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随着人们对于肿瘤性疾病的发生、发展、转移机制的进一步探索,循环肿瘤细胞(CTCs)逐渐进入人们视野,其应用价值日益体现,可用于肿瘤性疾病的早期诊断及治疗效果的监测,尤其是对于早期肿瘤的诊断具有独特优势。其富集技术及检测方法也在发生着日新月异的变化。近年来,微流控分析芯片技术运用于 CTCs 的富集及检测,具有高丰度、高富集度、高活性及不需要对样本进行预处理等优点使得人们聚焦于此技术,本文对微流控分析芯片在 CTCs 检测中的运用做简要综述。  相似文献   
为探讨肝恶性肿瘤患者住院总费用情况,对广西2010年~2012年间肝恶性肿瘤患者的住院费用资料进行统计学分析,比较肝恶性肿瘤患者3年住院总费用的变化情况,并采用多重线性回归分析方法,分析肝恶性肿瘤患者住院总费用的影响因素.结果显示广西肝恶性肿瘤住院患者逐年增多,住院费用逐年增高;住院天数、有无手术、有无合并症、有无院内感染、性别、年龄6个因素是住院总费用的影响因素.我们应加大预防控制肝恶性肿瘤的力度,建立单病种诊疗规范和费用控制标准,推进临床路径管理,以减轻患者的经济负担.  相似文献   
在《濒湖脉学》的脉理中,把无病的缓脉认为是有神、有胃气的平脉,无病的缓脉是脾胃这一人体后天之本正常运化的脉象。脾脉为缓脉,其余四脏脉以及四季脉也要兼有缓脉,才是阴阳和谐的脉象,脾脉拥有阴阳和谐的缓脉能为其余各脏腑提供精气,从而保证各脏腑的正常运化,只有各脏腑的正常运化才能维护人身体的阴阳和谐。当人身体的阴阳失去和谐出现病变的时候,脉象就会表现为太过或不及或各脏脉俱缓,少有或失去了缓和的脉象以及各脏脉均失去个性的病缓脉。  相似文献   
Crime linkage and the investigation of behavioural consistency amongst serial offenders has been a flourishing field of research over the past decade or so, especially with respect to serial sex offenders. The emerging research in this field has often portrayed serial sex offenders as a single, distinct, and homogeneous group. Such an assumption, however, has never been empirically examined. Using a criminal career approach and a sample of 72 serial sex offenders who have committed a total of 361 sexual assaults on stranger victims, the current study aims to examine and describe subgroups of crime series patterns amongst serial sex offenders in terms of duration and frequency of offending. The level of environmental consistency display (i.e. offender's choice of crime location and characteristics of the crime site selected) across subgroups of crime series patterns is also examined. Study findings suggest the presence and heterogeneity of crime series patterns amongst serial sex offenders, advocating for the consideration of subgroups of crime series patterns when studying serial sex offenders. Moreover, the offenders' level of environmental consistency varies across the different crime series patterns identified, allowing for the identification of subgroups of offenders showing a higher or lower level of environmental consistency. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
传统医药文化在很长的历史时期内是以"附魅"的形式存在和发展的。巫术和"拜祖师"是其神秘化的主要手段。"附魅"缔造了权威,维护了受业者的既得利益,并为执业人员带来便利。近代科学以其精确性和实证性为传统医药文化的"祛魅"提供了契机。然而,随着科学技术的进一步发展,传统医药文化领域出现了一种"返魅"现象。  相似文献   
转化医学是促进基础研究向临床应用的转化,同时根据临床实际提出应用基础研究课题.从2010年获诺贝尔生理学或医学奖体外受精技术的发展,探讨了转化医学研究的内容和实现转化医学研究的途径,以便更好地促进临床医学研究.  相似文献   
Background. Students’ perceptions of classroom goals influence their adoption of personal goals. To assess different forms of classroom goals, recent studies have favoured an overall measure of performance classroom goals, compared to a two‐dimensional assessment of performance‐approach and performance‐avoidance classroom goals (PAVCG). Aims. This paper considered the relationship between students’ perceptions of classroom goals and their endorsement of personal achievement goals. We proposed that three (instead of only two) classroom goals need to be distinguished. We aimed to provide evidence for this hypothesis by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and also by divergent associations between the respective classroom goal and students’ personal goal endorsement. Sample. A total of 871 (474 female) 10th grade students from several German high schools participated in this study. Method. Students responded to items assessing their perception of mastery, performance‐approach, and performance‐avoidance goals in the classroom. Additionally, the students reported how much they personally pursue mastery, performance‐approach, and performance‐avoidance goals. All items referred to German as a specific school subject. Results. A CFA yielded empirical support for the proposed distinction of three (instead of only two) different kinds of classroom goals. Moreover, in hierarchical linear modelling (HLM) analyses all three classroom goals showed unique associations with students’ personal goal adoption. Conclusions. The findings emphasized the need to distinguish performance‐approach and PAVCG. Furthermore, our results suggest that multiple classroom goals have interactive effects on students’ personal achievement strivings.  相似文献   
解释水平理论被广泛应用于消费研究领域。本研究以解释水平理论为理论基础,采用情境问卷调查方法,通过5个实验探讨个体赠送与接受礼物时是否存在性别和角色偏好的不对称性。结果发现,一般情境下,受性别因素影响,男生偏好赠送和接受工具性礼物,女生偏好赠送和接受表达性礼物。但随着心理距离(社会距离和空间距离)的拉近,个体的解释水平降低,更关心他人的喜好和需求,赠送者会更基于接收者的偏好进行礼物选择。  相似文献   
换脸术几个问题的理性思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
换脸术是目前国内外争论的一个焦点,是异体器官移植领域内新的突破,为严重毁容患者带来了重新获得美容的希望。但是目前还有很多问题需要进一步。在远期疗效尚未肯定的情况下,作为医务工作者,我们需要加强自身修养和伦理道德教育,做出正确的决定,并不断进行相关研究,最终广泛应用于临床,造福于人类。  相似文献   
Several positive functions have been ascribed to integrative internal dialogues (IDs), which are based on mutual openness to a partner's viewpoint and a readiness to consider his/her arguments in order to potentially modify one's own stance. As the technique of imagined intergroup contact (IIC) favorably influences attitudes towards outgroup members, it was hypothesized that IIC would have a beneficial impact on IDs with an outgroup member when the dialogue is focused on differences between ingroup and outgroup. In the experiment, 151 people (80 women) participated. It revealed that after IIC, both the dialogue author's confrontational attitude and the interlocutor's integrative attitude decreased. Thus, IIC made participants less inclined to gain an advantage over their imagined outgroup interlocutors and more inclined to give them freedom in IDs. However, the effect was significant only when the author's involvement in ID was high or medium.  相似文献   
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