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At the turn of last century, psychology, including developmental psychology, was introduced into China. Since then, developmental psychology has always been one of the main branches of Chinese psychology. This paper reviews the progress of Chinese developmental psychology in the last century, with special emphasis on its development during the recent 20 years. The paper consists of three sections. The first is a historical review. The 100 years' history of Chinese developmental psychology has been divided into three phases: first half of the 20th century; the period between 1950s and 1970s after the foundation of the People's Republic of China; and the period from the end of the 1970s up to the present. The authors briefly describe the initiation of Chinese developmental psychology, highlighting the research and related work in the field during the three phases. The second section of the paper introduces the research conducted by Chinese developmental psychologists during the last two decades in the following areas: cognitive development, language development, social development and socialization, the study of gifted children, cross‐cultural studies of child development, the study of only children, and the psychology of ageing. This section is the focus of the paper, because in this period, developmental psychology in China has progressed steadily on a sustained course and entered an unprecedented thriving period along with the State opening‐up policy and structural reformation. The last section is an appraisal of the past and prospects for the future. Here, the authors comment on the characteristics and achievements of Chinese developmental psychology in the 20th century and discuss future directions for its further development in terms of research scope and depth, research methods, indigenization, and application.  相似文献   
从历史的角度看,社会科学哲学的历史发展并不存在一个连续和统一的过程.曼尼卡斯(Peter T.Manicas)把社会科学哲学的历史发展大致分为四个阶段,每个阶段都有与之相对应的主题[1]:第一个阶段开始于西方哲学和科学的肇始——主题是古希腊城邦;第二个阶段开始于文艺复兴晚期,延续到法国革命——主题是西方现代性;第三个阶段大约是在19世纪——主题是科学观念与人文科学观念之争;第四个阶段是现在,开始于20世纪50年代——主题是实证主义与反自然主义关于人文科学观念的争论.  相似文献   
调查娱乐场所服务女性的性行为特征及其安全套使用情况,为预防性病/艾滋病健康教育和政策制定提供参考信息.采用立意抽样方法对我省南昌和萍乡两地娱乐场所服务女性进行问卷调查.娱乐场所服务女性卖淫比例较高,卖淫者安全套使用比例和频率不高,且卖淫者安全套使用存在不平衡现象.必须进一步加大宣传教育力度及强化干预工作.  相似文献   
由于甲亢的一些症状和体征类似于正常妊娠中发生的正常生理变化,且孕期甲亢及其治疗对妊娠结果和胎儿可能的不良影响,所以给孕期甲亢的诊疗带来困难.孕期甲亢息者应尽快接受抗甲状腺药物(antitlayroid drugs,ATD)的治疗并应经常接受胎儿和孕妇甲亢及甲减征象的监测.孕妇和围产期的并发症发生率直接与母亲甲亢的控制有关,应对所有甲亢妇女进行促甲状腺受体抗体(thyrotrophin receptor antibody,TRAb)的评估.所有妊娠剧吐患者均应测定甲状腺功能,少数妊娠剧吐短暂甲亢孕妇需ATD治疗.  相似文献   
高血压的治疗中降压是最重要的原则,降压达标可以带来心血管事件的下降已是不争的事实.流行病学调查证实动脉功能是心血管事件的独立预测因子.动脉功能的评价不仅可以筛查高危人群,还可作为降压质量评价的指标,临床研究已证实其意义.未来的高血压治疗领域,除监测血压外,可能需要监测和评估动脉功能.  相似文献   
自动驾驶能在很大程度上缓解现代交通问题并提升驾驶舒适度。有条件自动驾驶下, 驾驶员可执行非驾驶相关任务但需要在系统无法处理的状况下接管车辆。在这一关键过程中, 驾驶员需要进行注意转换并获得情境意识以成功接管。已有研究表明, 接管请求、非驾驶相关任务、驾驶情景及驾驶员因素是影响接管过程重要因素。未来可从认知机制角度研究各因素对接管过程产生的影响, 以及探究接管过程中各因素之间可能存在的交互作用。  相似文献   
中国无神论学会及其理论刊物《科学与无神论》,在文化理论学界已经声誉渐起,学会正副理事长都是社会学界名望人士,群贤突显,累绩名震。学会的刊物独树一帜,在思想理论战线有惊世骇俗  相似文献   
Previous studies have demonstrated that arguments incompatible with prior beliefs are subjected to more extensive refutational processing, scrutinized longer, and judged to be weaker than arguments compatible with prior beliefs. However, this study suggests whether extensive processing is implemented when evaluating arguments is not decided by argument compatibility, but by congruence between two evaluating tendencies elicited by both argument compatibility and argument quality. Consistent with this perspective, the results of two experiments show that relative to congruent arguments, participants judged arguments eliciting incongruent evaluating tendencies as less extreme in strength, spent more time, and felt more hesitant generating strength judgments for them. The results also show that it is mainly incongruent arguments, not congruent arguments, whose strength ratings were more closely associated with the perceived personal importance of the issue, which intensified the tendency to evaluate arguments depending on argument compatibility. These results suggest that it is the incongruity between argument compatibility and argument quality, and not simply the argument compatibility, that plays a more important role in activating an extensive processing in the evaluation of arguments.  相似文献   
Several personality models are known for being replicable across cultures, such as the Five‐Factor Model (FFM) or Eysenck's Psychoticism–Extraversion–Neuroticism (PEN) model, and are for this reason considered universal. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the cross‐cultural replicability of the recently revised Alternative FFM (AFFM). A total of 15 048 participants from 23 cultures completed the Zuckerman–Kuhlman–Aluja Personality Questionnaire (ZKA‐PQ) aimed at assessing personality according to this revised AFFM. Internal consistencies, gender differences and correlations with age were similar across cultures for all five factors and facet scales. The AFFM structure was very similar across samples and can be considered as highly replicable with total congruence coefficients ranging from .94 to .99. Measurement invariance across cultures was assessed using multi‐group confirmatory factor analyses, and each higher‐order personality factor did reach configural and metric invariance. Scalar invariance was never reached, which implies that culture‐specific norms should be considered. The underlying structure of the ZKA‐PQ replicates well across cultures, suggesting that this questionnaire can be used in a large diversity of cultures and that the AFFM might be as universal as the FFM or the PEN model. This suggests that more research is needed to identify and define an integrative framework underlying these personality models. Copyright © 2016 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   
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