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In short-term probe-recognition tasks, observers make speeded old–new recognition judgments for items that are members of short lists. However, long-term memory (LTM) for items from previous lists influences current-list performance. The current experiment pursued the nature of these long-term influences—in particular, whether they emerged from item-familiarity or item-response-learning mechanisms. Subjects engaged in varied-mapping (VM) and consistent-mapping (CM) short-term probe-recognition tasks (e.g., Schneider & Shiffrin, Psychological Review, 84, 1–66, 1977). The key manipulation was to vary the frequency with which individual items were presented across trials. We observed a striking dissociation: Whereas increased presentation frequency led to benefits in performance for both old and new test probes in CM search, it resulted in interference effects for both old and new test probes in VM search. Formal modeling suggested that a form of item-response learning took place in both conditions: Each presentation of a test probe led to the storage of that test probe—along with its associated “old” or “new” response—as an exemplar in LTM. These item-response pairs were retrieved along with current-list items in driving observers’ old-– recognition judgments. We conclude that item-response learning is a core component of the LTM mechanisms that influence CM and VM memory search.  相似文献   
为了探究综合医院临床研究的受试者权益是否得到有效保护,以某综合医院机构开展的临床研究项目伦理初始审查材料为例,进行了回顾性研究。选取2018年~2019年笔者所在医院开展的临床科研伦理审查项目存档资料进行评估。结果发现,在67项申请伦理审查的项目中,提出修改意见的项目占53.7%,其中知情同意书占47.8%;项目申请的主要问题集中于研究目的、研究内容和风险告知。研究方案设计的科学性、公平性、目的明确性、伦理合理性、风险告知充分等是研究者伦理意识和能力的关键。研究者和伦理委员会的工作能力仍需进一步提高以保护受试者的权益。  相似文献   
回顾了5G远程超声诊断的技术特点和应用趋势,剖析受检者、医护人员及社会的获益与风险,认为5G 远程超声诊断模式作为远程医疗全新应用,可以成为我国医联体资源共享的重要载体,有望改善医疗资源在基层和偏远地区时空分布不均,满足公共卫生疾病筛查、院前急救和隔离病房超声检查需求,提高医疗质量、安全和可及性。此外,针对衍生出的受检者-本地端-远程端三方权责关系治理挑战,以及未来直接面向消费者的健康管理新模式,提出运用医师多点执业制度、设备备案管理等措施予以规范的建议。  相似文献   
通过对补偿等相关概念界定,对临床试验受试者补偿的范围界定不明确、补偿金额缺乏具体核算标准及报销手续繁琐与兑现时间长、补偿方式单一,未体现不同受试者多样化需求、受试者维权能力与维权意识薄弱、伦理委员会履职能力也影响受试者权益维护等问题进行了分析,针对问题探讨其改进措施,如明确补偿的具体内容与范围,制定具体补偿标准及提高补偿兑现效率,采取合理的多样化补偿和激励方式,充分向受试者告知补偿权益,提高受试者的维权意识,提高伦理委员的审查能力等,为制定受试者补偿相关指导意见及保护受试者权益提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   
通过对国内某三甲医院五年科研伦理审查情况进行分析,探讨科研项目伦理审查工作的重点、难点及对策。汇总2013年~2017年经医学伦理委员会会议审查的科研项目,分析研究者的学历、职称、学科与通过率关系。近5年医学伦理委员会共审查科研项目285项,通过238项,未通过47项,其中内科通过率高于外科(P<0.05),副高以上职称通过率高于中级(P<0.05),研究生以上学历通过率高于本科及以下学历(P<0.05)。只有强化伦理意识,规范审查形式,健全监管机制,才能保证科研伦理工作健康规范发展。  相似文献   
According to the Body‐Specificity Hypothesis (BSH), people implicitly associate positive ideas with the side of space on which they are able to act more fluently with their dominant hand. Though this hypothesis has been rigorously tested across a variety of populations and tasks, the studies thus far have only been conducted in linguistic and cultural communities which favor the right over the left. Here, we tested the effect of handedness on implicit space‐valence mappings in Tibetan practitioners of Bön who show a strong religious preference for the left, in comparison to an English group. Results showed that Bön right‐handers tended to implicitly associate positive valence more strongly with their dominant side of space despite strong explicit associations between the left and goodness in their religion. This pattern of results found in Bön participants was indistinguishable from that found in English speakers. The findings of the present study support the BSH, demonstrating that space‐valence mappings in people's minds are shaped by their bodily experience, which appears to be independent of space‐valence mappings enshrined in cultural conventions.  相似文献   

《WHO胸部肿瘤分类(第5版)》中的肺肿瘤分类目录把肺原位腺癌从腺癌目录中移出, 归类到腺体前驱病变。肺磨玻璃结节临床考虑原位腺癌时,如何进行临床决策更易造成偏差, 到底是随访还是手术值得思考, 过度诊疗和误诊误治同时存在。应充分理解肺原位腺癌的特性, 以较好的心态去应对, 从生物学及社会心理学两方面考虑, 不能治愈了一个肺癌, 但多了一个肺癌患者。建议在医患共同决策的前提下进行个体化方案制定, 使患者尽早回归社会, 最大可能使患者获益。

中国文化的古老历史和宗教的多元化决定了他们面对的是一个“多元宗教经典”构成的世界,不同时代的社会处境也对他们的信仰提出了各种挑战,会创造怎样一种阅读圣经的方法,用来诠释基督教经典并确立自己的身份意识。本文选取吴雷川与赵紫宸为个案的研究对象,以他们读《圣经》的原则与方法为例,考察中国现代基督徒知识分子是如何看待和阐释经文,试图以此为亚洲处境下的圣经诠释学提供研究的一个范本。  相似文献   
通过对经典四卡问题呈现方式的改进,逐一呈现与命题对应的检验证据,要求被试判断每一证据在命题检验中的作用。结果表明:(1)"证真偏向"依然存在,但从正确率来看,顺证真与顺证伪没有显著差异;(2)发现了显著的顺序效应,与逆向检验相比,顺向检验有更高的正确率与更短的反应时;(3)被试加工与命题"无关联"刺激时存在明显困难,其正确率显著较低。这些结果说明个体在判断不同证据对命题检验的作用时会受到命题内在方向性的影响,个体可能会采用一些固有推理图式以及简单的匹配策略解决问题。  相似文献   
知觉干扰效应是指在识记阶段快速呈现一个单词,紧接着给予一个倒行掩蔽的刺激,在随后的记忆测验中被试表现出对单词的记忆增强的一种现象。知觉干扰效应的影响因素分为测验方式、实验设计方式、实验材料的属性和其他影响因素四个方面。理论解释主要有六种:精细加工假说、时空背景假说、任务要求假说、补偿加工假说、选择性复述假说以及项目特异关联假说。最后,文章从研究领域和实验材料的拓展以及主观因素的影响展望了该研究领域  相似文献   
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