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异化与经济发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文要谈的是我们对经济的和工业的发展应持的态度.我将相当概括地从哲学上提出自己的看法,但也涉及某些专门论题.因为我们目前正在经历的是一个大规模经济调整的时期,是一个正在发生着引人注目的甚至惊人的工业和社会变革的时代.这一系列调整和变革的结果,一方面是经济的广泛现代化和结构的重大调整,另一方面是效率和生产力的提高.然而,与此同时,这些发展对于英国社会也产生着深刻的破坏性和毁灭性的影响.无数个人、共同体甚至所有地方的生活,都发生了变革,而且这样一些变革通常是以毁灭性的方式进行的.许许多多的人失掉了自己的工作,或者发现他们屈从于暴虐的工作方式,在这些工作方式中,他们的技艺被贬值,而且他们的人身自由和创造性也被消灭了.对这些发展的反应趋向于分化为两种对立的观点.一方面,这些变化或变革的辩护者倾向于从纯经济的角度思考社会问题.他们似乎习惯于坚持和关注经济的指标和参数.他们对于正在发生的一切所具有的人的方面的影响和道德向度也几乎是完全漠视的.  相似文献   
The present study investigates sleep, mood, and the proposed bidirectional relationship between the two in psychiatric disorders. Participants with interepisode bipolar disorder (n = 49), insomnia (n = 34), and no psychiatric history (n = 52) completed seven consecutive days of sleep diaries and mood measures. The interepisode bipolar and insomnia participants exhibited greater sleep disturbance than the healthy control individuals. Negative mood was equally heightened in both interepisode bipolar disorder and insomnia, and there were no differences between the three groups in positive mood. Total wake time was associated with next morning negative mood in bipolar disorder, whereas evening negative mood was associated with subsequent total wake time in both bipolar disorder and insomnia. Additionally, positive mood was associated with subsequent total wake time for the insomnia group. Results support the theory that disruptions in nighttime sleep and daytime mood may be mutually maintaining and suggest the potential importance of transdiagnostic or universal processes.  相似文献   
维特根斯坦和奎因都鄙视形而上学的和认识论的思辨,并且都花大力气批评传统的哲学概念和理论。但是他们在此批评之后继续从事哲学的路径是不同的。维特根斯坦把哲学等同于对传统哲学思维的批判,并且仅此而已。奎因则通过把哲学问题重塑为科学问题来尽其所能地挽救以往的哲学,并且对他重塑之后的问题做出回答。与人们对维特根斯坦和奎因的通常看法相反,我认为他们从事的哲学研究是互补的、并不是不兼容的。他们只是在表面上看是对立的;而实际上赞同其一方并不意味着拒绝另一方。  相似文献   
The present study examined whether, for older adults, a verbal or imagery cognitive style is associated with recall of names and faces learned in an experimental condition. Cognitive abilities that are represented in current models of face recognition and name recall were also examined. Those abilities included picture naming, verbal fluency (i.e., naming items within a given category), vocabulary comprehension, visual memory, and the learning of unassociated word pairs. Fifty older adults attempted to learn first and last names of 20 student actors and actresses pictured on videotapes (40 names total). On average, participants learned the most first names, followed by last names, and the fewest full names. The greater the number of responses on a questionnaire associated with an imagery cognitive style, the more the names of faces were correctly identified by participants. There was no significant relationship between a verbal cognitive style and the number of names and faces recalled. As for cognitive abilities, all of the abilities measured--with the exception of vocabulary comprehension--were significantly associated with the number of names and faces learned. A regression analysis indicated that the best predictor of successful name-face learning was the participants' ability to learn and recall 5 unrelated word pairs. When that cognitive measure was deleted from the regression analysis, delayed visual memory and verbal fluency were the next best predictors of the older adults' ability to learn names and faces.  相似文献   
In 2001, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the "Human Cloning Prohibition Act" and President Bush announced his decision to allow only limited research on existing stem cell lines but not on "embryos." In contrast, the U.K. has explicitly authorized "therapeutic cloning." Much more will be said about bioethical, legal, and social implications, but subtleties of the science and careful definitions of terms have received much less consideration. Legislators and reporters struggle to discuss "cloning," "pluripotency," "stem cells," and "embryos," and whether "adult" are preferable to "embryonic" stem cells as research subjects. They profess to abhor "copying humans" or "killing embryos." Do they know what they are talking about? Do we? This paper explores the historical, philosophical, and scientific contexts that inform this heated discussion.  相似文献   
Previous research suggests that, during visual search and discrimination tasks, older adults place greater emphasis than younger adults on top-down attention. This experiment investigated the relative contribution of target activation and distractor inhibition to this age difference. Younger and older adults performed a singleton discrimination task in which either an E or an R target (colour singleton) was present among distractor letters. Relative to a baseline condition in which the colours of the targets and distractors remained constant, an age-related slowing of performance was evident when either the colour of the target or that of the distractors varied across trials. The age-related slowing was more pronounced in response to target colour variation, suggesting that older adults place relatively greater emphasis on the top-down activation of target features.  相似文献   
自然科学唯物主义的最伟大的代表、俄国生理学之父伊万·米哈依洛维奇·谢切诺夫((?))的活动,以及他在解决最困难的心理过程本质问题中反对唯心主义的那种理论工作的战斗精神,均在我国唯物主义哲学发展的漫长道路上占有极特殊的地位。可以毫不夸张的说,自18世纪末叶以来,卓越的俄国唯物主义哲学家们在与各种唯心主义观点的尖锐斗争中,提出了有关心理过程本质的彻底唯物主义的学说,并为它奠定了基础。在他们的著作中,浸透了与各种唯心主义及形而上学的观点、体系作不调和的斗争的战斗精神;他们的著作建立了祖国的唯物主义生理学的优良传统。这种传统在最伟大的生理学思想家——谢切诺夫和巴  相似文献   
这篇文章发表在苏联《哲学问题》杂志今年第九期上。作者主要是根据马克思早期著作(《德意志意识形态》、《神圣家族》和《马克思早期著作选》中某些文章)并使用马克思早期用过的术语写成这篇文章的。作者认为,人们一般对于把辩证法定义为认识论和逻辑注意较多,而对于把辩证法定义为人的实践活动的理论则注意较少,所以他们就来专门讨论后面这个定义。作者企图给马克思主义的唯物辩证法涂上资产阶级的人道主义、人性论的色彩,抹煞它的阶级性质。作者把马克思说成“既是人道主义者,同时又是现实主义者”,把唯物辩证法说成是“关于把自然世界改造成人的世界的科学,是把人的世界本身革命改造成人道的世界、把人提到‘人的高度’(马克思语)的学说”,是“关于人及其活动的学说”(这并且是马克思主义哲学的“心脏和中心”),“是关于把自然改变为人化自然的学说”,是“自由的人的活动的理论”。他们避而不谈人的阶级性,却说什么:“马克思认为对于生活和科学只有一个基础——社会地发展着的人的本性”,还说:“在渗透着积极人道主义内容的无产阶级的活动中,人得到了恢复”;“共产主义革命是原则高度的实践”,它把社会提升到“人的高度”;马克思主义理论是革命的批判的,这个哲学“变成批判的革命的思想和对实践的批判意识”;马克思曾把“‘亵凟’哲学的任务同革命改造世界联系起来。在这一过程中,现实提高到哲学水平,而哲学则提高到现实水平”。  相似文献   
对现代资产阶级哲学进行批判分析的透彻的研究,不能仅限于指出十九和二十世纪各种资产阶级哲学派别的思想性质。无庸置疑,确定这种阶级性质是对资产阶级哲学派别进行历史唯物主义分析的一个重要方面,因为从哲学上阐述的资产阶级世界观的思想性质归根结底是由资产阶级社会基础的客观社会过程决定的。从这种基础出发,也可以对哲学世界观与其他形式的社会意识(艺术、政治、宗教等)的普遍联系进行科学的解释和探索。但是我们不能忽视,我们只有同时也研究哲学认识发展的特殊机制,把哲学理解为特殊的精神现象,揭示哲  相似文献   
在我们这个信息(包括科学信息)爆炸已成为规律的时代,作为哲学知识观念组成部分的各个概念的命运,是千差万别的。在这些概念中,有一些有充分根据列为哲学的范畴手段,另一些则由于不能经受时间、哲学实践和方法论实践的考验,会丧失哲学意义,并会像它们引进来的时候那样轻而易举地从哲学概念体系中消失。在今天哲学的各种新概念中,“元哲学”这个概念占有特殊的地位。这种特殊性,是由某些哲学家赋予“元哲学”对于未来哲学知识所起的作用决定的。不错,那些强烈要求引进元哲学概念的作者们思想上还没有统一,虽然美国出版以《元哲学》命名的专门杂志已经十五年了。还不止是杂志,可以举出许多书,它们的书名中就有《元哲学》这  相似文献   
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