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The aim of the present study was to determine whether the self-enhancement effect of voice attractiveness evaluation is due to general self-positivity bias and/or the familiarity effect. The participants were asked to rate the attractiveness of their own voice, a friend's voice and strangers' voices. In addition, a self-reference valence (SR-valence) task was adopted in the experiment. Significant self-enhancement effects in voice attractiveness ratings were demonstrated, regardless of whether the participants recognized their self-voice or not. However, the friend-enhancement effect was found in only those participants who successfully recognized their friend's voice. Moreover, a significant correlation was found between self-positivity bias in the SR-valence task and the self-enhancement effect (but not the friend-enhancement effect). Our findings suggest that both the familiarity effect and self-positivity bias account for the vocal self-enhancement effect, and the influence of self-positivity bias could be implicit. The present study thus provides empirical evidence to clarify the potential explanations for the self-enhancement of voice attractiveness assessment.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to explore whether the modulation effects of attentional biases toward time information representing immediate rewards and delayed rewards differ between individuals with high and low trait self-control. Forty participants with high trait self-control and 40 with low trait self-control were selected based on their responses to the Chinese version of the self-control scale, and they were asked to complete an intertemporal choice task and dot probe task first and then a cue-target task a week later. The results showed that the participants with low trait self-control were more likely to choose immediate rewards than participants with high trait self-control. Furthermore, facilitated attention and difficulty in attention disengagement toward present-related words were found among participants with low trait self-control with higher frequency than among those with high trait self-control. Finally, facilitated attention toward present-related words moderated the indifference points among the participants with low trait self-control.  相似文献   
《程氏易传》是程颐理学的代表作,而其成书以及后来的流传情况,学界一直没有一个清楚的考释,本文专就此问题作一研究。  相似文献   
个体需要将亲身经历的核心事实信息及其发生的时间、空间等背景信息绑定起来形成情景记忆,绑定加工能力的发展是儿童情景记忆发展的基础。目前,儿童情景记忆绑定加工研究的主要范式有要素绑定范式和配对关联学习范式。绑定加工在儿童期的发展表现出项目-空间绑定记忆优于项目-时间绑定记忆,复杂任务的绑定加工水平较低的特点。儿童情景记忆绑定加工的发展依赖于编码和提取能力的发展、执行功能认知灵活性的提高以及内侧颞叶和前额叶皮层的发育。未来可以对情景记忆绑定加工的发展开展纵向研究、采用VR技术提高绑定加工研究的生态效度、加强对情景记忆绑定加工神经机制的探讨等。  相似文献   
国家图书馆藏有《太清风露经》一卷,题无住真人撰。是蒙古太宗九年(1237年)至乃马真后三年(1244年)宋德方等刻道藏本,即  相似文献   
“第四条原则”——设计伦理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实用、经济、美观被认为是设计的三条基本原则.然而,在特定的历史条件下,在人们的价值追求更趋完善的时候,通常的"设计三原则"已不能保证设计目的的完美实现.伦理的介入将会有效地弥补这一不足,从而成为设计的"第四条原则".  相似文献   
论"礼"——对其伦理功能的解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
礼仪是起源最早的文化活动, 中国传统之"礼" 是典章之礼、道德之礼、教化之礼、民俗之礼,因而具有独特的内蕴.由于中西文化的碰撞,新旧思想的交锋,中国现代出现了旧"礼"已去,新"礼"未构,功能模糊的状况.在当代中国,对"礼"之伦理功能进行解读,使礼仪成为德性修养的支点,道德教育的载体,社会关系的秩序,民族形象的标杆,充分发挥其在精神文明建设中的作用,具有重要意义.  相似文献   
在中唐至北宋的儒道复兴运动中,追求合理人间秩序的“外王”之学实与“内圣”之学并行而交叉,自中唐兴起而于北宋中叶大盛的《春秋》学颇能凸显这一思潮线索。本文着重阐发中唐《春秋》学倡明“王道”之要旨及其相关论述,指出,中唐《春秋》学抉发西汉公羊学“天下为公”的微言,于大变动的历史时机重新澄清并确立“大一统”皇权专制的政治宪纲;开始探讨在新的历史条件下士人进行政治实践的思想与行为准则即所谓“时中之道”,以树立新的君子人格;又根据“王道”精神提出振兴唐朝、重建中央集权的具体政治纲领,其“尊王”义恰恰构成对唐皇朝强化中央权威的现实政治路线的批判。中唐《春秋》学所开启的这一“原道”之路,在“大一统”秩序重建并巩固的北宋时代得到回应与延续。  相似文献   
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