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Participants were 83 students (36 men and 47 women). 10 intrinsic-extrinsic factors involved in sport motivation were obtained. The factors were generated from items obtained from the participants rather than items from the experimenter. This was done to avoid the possible influence of preconceptions on the part of the experimenter regarding what the final dimensions may be. Obtained motivational factors were Social Reinforcement, Fringe Benefits, Fame and Fortune, External Forces, Proving Oneself, Social Benefits, Mental Enrichment, Expression of Self, Sense of Accomplishment, and Self-enhancement. Each factor was referred to an intrinsic-extrinsic dimension to describe its relative position on that dimension. The order of the factors as listed indicates increasing intrinsic motivation. i.e., the first four factors were rated in the extrinsic range, whereas the remaining six were rated to be in the intrinsic range. Next, the participants rated the extent to which each of the various factors was involved in their decision to participate in sport activities. The pattern of use of the motivational factors was the same for both sexes except that men indicated greater use of the Fringe Benefits factor. Overall, the more intrinsic a sport motivation factor was rated, the more likely it was to be rated as a factor in actual sport participation.  相似文献   
We review recent discoveries that implicate oxytocin in the intergenerational transmission of similar levels of maternal behavior and acute stress responses in female rats. First, ICV-infused oxytocin antagonist decreased the display by nursing dams of pup-licking (PL) and arched-back nursing (ABN), but not other components of maternal behavior, and increased maternal self-grooming suggesting that oxytocin may shift the balance of oral grooming by dams away from themselves and toward pups. Second, oxytocin receptor concentrations in areas of the adult brain where oxytocin stimulates maternal behavior or diminishes anxiety and adrenal axis responses to acute stress were positively related to PL-ABN received during infancy. Third, oxytocin and oxytocin antagonist treatments of pups on postnatal days 2-10, respectively increased and decreased PL by the treated rats when adult and themselves nursing dams. This indicates that oxytocin activity in female pups, which may be regulated by PL-ABN received from their mothers, influences their adult levels of PL. These three lines of evidence suggest that oxytocin selectively enhances PL-ABN by rat dams, which then increases oxytocin activity in female pups and, thereby, facilitates their expression of central oxytocin receptors (and perhaps other aspects of central oxytocin systems) and, consequently, their adult PL-ABN frequencies and acute stress responses.  相似文献   
Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have been labeled as "inefficient movers"; however, little research has examined the effect of stimulant medication on lower extremity movements. 16 boys, 11 to 13 years old, with ADHD performed a lower-limb choice-response time task, both on and off medication. When nonmedicated, children had significantly slower reaction times to all three targets and significantly slower movement times for the contralateral and midline movements. For both conditions, children had significantly faster movement time when using the right leg than the left leg. These findings suggest that movement characteristics of children with ADHD are different under medicated and nonmedicated situations.  相似文献   
Neuropsychology allows us to see more clearly how brain processes are organized by looking at the way they fall apart. For example, a hundred years of research on brain-damaged individuals with deficits of higher-level motor abilities have shed light on the organization of normal motor abilities. A consistent finding has been the dominant role of the left hemisphere in motor control in right-handers. However, the recent paper of Hartmann et al. challenges this tradition by suggesting that both hemispheres can contribute to complex object and tool use.  相似文献   
Change in cognitive abilities was assessed over a 6-year period in a sample of monozygotic and same-sex dizygotic twin pairs (N = 507 individuals), aged 80 and older (mean age = 83.3 years: SD = 3.1). who remained nondemented over the course of the study. Latent growth models (LGMs) show that chronological age and time to death are consistent predictors of decline in measures of memory, reasoning, speed, and verbal abilities. Multivariate LGM analysis resulted in weak and often negative correlations among rates of change between individuals within twin pairs, indicating greater differential change within twin pairs than occurs on average across twin pairs. These findings highlight several challenges for estimating genetic sources of variance in the context of compromised health and mortality-related change.  相似文献   
Latent growth models were applied to data from the Swedish Adoption/Twin Study of Aging to discover if the rate of change in cognitive performance increased from middle age to later adulthood. The sample included 590 participants aged 44 to 88 years at first measurement. Data were gathered at 2 follow-up occasions at intervals of 3 years. Cognitive ability was assessed through 11 tests that tapped crystallized, fluid, memory, and spatial abilities and perceptual speed. Results indicated stability for measures of crystallized ability, linear age changes for many cognitive abilities, and a significant acceleration in linear decline after age 65 for measures with a large speed component. Gender differences were found only in mean level, not in rate of decline.  相似文献   
This paper presents the case of MT, a patient suffering from apraxia with left-hemisphere damage who showed a selective deficit in mentally rotating images of hands whereas he was still able to mentally rotate other visual stimuli. The deficit was particularly evident when MT was asked to decide which hand (left or right) was represented in a picture. suggested that in order to carry out this task, participants would mentally rotate a representation of their own body part until it aligns with the stimulus and it does appear that MT's ability to mentally simulate movements is impaired. In contrast, he was able to mentally rotate other forms of bi- and three-dimensional stimuli. Our findings are also consistent with proposal that there are at least two ways in which objects can be mentally rotated, one that recruits processes devoted to motor preparation (e.g., hands), and another that does not.  相似文献   
This study sought to investigate the following research questions: Are time-limited day treatment programs for patients with personality disorder (PD) effective outside resourceful university settings, and what are the overall treatment results when the program is implemented on a larger scale? Do all categories and subtypes of PDs respond favorably to such treatment? How intensive should such day treatment programs be? All patients (n = 1,244) were consecutively admitted to eight different treatment programs in the Norwegian Network of Psychotherapeutic Day Hospitals from 1993 to 2000. Altogether, 1,010 patients were diagnosed with PD. Avoidant, borderline, not otherwise specified (NOS), and paranoid PD were the most common conditions. SCID-II and MINI were used as diagnostic instruments. Outcome measures included GAF Global Assessment of Functioning, (GAF; American Psychiatric Association, 1994), SCL-90R, CIP, Quality of Life, work functioning and parasuicidal behavior, measured at admittance, discharge and 1-year follow up. The attrition rate was 24%. The number of dropouts did not improve over time. As a group, completers with PD improved significantly on all outcome variables from admittance to discharge and improvement was maintained or increased at follow up. Treatment results were best for borderline PD, cluster C patients, PD NOS and No PD, and poorer for cluster A patients. Units with a high treatment dosage did not experience better outcomes than those with a low treatment dosage (10 hours per week). Results from the University unit were not better than those from units at local hospitals or mental health centers.  相似文献   
Using a serial reaction-time task, the implicit memory performances of 29 high scoring (schizotypes) and 24 low scoring subjects (controls) on the German version of the 1997 Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire by Klein, Andresen, and Jahn were compared. To test the hypothesis that schizotypes show a differential deficit, subjects participated either in a single task condition of the serial reaction-time task or in a dual task condition of a secondary tone-counting task. Neither under single task conditions nor under dual task conditions did schizotypes show any impairment of implicit memory compared with controls. In addition, a separate analysis of the response latencies for the unique and ambiguous transitions of the repeated sequence did not indicate any differences between the two groups. These findings support and augment the results reported by Ferraro and Okerlund (1995).  相似文献   
Indian (N = 400) and Japanese (N = 502) adult subjects were examined for their hand preference on a 7-point scale (1 = left always, 7 = right always) of the 32-item Waterloo Handedness Questionnaire (Steenhuis & Bryden, 1989). Factor analyses of the data yielded a two-factorial structure of hand preference: skilled and unskilled. Interaction of Culture × Hand preference indicated that Indians had more right-hand preference for unskilled activities whereas Japanese subjects had more right-hand preference for skilled activities. Further analyses revealed that the frequency of middle category responses was more common in Japanese subjects. Indian subjects were found to give more extreme responses for either right- or left-hand preference. Findings are discussed in the light of cultural training given to the individuals in these two societies, which are essentially collective in nature.  相似文献   
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