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The positive youth development (PYD) perspective emphasizes that thriving occurs when individual ?context relations involve the alignment of adolescent strengths with the resources in their contexts. The authors propose that a key component of this relational process is the strength that youth possess in the form of self-regulatory processes; these processes optimize opportunities to obtain ecological resources that enhance the probability of PYD. They use the selection, optimization, and compensation (SOC) model of intentional self-regulation to discuss the role of self-regulation in the PYD perspective among diverse youth.  相似文献   
In recent decades, what matters for individual quality of life (QoL) has increasingly been the focus of empirical social science research. However, individuals are rarely asked directly what is important for their quality of life as part of large-scale surveys. The present analysis studies perceptions of what matters for QoL in a large-scale longitudinal dataset—the British Household Panel Survey—which includes an open-ended question on QoL in three waves spanning ten years. We find that concepts of QoL change over the life course and differ between men and women. We hypothesize that changes in perceptions of QoL are related to important life events, such as the birth of a first child and retirement. These life events constitute ’turning points’ after which individuals often shift their priorities of what matters for their QoL. We further explore whether such shifts in priorities are stable or disappear more than five years after the life event.  相似文献   
Psychotherapists often experience stress while providing psychotherapy, in particular when working with difficult presentations such as suicidality. As part of a larger study on the treatment of recently suicidal college students with borderline traits, 6 therapists in training collected their own salivary samples for alpha-amylase (AA) and cortisol (C) analyses immediately before and after sessions with 2 selected clients. On average, samples were collected for the same therapist-patient dyad throughout the year-long study to ensure that data reflected therapist responses across stages of treatment. Therapists also completed a working alliance questionnaire and rated perceived session difficulty immediately after each selected session. Contrary to expectations, therapists demonstrated elevated levels of stress as measured by AA and C at presession relative to postsession levels. Greater session difficulty was related to more pronounced declines in AA, whereas a stronger working alliance was linked to more pronounced reductions in C. Results suggest that physiological stress responses while working with recently suicidal clients with borderline traits occur primarily in terms of session anticipatory anxiety, whereas AA and C changes may be affected differently by factors such as session difficulty and working alliance. This is a pilot study, limited by its sample size, but the design, findings, and inclusion of physiological measures present an initial step in an essential line of research.  相似文献   
康德的《遗著》包含着康德的从自然的理性形而上学向经验科学过渡的未完成的哲学计划,《康德全集》中原有的非批判的版本存在着诸多欠缺,因此新的版面采用发生学的结构分析,通过对康德的工作方式的考察,重现了康德的凌乱而又被密集书写的手稿上的文字产生的时间顺序和逻辑关系,从而最大限度地还原了康德对这一问题的整个思考过程。  相似文献   
One of the stable hypotheses in systems neuroscience is the relationship between attention and the enhancement of visual responses when an animal attends to the stimulus in its receptive field (Goldberg and Wurtz, 1972 Journal of Neurophysiology 35 560-574). This was first discovered in the superior colliculus of the monkey: neurons in the superficial layers of the superior colliculus responded more intensely to the onset of a stimulus during blocks of trials in which the monkey had to make a saccade to it than they did during blocks of trials in which the monkey had to continue fixating a central point and not respond to the stimulus. This enhancement has been found in many brain regions, including prefrontal cortex (Boch and Goldberg, 1987 Investigative Ophthalmology 28 Supplement, 124), V4 (Moran and Desimone, 1985 Science 229 782-784), and lateral intraparietal area (Colby et al, 1996 Journal of Neurophysiology 76 2841-2852; Colby and Goldberg, 1999 Annual Review of Neuroscience 22 319-349), and even V1 (Lamme et al, 2000 Vision Research 40 1507-1521). In these studies the assumption has been that the monkey attended to the stimulus because the stimulus evoked an enhanced response. In the experiments described here we show that for abruptly appearing stimuli, attention is not related to the initial response evoked by the stimulus, but by the activity present on the salience map in the parietal cortex when the stimulus appears. Attention to the stimulus may subsequently, by a top down signal, sustain the map, but stimuli can as easily be suppressed by top down features as they can be enhanced.  相似文献   
The literatures on the ways in which social identity and social position (e.g., gender, class, race) inform altruism have developed orthogonally. In this community-based qualitative study we use intersectionality theory to explore the complex ways in which social identity and social structures jointly influence altruism among African American adults (n?=?40) in an urban, economically distressed housing community in New York City. Content analysis of participants’ narratives reveals the ways in which gender, race, ethnicity, class, age, and urbanicity work in tandem to create differential patterns of vulnerability, differential needs, differential commitments to caring for particular subgroups, and informs how altruists are perceived by others. The implications of this work for future research on altruism are highlighted.  相似文献   
Thought-shape fusion (TSF) is a cognitive distortion that can be induced experimentally and is associated with eating pathology. The current study was conducted in order to elucidate the effects of TSF induction in females with eating disorders (n=35), as well as in restrained eaters (n=38) and unrestrained eaters (n=39). It was hypothesized that TSF induction would result in anxiety, guilt, increased feelings of fatness, perceived weight gain and feelings of moral wrong-doing relative to an anxiety and control induction. It was further hypothesized that restrained eaters and individuals with eating disorders would exhibit a stronger reaction to a TSF induction than would unrestrained eaters. The results indicated that, as predicted, TSF can be induced in individuals both with and without eating disorders, and individuals with eating disorders reported the highest levels of "state" TSF after the induction relative to the non-clinical controls. However, contrary to expectations, restrained eaters reported higher levels of perceived weight gain and moral wrong-doing after the anxiety induction (but not the TSF induction) relative to the control induction. Potential mechanisms for this pattern of results are discussed, and the clinical implications of research on TSF are also considered.  相似文献   
Path analyses were applied to test a model that includes internalizing and externalizing behavior problems as predictors of suicidal behaviors in children. Parents of an inpatient sample of boys (N=87; M age=9.81 years) rated the frequency of suicidal ideation and completed standardized measures of behavior problems. Blind raters rated the severity of the children's suicidal behaviors. Results revealed a significant direct effect for suicidal ideation on suicide attempt and for depressive symptoms on suicidal ideation. There was also a significant indirect path from impulsivity to suicidal ideation through aggressive and depressive symptoms. Clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   
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