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We examined the potentially mediating effects of negative affectivity (NA) on the hope–depression relationship among a sample of postpartum women. We also assessed the social support reported by these women and examined the possible mediating effects of NA on the social support–postpartum depression relationship. Correlational analyses of data obtained from women (N = 98) who had given birth in the previous 6 months revealed that NA did not mediate either hope or social support in the prediction of postpartum depression. Hope accounted for a significant degree of variance in postpartum depression. These data suggest that hope has palliative effects among women following childbirth and these effects are not nullified or explained by emotional predispositions.  相似文献   
In this response to Stern's (2005) discussion of Klugkist, Laudy, and Hoijtink (2005), model inference based on posterior probabilities on the parameter space is discussed. Furthermore, the authors respond to Stern's example in which all possible orderings are included via a short discussion of exploratory versus theory-based modeling. Finally, the authors show that the Bayesian approach is flexible and can deal with many types of constraints. This is illustrated using a model with constraints on the differences between means.  相似文献   
Although behavior genetic studies have suggested that early substance use is primarily environmentally mediated, no study has sought to identify the specific sources of environmental variance. Using data obtained from multiple informants, this study assessed the contributions of peer deviance and parent-child relationship problems to substance use in 14-year-old male and female twins (N = 1,403) drawn from the Minnesota Twin Family Study (MTFS). All three phenotypes were influenced primarily by shared environmental variance (average c(2) =.51), as was the overlap among them. Moreover, peer deviance and parent-child relationship problems accounted for approximately 77% of the variance in early substance use. Findings also indicated that peer deviance, but not parent-child relationship problems, accounted uniquely for variance in early substance use.  相似文献   
Patients with schizophrenia display numerous cognitive deficits, including problems in working memory, time estimation, and absolute identification of stimuli. Research in these fields has traditionally been conducted independently. We examined these cognitive processes using tasks that are structurally similar and that yield rich error data. Relative to healthy control participants (n = 20), patients with schizophrenia (n = 20) were impaired on a duration identification task and a probed-recall memory task but not on a line-length identification task. These findings do not support the notion of a global impairment in absolute identification in schizophrenia. However, the authors suggest that some aspect of temporal information processing is indeed disturbed in schizophrenia.  相似文献   
Relatively few studies have predicted adolescent or adult delinquency from childhood Rorschach data. Incremental validity of Rorschach measures over other known consistent and more easily obtained predictors has typically not been investigated. We addressed Rorschach data's incremental validity over mother's reports of externalizing behavior and mother-child relations for predicting officially registered adolescent and adult delinquency in a longitudinal study of 122 Swedish men. The Rorschach measures we used were aggregates of blind, prospectively performed, global expert ratings based on a holistic evaluation of protocols. An aggregate of Rorschach-based ratings of ego strength significantly improved the prediction of delinquency in adolescence and adulthood over and above earlier identified best predictors (mother's ratings of mother-child relations and externalizing problem behavior).  相似文献   
This study evaluates a measurement model for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The DSM-IV divides 18 symptoms into two groups, inattentive and hyperactive/impulsive. Elementary school teachers rated 21,161 children in 4 locations: Spain, Germany, urban US, and suburban US. Confirmatory factor analysis suggested that the 2-factor model (inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity) shows the best fit. A third factor, impulsivity, was too slight to stand-alone. Children with academic performance problems were distinguished by inattention, but children with behavior problems typically had elevations in inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Between-site differences were statistically significant, but so small that we conclude that same measurement model fits all 4 samples in 2 continents.  相似文献   
This study sought to investigate the following research questions: Are time-limited day treatment programs for patients with personality disorder (PD) effective outside resourceful university settings, and what are the overall treatment results when the program is implemented on a larger scale? Do all categories and subtypes of PDs respond favorably to such treatment? How intensive should such day treatment programs be? All patients (n = 1,244) were consecutively admitted to eight different treatment programs in the Norwegian Network of Psychotherapeutic Day Hospitals from 1993 to 2000. Altogether, 1,010 patients were diagnosed with PD. Avoidant, borderline, not otherwise specified (NOS), and paranoid PD were the most common conditions. SCID-II and MINI were used as diagnostic instruments. Outcome measures included GAF Global Assessment of Functioning, (GAF; American Psychiatric Association, 1994), SCL-90R, CIP, Quality of Life, work functioning and parasuicidal behavior, measured at admittance, discharge and 1-year follow up. The attrition rate was 24%. The number of dropouts did not improve over time. As a group, completers with PD improved significantly on all outcome variables from admittance to discharge and improvement was maintained or increased at follow up. Treatment results were best for borderline PD, cluster C patients, PD NOS and No PD, and poorer for cluster A patients. Units with a high treatment dosage did not experience better outcomes than those with a low treatment dosage (10 hours per week). Results from the University unit were not better than those from units at local hospitals or mental health centers.  相似文献   
As an alternative to Shannon's classical entropy measure of information, an exponential entropy function was proposed by Pal and Pal in 1989 and 1991. To generalize Pal's entropy further, this author introduced two different families of exponential entropies that are one-parameter generalizations of Pal's entropy. The purpose of the present paper is to define weighted entropies corresponding to those one-parameter generalizations. Some properties and examples of such weighted exponential entropies are discussed.  相似文献   
Subliminal psychdynamic activation methodology has recently been the subject of an exchange of views between Birgeg?rd and Sohlberg (1999) and Fudin (2000). The agreements and some remaining points of contention are summarized here. The main difference of opinion appears to concern unconscious verbal encoding in relation to subjective experience in subliminal stimulation and whether subliminal psychodynamic activation results are unreliable until a full explanation of how verbal encoding works is at hand. We conclude that clarifying perspectives is important and that those suggesting alternative explanations of results on subliminal psychodynamic activation must now empirically investigate their claims.  相似文献   
Studied socioemotional functioning in 3 groups (n = 15) of high-inhibited, low-inhibited-overfriendly, and low-inhibited-low-overfriendly children at age 9, who were identified by parental ratings in a sample (N = 392) at age 7. Ratings of social inhibition and overfriendliness were stable over the 2-year period from age 7 to age 9. Validity of rated social inhibition and overfriendliness is established with behavioral observations, both predictively and concurrently. The groups are contrasted along the dimensions of social inhibition and overfriendliness with respect to socioemotional distress, social problem solving, empathic ability, and the disinhibitory phenomena of thrill seeking and hyperactivity. The high-inhibited group shows heightened socioemotional distress. The overfriendly group shows heightened levels of thrill seeking and hyperactivity. Social problem solving and empathy are less well developed in the inhibited and in the overfriendly group as contrasted to the low-inhibited-low-overfriendly group. The results are interpreted in terms of risks for socioemotional problems at both ends of the dimension of social inhibition.  相似文献   
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