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1973年8月,南斯拉夫实践派的哲学家们,在科尔丘拉岛举行第十次夏季哲学问题讨论会。会议的总题目是:资本主义世界和社会主义。在这个标题下,大家也谈到了哲学的作用以及哲学和科学的关系。会上,G.彼得洛维奇就哲学的作用问题作了报告;接着,我也就这个论题发表了讲话。这篇讲话最初发表在1974年的《实践杂志》(第45页-52页)上。  相似文献   
By varying what we take to be the saliency oflandmarks (which are cues to location and orientation that are unique and visible from a distance), the slopes and intercepts of the time/angle function in the "mental rotation" task were caused to vary accordingly.  相似文献   
The effect of candy reward on I.Q. scores was investigated in 72 first- and second-grade children. All subjects were administered Form A of the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test and, based upon these scores, were divided into three blocks: low, middle, and high. From each block, subjects were randomly assigned to one of three conditions (contingent reward, noncontingent reward, or no reward) that were in effect during administration of Form B. Results showed that candy given contingent upon each correct response increased I.Q. scores for the initially low scoring subjects, but had no influence on the scores of middle and high scoring subjects.  相似文献   
Long-Evans rats were exposed to a succession of conditioned-suppression procedures involving pairings of (1) signal-shock, (2) shock-signal, and (3) a signal-shock-signal sequence in which first and second signals were at first physically identical. Traditional suppression of food-reinforced responding was obtained under the signal-shock arrangement, and exposure to the shock-signal sequence resulted in conditioned enhancement of responding during the signal. The signal-shock-signal condition reliably suppressed responding during the first signal, but produced no differential effect on response rate during the second signal. Baseline responding was least changed from preshock rates under the signal-shock-signal procedure, but baseline rate was considerably reduced under the signal-shock and shock-signal arrangements, the latter yielding most substantial reductions. A second experiment indicated that the magnitude and direction of changes in baseline responding reported in Experiment I were not confined to cases in which the first and second signals in the signal-shock-signal arrangement were physically identical. It is suggested that the major effects of the conditioned-suppression procedure on response rate might not be confined to presentations of the signal.  相似文献   
一、比较方法的意义与界限假定一个人严肃地对待哲学,那么任何试图比较卡尔.雅斯贝尔斯与马丁.海德格尔的作法都难免显得十分可疑。也许,甚至将比较方法列入哲学工具之标准目录也显得可疑,但是,那些使用这种方法的人们却常为这种方法所提供的巨大的解释收益而辩护。当然,对于我  相似文献   
先知穆罕默德归真后,在伊斯兰教旗帜下联合起来的阿拉伯人进入了一个新的发展时期。第一任哈里发艾布·伯克的功绩在于重新统一了阿拉伯半岛,并开拓了疆土。但艾布·伯克执政两年就归真了,继承这一伟大事业并使伊斯兰教发展成为一个国际性宗教的,是第二任哈里发欧麦尔。他为哈里发国家的巩固和发展做出了巨大的贡献。  相似文献   
我的思考起始于W.塞拉斯(Wilfrid Sellars)对所予神话(the Myth of the Given)所作攻击中的一个中心要素.  相似文献   
“再过10年左右———这很短,托马斯·莫尔的《乌托邦或最佳形式政府论》(1516年)的源源不断的诠释者们,[1]将庆祝它诞生500周年———这很长。”这个文本所流淌出的墨迹,也许就像罗尔沙赫氏测试那样,使我们可以投射我们的思绪、幻想、美梦或者希望,遐想回到已经一去不复返的过去,或者憧憬那歌声飘缈却永远不会来到的黎明。[2]对这种博学论述的大合唱进行补充,显得过于不自量力。根据当代的各种事件来诠释这个文本,纯属狂妄。但笔者要对这两宗主要指控进行认罪辩护,个中缘由不是为了喜欢挑衅———我们承认这样的指控并非是无关紧要,而是为…  相似文献   
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