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The present experiment examined whether posttraining noradrenergic activity within the basolateral complex of the amygdala (BLA) is required for mediating the facilitating effects of acutely administered glucocorticoids on memory for auditory-cue classical fear conditioning. Male Sprague-Dawley rats received five pairings of a single-frequency auditory stimulus and footshock, followed immediately by bilateral infusions of the beta1-adrenoceptor antagonist atenolol (0.5 microg in 0.2 microl) or saline into the BLA together with a subcutaneous injection of either corticosterone (3.0 mg/kg) or vehicle. Retention was tested 24 h later in a novel test chamber and suppression of ongoing motor behavior served as the measure of conditioned fear. Corticosterone facilitated memory as assessed by suppression of motor activity during the 10-s presentation of the auditory stimulus and intra-BLA administration of atenolol selectively blocked this corticosterone-induced memory enhancement. These findings provide evidence that, as found with other emotionally arousing tasks, the enhancing effects of corticosterone on memory consolidation of auditory-cue fear conditioning require posttraining noradrenergic activity within the BLA.  相似文献   
A large number of studies have indicated that stress exposure or the administration of stress hormones and other neuroactive drugs immediately after a learning experience modulates the consolidation of long-term memory. However, there has been little investigation into how arousal induced by handling of the animals in order to administer these drugs affects memory. Therefore, the present study examined whether the posttraining injection or handling procedure per se affects memory of auditory-cue classical fear conditioning. Male Sprague-Dawley rats, which had been pre-handled on three days for 1 min each prior to conditioning, received three pairings of a single-frequency auditory stimulus and footshock, followed immediately by either a subcutaneous injection of a vehicle solution or brief handling without injection. A control group was placed back into their home cages without receiving any posttraining treatment. Retention was tested 24 h later in a novel chamber and suppression of ongoing motor behavior during a 10-s presentation of the auditory-cue served as the measure of conditioned fear. Animals that received posttraining injection or handling did not differ from each other but showed significantly less stimulus-induced movement compared to the non-handled control group. These findings thus indicate that the posttraining injection or handling procedure is sufficiently arousing or stressful to facilitate memory consolidation of auditory-cue classical fear conditioning.  相似文献   
This study examined the generalizability of psychological contract forms observed in the West (D. M. Rousseau, 2000) to China. Using 2 independent samples, results confirmed the generalizability of 3 psychological contract forms: transactional, relational, and balanced. This study also examined the nature of relationships of psychological contracts with organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). In particular, this study explored the role of instrumentality as a mediating psychological process. The authors found evidence that instrumentality mediates the relationship of relational and balanced forms with OCB; however, the transactional contract form is directly related to OCB. The authors discuss the implications of these results for the meaning of psychological contracts and OCB in China and raise issues for future research.  相似文献   
Parental communication is still relatively meaningful in Asian families with hierarchical, vertical, and authoritative relationships. Meanwhile, children's pro-environmental behaviour in emerging Asian nations tends to be passive, leading to a need for intervention from the closest parties, often the parent, whose familial role in green communication has not been examined. This study uses social learning theory to examine the interplay of parent-like spokespeople and message appeals in affecting young adults' cognitive and emotional responses, which is expected to influence the ad liking and believability of green advertisements and switching intention to green products, such as eco-friendly straws. A laboratory experiment was conducted with 240 subjects. The results showed that the frame of a father-like figure conveying a hope appeal generated the greatest enthusiasm and argument quality for young adults. Mother-like figures speaking a fearful message frame were the best generator for young adults' anger and threat appraisal. Ad liking was significantly impacted only by a mother-like spokesperson who spoke a fearful appeal mediated by anger and a father-like spokesperson who delivered a hope appeal mediated by argument quality. Young adults' willingness to switch to eco-friendly straws was indirectly influenced by the interaction effect of a mother-like spokesperson and fear appeal type mediated by ad believability.  相似文献   
运用元分析的方法考察语境在反语理解中的作用及其相关的调节因素。通过文献检索,共搜集了13篇有效文献,16项实验数据,包含了806名被试。结果发现:(1)在反语理解正确率指标上反语明显比字面语更难理解,语境与目标反语不一致会产生额外推理过程,导致反语理解相对困难。(2)目标区反语和字面语在第一遍阅读时间指标上没有差异,但是在回视路径阅读时间和总阅读时间指标上反语的加工时间显著更长,这表明语境在反语加工的后期产生了作用,读者需要在加工后期对反语进行重新分析和整合,这一结果基本符合模块化理论的预测。(3)熟悉性对目标区的第一遍阅读时间和总阅读时间产生了调节作用,表明不管语境强度如何,熟悉的意义首先被加工,这一结果与分级显著性假设的预测基本一致。  相似文献   
Since blushing is difficult to detect in people with dark skin, their experience of blushing may differ fundamentally from people with fair skin. To investigate this issue, cheek temperature and forehead blood flow were measured in 16 Caucasians and 16 Indians during mental arithmetic and singing. Caucasians (particularly females) thought that they blushed more intensely than Indians, and also reported greater self-consciousness when singing. Vascular responses did not differ between groups. However, skin tone moderated the association between vascular responses and ratings of self-consciousness, blushing intensity, blushing propensity and fear of negative evaluation. These findings support the notion that the visibility of blushing influences the nature of emotions experienced in embarrassing social encounters.  相似文献   
本研究探讨中小学生正念注意觉知的发展及其与心理健康的关系,并考察情绪调节和积极重评在其中起到的中介作用。研究采用追踪设计,来自江西地区两所小学(4到6年级)和两所中学(7到9年级)的共1251名学生(男生691人,女生560人)在间隔半年的两个时间点分别填写了测量正念注意觉知、心理健康(生活满意度、抑郁、焦虑、学业压力)、情绪调节以及积极重评的问卷。结果表明:(1)中学生正念注意觉知显著低于小学生;(2)中小学生正念注意觉知与两个时间点的情绪调节、积极重评及心理健康均显著相关;(3)跨时间点中介效应检验结果表明,在中小学生正念注意觉知和各心理健康变量的关系中,情绪调节中介效应均显著,积极重评中介效应均不显著。结论:中小学生正念注意觉知与心理健康密切相关,正念注意觉知通过情绪调节能力间接作用于中小学生心理健康。  相似文献   
β_2-糖蛋白I依赖性自身抗体与自然流产的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨β2-糖蛋白I依赖性自身免疫抗体对自然流产病因诊断价值。将59名自然流产患者作为研究组,同时选择29名正常妊娠的产妇作为对照组。结论显示检测抗磷脂抗体能提高对自然流产患者病因诊断,β2-糖蛋白I依赖性抗心磷脂抗体的特异性较单纯抗心磷脂抗体的特异性高,诊断妊娠丢失的病因更准确。  相似文献   
为探讨β2-糖蛋白Ⅰ依赖性自身免疫抗体对自然流产病因诊断价值。将59名自然流产患者作为研究组,同时选择29名正常妊娠的产妇作为对照组。结论显示检测抗磷脂抗体能提高对自然流产患者病因诊断,β2-糖蛋白Ⅰ依赖性抗心磷脂抗体的特异性较单纯抗心磷脂抗体的特异性高,诊断妊娠丢失的病因更准确。  相似文献   
团体决策支持系统和团体讨论对团体决策的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王辉  刘艳芳  张侃 《心理学报》2003,35(2):190-194
通过模拟实验的方法,探讨了团体决策支持系统(GDSS)和团体讨论对团体决策的影响。以大学生为被试,运用小组决策任务,对小组决策过程进行了研究。实验记录了在有无GDSS的支持和有无团体讨论两个变量所决定的4种实验条件下,小组决策取得结果的正确性和组内的一致性。用ANOVA方法分析了4种条件下的实验结果,发现GDSS能提高团体决策的正确性,而团体讨论将有助于成员做出一个正确的、一致的决策  相似文献   
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