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The ability to plan and search ahead is essential for problem solving in most situations in everyday life. To investigate the development of planning and related processes, a sample of four- and five-year-old children was examined in a variant of the Tower of London, a frequently used neuropsychological assessment tool of planning abilities. The applied problems either required searching ahead for optimal solution or were solvable by pure step-by-step forward processing. Furthermore, the ambiguity of subgoal ordering was varied.Results revealed an age-related effect of search depth: the four-year olds’ planning accuracy was particularly decreased in problems demanding search ahead, while five-year olds mastered both problem types equally well. Interestingly, this interaction between age and search depth could not be accounted for by measures of working memory and inhibition. Differential effects of age were also found for subgoal ordering with respect to initial planning and movement execution times. In sum, planning abilities showed considerable development during late kindergarten age that appeared to be specifically associated with the integration and back-validation of the anticipated consequences of internally modeled actions. The present study demonstrates that a careful consideration of problem structure may greatly enhance the insights gained from the application of a routinely used assessment tool, the Tower of London. This may be especially advantageous when addressing specific subpopulations such as children or clinical samples.  相似文献   
This article explores the kinds of response John Dewey (1859–1952) received in Russia between 1900 and 1930, and the impact he had on the educational debate there. The study’s main findings are: Both before and after the Socialist October Revolution of 1917, Dewey had a significant impact on the development of the Russian school system. The ultimate rejection of Dewey’s pedagogy towards the end of the 20s was not due to educational but to political and ideological reasons.  相似文献   
Previous research has shown that forensic psychiatric treatment reduces reoffending, rehospitalization and premature mortality. Treatment outcome varies with diagnosis, but little is known about the influence of sex, psychosocial adjustment and aftercare. To assess these variables, we interviewed male and female patients discharged from three psychiatric security hospitals in Germany in the years 2010–2017. Participants were interviewed at discharge (n = 609) and 1 year later (n = 366) about reoffending, readmissions, substance use and psychosocial adjustment. Among patients with substance use disorder (SUD), 14% reoffended, 20% were re-hospitalized and 60% maintained abstinence. Among patients with severe mental disorder, 5% reoffended and 13% were re-hospitalized. Significant sex differences were found in offenders with SUD. The results suggest that sociodemographic and disorder-related risk factors are associated with treatment success and that female patients with SUD might need a specific treatment approach. Sex-specific aspects, diagnosis and psychosocial adjustment should be considered in forensic psychiatric treatment and risk assessment.  相似文献   
According to the 3-component model of commitment, the individual components of commitment—affective (AC), normative (NC), and continuance (CC)—combine to form profiles, and these profiles have different implications for behavior and well-being. We tested these propositions in a military context and also examined conditions (perceived organizational support, organizational justice, job satisfaction, and satisfaction with leadership) that might contribute to the development of commitment profiles. Latent profile analyses of data from 6,501 respondents to the 2010 Canadian Forces Retention Survey revealed 6 distinct profiles. Personnel with profiles reflecting strong AC and NC reported the most favorable work conditions, stay intentions, and well-being; uncommitted personnel and those with CC-dominant profiles reported the least favorable conditions, were most active in job search activities, and scored highest on anxiety and depression. The value of taking a profile approach, and the implications of managing work conditions to promote optimal profiles, are discussed.  相似文献   
A structural model for surface-enhanced stabilization in some metallic glass formers is proposed. In this model, the alloy surface structure is represented by five-layer Kagomé-net-based lateral ordering. Such surface structure has intrinsic abilities to stabilize icosahedral-like short-range order in the bulk, acting as ‘a cloak of liquidity’. In particular, recent experimental observations of surface-induced lateral ordering and a very high glass forming ability of the liquid alloy Au49Ag5.5Pd2.3Cu26.9Si16.3 can be united using this structural model. This model may be useful for the interpretation of surface structure of other liquid alloys with a high glass forming ability. In addition, it suggests the possibility of guiding the design of the surface coating of solid containers for the stabilization of undercooled liquids.  相似文献   

The relationship between the Russian government and the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) has increasingly become the object of much scrutiny. The debate centres on the question of whether or not the ROC enjoys inordinate influence over the Russian political sphere. This article examines one case in which the Moscow Patriarchate has attempted to influence federal policy, namely, by lobbying the state to include courses on ‘Orthodox culture’ in the federal curriculum. The article draws on social movement theory to argue that the ROC has, to date, failed in its endeavour, as a result of a combination of three factors. First, it has failed to persuade either the state or society that teaching ‘Orthodox culture’ in schools is a worthy cause. Second, it has been unable to demonstrate a united front on the issue, revealing serious disagreements within the ranks of both clergy and laity regarding the content and form of the proposed curriculum. Third, it has been unable to demonstrate that it represents a constituency sufficiently numerous for the government to take its interests seriously in this case. The article thus argues that the relationship between church and state in the Russian Federation is more contentious than frequent joint appearances of clerical and lay leaders would suggest, and that the ROC is in the position of a junior partner whose ability to influence the state is circumscribed by important societal and political factors.  相似文献   
Two experiments investigated whether possible and impossible body postures influence mental rotation processes differently considering that anatomical limitations constrain the way in which subjects perform mental transformations of body parts. In Experiment 1, mental rotation was performed on two stimuli presented simultaneously. Both possible and impossible body postures elicited mental rotation, although the mental rotation rate was slower for impossible postures. In Experiment 2, only one stimulus was presented at a time and subjects decided whether it represented a correct body-part configuration or not. A typical mental rotation function was only present for correct body-part configurations. The results are discussed in terms of the familiarity of the stimuli. Unfamiliar stimuli (physically impossible) are rotated via local representations of their parts, whilst global representations are used for rotating familiar (anatomically correct) stimuli.  相似文献   
In a typical attentional blink (AB) experiment, recognition of the second of two serially presented targets is impaired if it occurs around 200-500 ms after the first. However, recognition for the second item is often intact if the two targets occur consecutively (lag-1 sparing). Recent theories of the AB have placed great emphasis on the presence of lag-1 sparing and protracted sparing effects, where accurate performance is seemingly maintained across three or more targets, provided that they are presented consecutively. Here, we show that the type of stimulus (objects vs. letters) used in rapid serial visual presentation streams has a significant effect on the extent of lag-1 sparing, without a commensurate influence on the AB. In addition, multiple consecutive targets produce strikingly different patterns of sparing for objects and letters. These findings suggest that the processes mediating lag-1 sparing are independent of those underlying the AB.  相似文献   
Drawing on psychological science, magic provides a unique perspective on applied cognition. Only sparse systematic research, however, documents the thought processes associated with viewing magic tricks. With responses from over 1000 participants, here, we show how individuals construe a classic magic routine wherein a performer appears to vanish a pen. Thirty‐four percent of participants correctly identified the key moment of the disappearance with only 11% thereof knowing what actions the magician actually performed to achieve the effect. Our collective findings support what magicians have known for a long time: knowing when a critical maneuver occurs hardly reveals the associated modus operandi. In line with a modern theory of attention, we discuss our results and highlight the interaction between the when and where attention modules as a necessary component of applied cognition in ecological settings. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
It is increasingly acknowledged that the diagnosis of major depression encompasses patients who do not necessarily share the same disease biology. Though the diagnostic criteria allow the specification of different subtypes, e.g. melancholic and atypical features, a consensus still has to be reached with regard to the clinical symptoms that clearly delineate these subtypes. Beside clinical characteristics, biological markers may help to further improve identification of biologically distinct endophenotypes and, ultimately, to devise more specific treatment strategies. Alterations of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and sleep architecture are not only commonly observed in patients with major depression, but the nature and extent of these alterations can help to identify distinct subtypes. Thus, a HPA overdrive, due to enhanced secretion of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and an impaired negative feedback via glucocorticoid receptors, seems to be most consistently observed in patients with melancholic features. These patients also show the clearest sleep-electroencephalogram (EEG) alterations, including disrupted sleep, low amounts of slow wave sleep (SWS), a short rapid eye movement (REM) latency and a high REM density. In contrast, patients with atypical features are characterized by reduced activity of the HPA axis and ascending noradrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus. Though sleep-EEG alterations have been less thoroughly examined in these patients, there are data to suggest that SWS is not reduced and that REM sleep parameters are not consistently altered. While the atypical and melancholic subtypes of major depression may represent the extremes of a spectrum, the distinct clinical features provide an opportunity to further explore biological markers, as well as environmental factors, contributing to these clinical phenotypes. Moreover, dysregulations of the HPA axis and sleep-EEG alterations can also be induced in rodents, thereby allowing alignment of critical biological aspects of a human disease subtype with an animal model. Such "Translational Research" efforts should help to develop targeted therapies for distinct patient populations.  相似文献   
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