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Tobacco use is significantly associated with schizophrenia. However, it is not clear if smoking is associated with the illness itself, treatment, or underlying vulnerability to the disease. Smoking was studied in a sample of schizophrenic probands (n = 24), their unaffected co-twins (n = 24), and controls (n = 3,347). Unaffected co-twins had higher rates of daily smoking than controls. Probands and co-twins were more frequently unsuccessful in attempts to quit than controls. Probands reported shaky hands and depression following smoking cessation more often than controls, whereas unaffected co-twins reported difficulty concentrating, drowsiness, nervousness, and headache following smoking cessation more often than controls. Results are consistent with the hypothesis that nicotine use is influenced by familial vulnerability to schizophrenia, not just clinical schizophrenia per se.  相似文献   
本研究采用随意学习的实验范式,探讨了结句中是否包含比喻性成语以及被试的工作记忆容量大小对文章段落回忆成绩的影响.实验中所有被试被要求阅读6个说明体的文章段落,然后接受一个有提示的回忆测验.研究发现(1)所有被试对结句中包含比喻性成语的段落回忆成绩比结句中没有比喻性成语的段落好.(2)结句中是否包含比喻性成语和被试工作记忆容量之间存在着交互作用.若结句中包含比喻性成语,段落的回忆成绩不受被试工作记忆容量的制约,反之则会.这些结果可能表明,比喻性成语的某些特点,如形象性或易记性,作为一种辅助手段促进了被试对文章内容的记忆、保持和回忆.  相似文献   
This paper describes the utilization of a desktop virtual environment task, the Computer-Generated (C-G) Arena, in the study of human spatial navigation. First, four experiments examined the efficacy of various training procedures in the C-G Arena. In Experiment 1, participants efficiently located a hidden target after only observing the virtual environment from a fixed position (placement learning). In Experiment 2, participants efficiently located a hidden target after only observing an experimenter search the virtual environment (observational learning). In Experiment 3, participants failed to display alatent learning effect in the virtual environment. In Experiment 4, all training procedures effectively taught participants the layout of the virtual environment, but the observational learning procedure most effectivelytaught participants the location of a hidden target within the environment. Finally, two experiments demonstrated the application of C-G Arena procedures to neuroimaging (Experiment 5) and neuropsychological (Experiment 6) investigations of human spatial navigation.  相似文献   
深入了解我省社区卫生服务发展中存在的问题,随机抽样,现场调查。调查分析发现,社区卫生工作在我省呈现出蓬勃发展的趋势,但也暴露出了许多新的问题。应继续加强人才队伍建设,加强对社区卫生服务机构的监管,依法严格社区卫生服务机构、从业人员和技术的准入管理,制定细化的技术规范、操作规程,建立系统的考核标准、评价体系。  相似文献   
孔明  卞冉  张厚粲 《心理科学》2007,30(4):924-925,918
平行分析是探索性因素分析中用来确定所保留的凶子个数的一种方法。探索性因素分析中常用的确定因子个数的方法有特征值大于1准则和碎石图,但这两种方法又各有不足。平行分析则为探索性因素分析中所保留因子个数的确定提供了另一种新思路。本文详细介绍了平行分析的步骤、潜在逻辑以及进行平行分析所用的软件,并通过实例来说明其在探索性因素分析中如何应用。  相似文献   
The present study examines reciprocal associations between marital functioning and adolescent maladjustment using cross-lagged autoregressive models. The research involved 451 early adolescents and their families and used a prospective, longitudinal research design with multi-informant methods. Results indicate that parental conflicts over child rearing predicted adolescent depressive symptoms and delinquency. In turn, these adolescent problems exacerbated parental conflicts over child rearing. Furthermore, conflict over child rearing served as the nexus through which more generalized marital dissatisfaction and adolescent adjustment problems were reciprocally interrelated. This research replicates earlier observations that marital problems intensify adolescent maladjustment and extends the literature by demonstrating that adolescent problems also predict marital conflict and ultimately marital dissatisfaction. In sum, the present study demonstrates that marital dissatisfaction, conflict over child rearing, and early adolescent adjustment difficulties are interwoven in a dynamic family system marked by reciprocity along these dimensions.  相似文献   
Previous studies have documented inconsistent results in terms of the relationship between knowledge workers' perceived training investment and their turnover intentions. In order to clarify the inconsistencies, the present study extends previous research by exploring the moderating roles of perceived demand–ability (D–A) job fit and person–organisation (P–O) fit. Data were collected from 303 research and development (R&D) engineers from 30 high‐technology firms in Taiwan. Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to test the hypotheses. The results show that perceived D–A fit, P–O fit, and perceived training investment interact jointly to predict knowledge workers' turnover intentions. Specifically, while the main effect of perceived training investment on turnover intentions was negative, under situations of extremely high perceived D–A fit and extremely low P–O fit, the relationship between knowledge workers' perceived training investment and their turnover intentions became positive, and under situations of low perceived D–A fit and high P–O fit, the relationship between knowledge workers' perceived training investment and their turnover intentions remained negative. Theoretical and practical implications are also discussed. Les études antérieures ont donné des résultats contradictoires quant aux relations entre la connaissance que les salariés perçoivent de l’investissement dans la formation et leurs intentions de changer. Dans le but de clarifier ces incohérences, la présente étude prend la suite de recherches antérieures en explorant les rôles modérateurs de la compatibilité perçue entre la compétence et les nécessités au travail (DA) et de la compatibilité entre la personne prise dans sa globalité et les caractéristiques de l’organisation qui l’emploie (PO). Les données ont été collectées auprès de 303 ingénieurs en recherche et développement (R&D) de 30 entreprises de haute technologie à Taiwan. Des analyses de régression hiérarchique ont conduit à tester les hypothèses. Les résultats montrent que la compatibilité D‐A, la compatibilité P‐O et l’investissement perçu dans la formation interagissent conjointement pour prédire les intentions de changement des employés. Plus spécifiquement, alors que le principal effet de l’investissement perçu dans la formation sur les intentions de changement est négatif, dans des conditions de compatibilité D‐A perçue comme étant basse et de compatibilité P‐O haute, la relation entre la connaissance que les salariés perçoivent de l’investissement dans la formation et leurs intentions de changement reste négative. Les implications théoriques et pratiques sont aussi discutées.  相似文献   
现在的逻辑学已发展为内容丰富、分支众多的学科。随着研究成果的日益丰富,逻辑学向更抽象化的方向发展成为必然,抽象代数逻辑就是这种趋势下产生的一种逻辑形态。要了解这种逻辑的产生,就要从现代逻辑的两个研究方法———对逻辑进行代数化处理和使推理概念形式化或符号化——  相似文献   
诗歌中用以起兴之物或事不仅可引出他物或事,而且还有讽喻、象征的意义,对我们理解诗歌内容的构建、主旨的表达和情感的抒发起到恰如坐标一样的导向与辐射作用.白居易的<井底引银瓶>诗实际是用<周易·井卦>来起兴的.他将"讽喻王不明,贤人修已全洁而不见用,怀才不遇,而心中恻怆"这一主旨,通过该诗的"爱情悲剧",导向和辐射到当时的政治现实.他极有可能是通过该诗来讽喻皂帝,反映其对永贞革新的态度,并对因革新而遭打击的官员表示深深的同情.  相似文献   
Chinese society is characterized by emerging fragmentation and by the coexistence of traditional and Western values, goals and norms. In this multifaceted environment bi‐cultural selves, which encompass social and individual orientations, may emerge. The aim of this paper is to explore if features of bi‐cultural selves concerning interactions, emotions, and values are reflected in online public discussions in China. In order to address this question, we explored two of the most popular bulletin board systems (BBSs): Tian Ya and Feng Huang Forums. BBSs attract almost one third of Internet users in China and provide these users with a forum to carry out public dialogue; BBSs are thus an ideal place to study how the self is socially shaped in public communication. A sample of 6109 messages was subjected to quantitative content analysis. Results show that twofold self‐construal, corresponding to the individual‐ and social‐oriented self, are (also) detected in BBSs forum content: direct and polemic content coexist with conciliatory content; ego‐focused and other‐focused emotions are almost equally as frequent as one another; and traditional values are evoked together with the quest for truth and individual rights. Moreover, three typologies of Internet users (proactive, ambivalent, and follower), which were identified on the basis of the quality of their online interactions, show different patterns of emotions and values. We may thus conclude that alternative ways of constructing self‐other and self‐society relationships currently coexist in China and that these alternative views confront each other on BBS forums.  相似文献   
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