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Association of demanding kin relations, depressive symptoms, self-esteem, and optimism was assessed among 130 low-income African American women. Demanding relations with kin were positively associated with depressive symptoms and negatively linked to self-esteem and optimism. Self-esteem and optimism were negatively associated with depressive symptoms and mediated the association of demanding relations with kin and women's depressive symptoms. Findings were discussed in terms of the detrimental effects of demanding social relations with kin and the possible role that other relationships may play in compensating for poor relations with extended family.  相似文献   
Compared to neutral or happy stimuli, subliminal fear stimuli are known to be well processed through the automatic pathway. We tried to examine whether fear stimuli could be processed more strongly than other negative emotional stimuli using a modified subliminal affective priming paradigm. Twenty-six healthy subjects participated in two separated sessions. Fear, disgust and neutral facial expressions were adopted as primes, and 50% happy facial stimuli were adopted as a target to let only stronger negative primes reveal a priming effect. Participants were asked to appraise the affect of target faces in the affect appraisal session and to appraise the genuineness of target faces in the genuineness appraisal session. The genuineness instruction was developed to help participants be sensitive to potential threats. In the affect appraisal, participants judged 50% happy target faces significantly more 'unpleasant' when they were primed by fear faces than primed by 50% happy control faces. In the genuineness appraisal, participants judged targets significantly more 'not genuine' when they were primed by fear and disgust faces than primed by controls. These findings suggest that there may be differential priming effects between subliminal fear and disgust expressions, which could be modulated by a sensitive context of potential threat.  相似文献   
This paper investigates how different types of person–environment (P–E) fit work together to influence job satisfaction. One field study and a re‐analysis of Cable and DeRue's (2002) data were conducted to investigate the inter‐relationships linking different types of fit perceptions and job satisfaction. An employment relationship model describing how person–organisation values congruence (OVC), demands–abilities (D–A), and needs–supplies (N–S) fit perceptions relate to each other and job satisfaction is proposed and tested. Results support a model where N–S fit mediated the impact of both OVC and D–A fit on job satisfaction. Furthermore, OVC was related also to satisfaction both directly and indirectly, whereas D–A fit was only related to satisfaction via N?S fit.  相似文献   
Applied Research in Quality of Life - This study aimed to present normative data of Quality of life (QoL) and to evaluate the relationship between sociodemographic factors, multidimensional QoL and...  相似文献   
242例吸毒女性自尊及背景资料的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用自尊量表和背景资料调查问卷对甘肃省两大戒毒所242例吸毒女性进行测查,结果表明:(1)年龄、婚姻状况、文化程度、经济收入水平等因素与吸毒女性自尊评分无显著相关;(2)回归分析显示,人际关系因子对吸毒女性自尊评分有显著影响,认知、行为因子对其自尊评分的影响没有达到显著性水平;(3)文化程度不高,无固定的经济收入,失恋或离婚等因素是吸毒或吸毒成瘾的重要关联因素。  相似文献   
Recent research using change-detection tasks has shown that a directed-forgetting cue, indicating that a subset of the information stored in memory can be forgotten, significantly benefits the other information stored in visual working memory. How do these directed-forgetting cues aid the memory representations that are retained? We addressed this question in the present study by using a recall paradigm to measure the nature of the retained memory representations. Our results demonstrated that a directed-forgetting cue leads to higher-fidelity representations of the remaining items and a lower probability of dropping these representations from memory. Next, we showed that this is made possible by the to-be-forgotten item being expelled from visual working memory following the cue, allowing maintenance mechanisms to be focused on only the items that remain in visual working memory. Thus, the present findings show that cues to forget benefit the remaining information in visual working memory by fundamentally improving their quality relative to conditions in which just as many items are encoded but no cue is provided.  相似文献   
该研究的两个实验采用心理不应期范式,探讨了重叠任务情境下双任务的相互干扰机制。实验中被试相继完成高低音的辨别任务(T1)和汉字外在特征(颜色或笔画数)的任务判断(T2),T1和T2间采用变化的SOA。结果发现:(1)T1的反应选择导致T2的加工成绩大幅下降,PRP效应非常显著。(2)当T1占据中枢瓶颈时,T2和T1在中枢瓶颈中并行得到加工并导致T1的加工效率显著下降。(3)由于注意资源的有限性,具有自动激活特征的汉字同样受瓶颈机制的限制。只要存在对注意资源的二次分配就会存在瓶颈的调节机制。  相似文献   
The practice of lying to one's children to encourage behavioral compliance was investigated among parents in the US (N = 114) and China (N = 85). The vast majority of parents (84% in the US and 98% in China) reported having lied to their children for this purpose. Within each country, the practice most frequently took the form of falsely threatening to leave a child alone in public if he or she refused to follow the parent. Crosscultural differences were seen: A larger proportion of the parents in China reported that they employed instrumental lie‐telling to promote behavioral compliance, and a larger proportion approved of this practice, as compared to the parents in the US. This difference was not seen on measures relating to the practice of lying to promote positive feelings, or on measures relating to statements about fantasy characters such as the tooth fairy. Findings are discussed with reference to sociocultural values and certain parenting‐related challenges that extend across cultures.  相似文献   
目的探讨大学生被试在双趋冲突和趋避冲突条件下的折扣率差异。方法让70名大学生完成两种条件下的延迟折扣任务(DDT)。结果趋避冲突条件下大学生被试的折扣率显著低于双趋冲突条件下的折扣率,在延迟奖赏为中幅度(50-60元)时折扣率最大。结论相对于双趋冲突,损益情况和延迟时间同时影响着被试在趋避冲突条件下的选择。  相似文献   
The rates of problem behavior maintained by different reinforcers were evaluated across 3 preference assessment formats (i.e., paired stimulus, multiple-stimulus without replacement, and free operant). The experimenter administered each assessment format 5 times in a random order for 7 children with developmental disabilities whose problem behavior was maintained by attention, tangible items, or escape. Results demonstrated different effects related to the occurrence of problem behavior, suggesting an interaction between function of problem behavior and assessment format. Implications for practitioners are discussed with respect to assessing preferences of individuals with developmental disabilities who exhibit problem behavior.  相似文献   
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