states. These differences are assumed to arise from the cues parents use to identify their children's emotional states. As children learn about their own emotional states, they come to rely on these same cues. To test one implication of their view, the facial expressions of children (N=41) were manipulated and their feelings assessed. Some children reported emotions consistent with their expressions, while others reported emotions appropriate to the situation. In a separate procedure, their mothers were asked to identify the emotional states of children whose expressions were inconsistent with an account of their circumstances. Mothers who paid more attention to their children's expressive behavior had children who were more responsive to their own expressive behavior. In contrast, the mothers who were more responsive to situational cues had children whose emotions arose from the situational cues as well.The authors would like to thank numerous teachers and administrators of the Worcester Public School system in Worcester, Massachusetts, for their assistance.  相似文献   
When a formant transition and the remainder of a syllable are presented to subjects' opposite ears, most subjects perceive two simultaneous sounds: a syllable and a nonspeech chirp. It has been demonstrated that, when the remainder of the syllable (base) is kept unchanged, the identity of the perceived syllable will depend on the kind of transition presented at the opposite ear. This phenomenon, called duplex perception, has been interpreted as the result of the independent operation of two perceptual systems or modes, the phonetic and the auditory mode. In the present experiments, listeners were required to identify and discriminate such duplex syllables. In some conditions, the isolated transition was embedded in a temporal sequence of capturing transitions sent to the same ear. This streaming procedure significantly weakened the contribution of the transition to the perceived phonetic identity of the syllable. It is likely that the sequential integration of the isolated transition into a sequence of capturing transitions affected its fusion with the contralateral base. This finding contrasts with the idea that the auditory and phonetic processes are operating independently of each other. The capturing effect seems to be more consistent with the hypothesis that duplex perception occurs in the presence of conflicting cues for the segregation and the integration of the isolated transition with the base.  相似文献   
The continuous approach to optic-flow processing shows that the curvature of a moving surface is related to a second spatial derivative of the velocity field, the spin variation (Droulez & Cornilleau-Pérès, 1989). With this approach as a theoretical framework, visual sensitivity to the curvature of a cylinder in motion was measured using a task of discrimination between cylindrical and planar patches. The results confirm the predictions suggested by the theory: (1) Sensitivity to curvature was always greater when the cylinder axis and the frontal translation were parallel than when they were orthogonal. The ratio of curvature detection thresholds in the two cases was between 1.3 and 2.5; the value predicted from the spin variation theory is about 2. (2) Sensitivity to curvature increased strongly with the velocity of the motion but was only weakly affected by its amplitude and the duration of viewing for the range of values used in our experiments.  相似文献   
Semantic congruity effects in perceptual comparisons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Semantic congruity effects occur when, as in Experiment 1, for example, the time to select the shorter of two relatively short lines is faster than the time to select the longer; conversely, selection of the longer of two relatively long lines is faster than selection of the shorter. Semantic congruity effects are also demonstrated in experiments requiring comparisons of the heaviness of weights (Experiment 2) and horizontal extent (Experiment 3). In Experiment 1, the magnitude of the semantic congruity effect was larger under conditions emphasizing accuracy rather than speed and when the comparison was difficult. In fact, when comparisons were errorless, the effect was minimal (20 msec), thereby replicating previous failures to obtain the effect with supraliminal perceptual comparisons (Banks, Mermelstein, & Yu, 1982; Marschark & Paivio, 1981; Petrusic & Baranski, 1988a). In confirmation of Henmon's (1911) introspective analyses of psychophysical comparisons, Experiments 2 and 3 extend the range of the semantic congruity effect to include judgments of confidence. However, in each of the three experiments, semantic congruity effects were not evident with the response-accuracy measure. Finally, using highly confusable stimuli, in Experiment 3 the magnitude of the semantic congruity effect was shown to be larger for error than for correct response times. The implications of these findings for a decisional locus of the effect and for the semantic coding theory are discussed.  相似文献   
Till now almost nothing has been published about normal liquor findings in spinal cord tumours. Out of 503 cases there were normal findings of total proteins and cells in 30 cases (6 per cent). A connection with the severity of the compression-syndrome was not evident. Nevertheless liquor examinations are important in diseases of the medulla spinalis. This is especially useful in the differential diagnostical demarcation of inflammable spinal cord diseases, accompanying reactions or bleedings into the spinal channel.  相似文献   
In an experimental investigation it is demonstrated that motor behavior-in contrast to the opinion forwarded in the literature-is not only elicitable by means of direct persuasion, but also to a great extend by mere indirect suggestion, (feigning of stimuli). A differential investigation of these effects provided evidence that reactions to feigned stimuli are highly person specific and relatively homogenous concerning the respective instruments whereas objective stimuli lead to reactions relatively specific for the respective instrument applied. The findings are interpreted as an analog on to placebo-effects in the area of motor behavior. Their extend may be seen as an argument for a stronger concern with subjective reaction tendencies in this field.  相似文献   
This study investigated the most common precipitants of adolescent suicide attempts and the strategies used to cope with such problems. Adolescent suicide attempters were compared with both distressed and nondistressed nonsuicidal adolescents on problems reported and coping strategies utilized. All three groups reported four problems as occurring most frequently: school, parents, friends, or boyfriend/girlfriend. The suicide attempters and distressed controls reported problems with parents more frequently than did nondistressed controls, while this latter group reported problems at school more frequently than did suicide attempters or distressed controls. Suicide attempters used social withdrawal, problem solving, and emotional regulation more than did nondistressed controls, but not more frequently than distressed controls. Distressed controls used wishful thinking and resignation more than did suicide atempters. Results are discussed in terms of the similarities between suicide attempters and nonsuicidal distressed adolescents and the need to more closely investigate specific subgroups of suicide attempters.  相似文献   
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