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ABSTRACT A recently developed class of multilevel or hierarchical linear models (HLM) provides an intuitive and efficient way to estimate individual growth or change curves. The approach also models the between-subjects variation of the individual change curves with treatment factors and individual attributes. Unlike other repeated measures analysis methods common in the behavioral sciences, HLM allows the fit of data with unequal numbers of repeated observations for each subject, variable timing of observations, and missing data, features which are often characteristic of data from field studies. The application of HLM for the analysis of repeated psychological measures is discussed and illustrated here with depression data for college students. Strengths and limitations of the approach are discussed.  相似文献   
Scoring keys, based upon unit weights, were made up for fourteen occupations of theStrong Vocational Interest Blank for Women. The study here presented of scores obtained in using these keys, in comparison with scores obtained from Dr. Strong's keys, indicates, for 551 women at the University of Rochester, that the new, unit-weighted keys are valid for all practical purposes and make possible a great saving in scoring time.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to determine to what extent a phonologically contrastive function of the prosodic feature of length is resistant to impairment in aphasia. The language chosen for investigation is Thai, a language which contrasts short and long vowels. Subjects included two Broca aphasics, one transcortical motor aphasic, one Wernicke aphasic, one conduction aphasic, one nonaphasic right-brain-damaged patient, one nonaphasic cerebellar dysarthric patient, and five normal controls. The subjects read a list of words containing short and long vowels. Vowel durations were measured from spectrograms. The results showed that the timing of vowel duration for signaling the contrast between short and long vowels remains relatively intact in nonfluent as well as fluent aphasic patients. These data are brought to bear on issues concerning the specialization of the left hemisphere for temporal processing, the contribution of the right hemisphere to the processing of nonaffective components of prosody, the nature of prosodic disturbance in Broca's aphasia and cerebellar dysarthria, and the separate disruption of prosodic features.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that the analgesic effect of morphine becomes attenuated over the course of successive administrations by a conditional, compensatory, hyperalgesic response elicited by the administration procedure, thus accounting (in part) for analgesic tolerance. On the basis of this associative model of tolerance, it would be predicted that established tolerance would be extinguished by placebo sessions. In experiments of apparently similar design (but conducted by different experimenters in different laboratories), data both confirming and refuting this prediction have previously been published. The present experiment, conducted jointly by the experimenters who reported the divergent findings, was designed to determine the reasons for the different results. It was found that placebo sessions do consistently attenuate morphine analgesic tolerance. Such extinction is not limited to the experimenter, drug preparation, rat strain, or apparatus used in the original, successful demonstration of the phenomenon, but rather is also demonstrable under conditions similar to those used in subsequent experiments which failed to demonstrate extinction of tolerance. Results of the present experiment suggest that the failures to demonstrate extinction of tolerance were attributable to insufficient extinction training.  相似文献   
Summary The metaphor of the paper's title offers a framework for a brief summary. Effective wooing of primary prevention requires that we take seriously, and adhere to, its clear, sensible defining guidelines; systematize, and further develop, its generative base; use that base to guide the formulation of new primary prevention programs; further develop frameworks to promote informed choices of programs derecions from among many attractive possibilities; and be more hard-nosed as program evaluators. That type of courtship should improve our love life with — and perhaps even, science of — primary prevention in mental health. Editor's Note: Emory L. Cowen was honored at the 1979 annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in New York, New York, on September 4, 1979, receiving the Division of Community Psychology Award for Distinguished Contributions to Community Psychology and Community Mental Health. The selection was made by an Awards Committee composed of all the past-Presidents of the Division. Dr. Cowen was introduced by Jack M. Chinsky of the University of Connecticut, and Julian Rappaport of the University of Illinois at Urbana—Champaign.This paper bears some (superficial) resemblance to a talk given at division 27's Distinguished Contribution Award ceremony, during the 87th Annual APA Meetings, New York, N.Y., 9/4/79. This draft is surely lengthier, more convoluted,no more informative, and muchless fun than the spoken version. Conceivably, the main accomplishment of my incessant revisions will prove to be the significant incapacitation of 10 gifted typing fingers attached to the hands of Sharon DeVita — the prime initial victim of my obsessionality. To Sharon, who suffered the indignity and boredom of eternal retypings, my boundless gratitude for her patience, forbearance, and good cheer, well beyond the call of duty.Preparation of this paper was done under support of a grant from the NIMH Experimental and Special Training Branch (MH 14547-02-03), which the author acknowledges with gratitude.  相似文献   
An empirical study was designed to investigate the effects of personality and sociocultural background on reactions to positive and negative performance feedback. Eighty college students of two sociocultural backgrounds (Mexican- and Anglo-American) were asked to work on a three-dimensional jigsaw puzzle and were then either praised or criticized, ostensibly according to their “problem-solving strategies,” but actually on the basis of random assignment to either condition. Seven dependent variables were included, representing various reactions to the feedback. Four-way analyses of variance were conducted on each dependent measure with the independent variables being type of feedback, locus of control, sex of subject, and ethnicity. In addition to consistent main effects for feedback, the results revealed that reactions to feedback, particularly criticism, are often mediated by personality and/or sociocultural factors. The findings are discussed in relation to previous literature and the need to take a sociocultural perspective in psychological research is emphasized.  相似文献   
The role of cognitive complexity in the career maturity of college students was investigated. Simple and multiple correlational analyses were performed upon data from 99 college students who were administered the Attitude Scale and Competence Test of the Career Maturity Inventory, the Bieri Repertory Test, and the Bodden Cognitive Differentiation Grid. Results generally supported the prediction that career maturity would be found to be positively associated with cognitive complexity.  相似文献   
A multifaceted outcome design was used to investigate the results of brief, system-oriented family therapy. The present report describes the methods used and provides an, overview of clients' status on a variety of outcome measures. Treatment was brief and involved the entire family in most cases. Therapists varied in discipline (psychiatry, social work, psychology or nursing) and experience (students to very senior status). A variety of measures were obtained at the beginning of treatment, at treatment closure, or after a six month follow-up. Independent interviewers conducted the six month follow-up. Measures were obtained regarding the parents' and children's level of intellectual functioning, children's academic achievement, and disruptive school behaviour. Therapists' ratings of the families' change in treatment and prognosis were also obtained at treatment closure. At follow-up, measures of the children's academic achievement and disruptive school behavior were repreated and the interviewers determined the family's satisfaction with the services they received. The results indicate that the majority of families did well on most of the measures considered. No significant change was found in terms of the children's academic performance, but there was a significant decline in their disruptive school behaviour.This project was funded by grants from the Medical Research Council of Canada, and Health and Welfare Ministry, Canada.  相似文献   
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