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In existing models of causal induction, 4 types of covariation information (i.e., presence/absence of an event followed by presence/absence of another event) always exert identical influences on causal strength judgments (e.g., joint presence of events always suggests a generative causal relationship). In contrast, we suggest that, due to expectations developed during causal learning, learners give varied interpretations to covariation information as it is encountered and that these interpretations influence the resulting causal beliefs. In Experiments 1A-1C, participants' interpretations of observations during a causal learning task were dynamic, expectation based, and, furthermore, strongly tied to subsequent causal judgments. Experiment 2 demonstrated that adding trials of joint absence or joint presence of events, whose roles have been traditionally interpreted as increasing causal strengths, could result in decreased overall causal judgments and that adding trials where one event occurs in the absence of another, whose roles have been traditionally interpreted as decreasing causal strengths, could result in increased overall causal judgments. We discuss implications for traditional models of causal learning and how a more top-down approach (e.g., Bayesian) would be more compatible with the current findings.  相似文献   
We propose that social categorization can encourage particular forms of intergroup cooperation because it differentiates a group in need from a group that can give aid. Moreover, social categorization is most likely to occur when individuals perceive procedural justice (i.e., fair treatment) from authorities in a superordinate group that includes the individuals' subgroup. Two field studies investigating relations between local and foreign coworkers tested not only this prediction, but also whether high social categorization and procedural justice would yield a dual identity, in which group members identify simultaneously with their social category and the superordinate group. Both studies supported our predictions: Local employees engaged a dual identity and offered knowledge to aid a foreign coworker's adjustment more often when local-foreign categorization and procedural justice from organizational authorities were high than when these variables were low. These discoveries point to controllable mechanisms that enable intergroup cooperation, and our findings have important implications for intergroup aid, expatriate adjustment, immigration, and multiculturalism.  相似文献   
转型期中国社会的精英群体普遍面临着身体与精神的双重危机.从医学社会学的独特解释视角来看,这一非正常的"精英症候群"实质上是反复循环状态下生产与再生产的一种"社会病".在社会病理分析的基础上,从社会结构、社会评价体系、预防与保障机制诸方面为"精英症候群"会诊.  相似文献   
道教与蜀文化关系刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
早在秦汉时期,古蜀文化便已经形成关于自然环境的各种神话、鬼神观念和驱鬼避邪的诸多方术,以及顺其自然、适得其乐、不为物役的生活态度和生活方式。这种世界观和人生价值观便是中国道教早期主要道派———五斗米道在成都地区诞生的思想文化根源;而五斗米道(或道教)形成以后,其人生价值理念又深刻地影响着汉代以后该地区的士族文人研习文章的重点和普通民众的生活方式,并由此形成以文学见长的蜀学特色和极具休闲特色的生活方式。  相似文献   
刘敏  张庆林 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1354-1358
采用“高校配对比较任务”和“城市配对比较任务”检验Goldstein等2002年提出的推理的再认启发模型,结果证明:人们在相关信息不足、知识和时间都有限的情况下,采用再认启发策略进行推理的比率相当高,并且出现了“少即是多”效应。本研究还探讨了Goldstein等没有考虑的因素,结果发现:在压力作用下,人们仍然会采用再认启发策略进行推理;再认启发中被试会运用无关信息进行推理;在操作时间上也会出现“少即是多”效应。  相似文献   
通过两个实验分别考察在类比推理的检索阶段和评价阶段的注意分散对类比推理内隐加工的影响。实验一以83名大学生为被试,采用喜好判断范式探讨检索阶段注意分散对类比推理过程中直觉加工效应和逻辑加工效应的不同影响。实验二以80名大学生为被试,探讨评价阶段注意分散对类比推理过程中直觉加工效应和逻辑加工效应的不同影响。结果显示:检索阶段的注意分散对类比推理的内隐加工的影响不显著,评价阶段的注意分散对类比推理的内隐加工和外显加工均有显著影响。  相似文献   
善意性别偏见因持有者的主观好意往往难以被识别为偏见, 但会通过限制女性的角色形象和将其置于弱者地位从而巩固性别不平等的状况。近年来大量实证研究发现, 善意性别偏见从家庭教育、婚恋角色分工和职场竞争等方面挤压女性的生涯发展空间; 相比来自他人态度的直接作用, 这些消极影响更多通过女性对善意性别偏见的自我内化来实现。针对这一作用机制, 研究者们从女性感知和应对善意性别偏见的个体心理层面提出了多种理论解释。我们认为, 从女性主义心理学视角审视善意性别偏见的相关研究, 如何秉持研究立场的客观性和价值观的中立性是值得反思的问题; 女性主义心理学的最新理论发展也对性别偏见的研究趋势具有重要启示。  相似文献   
工作记忆表征会以自上而下的方式调控注意选择过程, 其中一种表现就是能够对储存的干扰物表征产生注意的主动抑制, 进而提高对目标的搜索效率。另一方面, 凸显性刺激也会以自下而上的方式优先捕获注意。那么, 当保持在工作记忆中的干扰物为更具社会凸显性特征的刺激(如与自己有关的信息)时, 会对视觉搜索过程中的注意抑制产生怎样的影响, 目前尚不清楚。本研究采用短暂联结任务和工作记忆引导的视觉搜索任务范式, 探讨了自我凸显性对注意主动抑制的影响。结果发现, 相比他人和中性条件, 当工作记忆表征为自我联结刺激时, 目标搜索反应更快。本研究从行为层面为自我相关信息能够易化主动抑制过程提供了证据。  相似文献   
股骨头坏死治疗方案的比较及选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
股骨头坏死是骨科领域常见且难治性疾病,其治疗方式多种多样,目前尚无一种方法能治愈不同类型、不同分期的FHN。本文依据比较治疗学原理,通过比较股骨头坏死常用的各类治疗方法,得出对于不同的患者,应综合考虑患者的年龄、病情、预期寿命、活动量的大小、及经济条件等多种因素,制定最有效、最适宜患者个体的治疗方案。  相似文献   
Do remembering and knowing differ qualitatively (reflecting distinct underlying processes) or quantitatively (reflecting different levels of strength)? Broadly speaking, models of remember—know judgments based on these alternatives have been tested by examining the proportion of remember and know responses that are made across conditions or levels of confidence. Here, we consider reaction time (RT) data. We replicate Dewhurst and Conway’s (1994) observation that old judgments followed by remember responses are faster, on average, than those followed by know decisions, but show that this effect is largely due to differing distributions of remember and know responses across confidence levels. In addition, fits of ex-Gaussian distributions of hit RTs followed by either remember or know judgments yield similar parameter values when confidence level is controlled. Thus, these RT data do not provide strong support for the idea that remembering and knowing depend on different processes.  相似文献   
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