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Positive attitudes have been identified across prosocial donation domains, but have not translated into a stable donor base. One explanation for this attitude‐behavior inconsistency is a failure to consider the affective and cognitive components of attitude. Studies were conducted to examine vested interest as a moderator of the attitude–behavior relationship in donation, while accounting for the multidimensional construction of attitude. Study 1 revealed a 3‐factor structure (stake, salience, self‐efficacy) for vested interest. Study 2 found no support for vested interest as a moderator of the attitude–behavior relationship, but revealed that self‐efficacy mediated the relationship between attitudes and behaviors for organ/tissue and blood donation. Results are discussed in terms of the usefulness of this research in crafting donation campaigns.  相似文献   
This paper examines how satisfaction with life (SWL) varies in four zones of the urban–rural continuum, for 1,971 residents of the county-sized municipality of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. It also examines whether the predictors of SWL themselves vary by rural–urban. Data are from the STAR project, which is an innovative GPS-assisted time diary survey. ‘Global’ SWL varies significantly by urban–rural zones, being highest in the inner city (IC), and lowest in the outer commuter belt (OCB). Self-rated health is a significant bivariate correlate, as are age, whether married, household size, and household income (all of which vary significantly by U-R zones). Several geographic variables co-vary significantly with SWL, particularly community belonging (strong in IC, weak in OCB), unsafe after dark (worst in IC, best in OCB), and commuting time (least in IC, most in OCB). A regional multivariate model yielded significant predictors related to physical health, mental health, and community geography, but excluded socio-demographic variables. Separate models for each urban–rural zone showed that SWL is more predictable at the zonal level than for the region as a whole, and the predictors vary considerably by zone. Physical health is an important predictor in the inner city and suburbs, unsafe after dark is significant only in the suburbs, and travel-related variables are very important in the inner commuter belt.  相似文献   
This article identifies a challenge brought to us while facilitating a diversity workshop with adults in a school work setting. Our program involved using the video The Color of Fear as a centerpiece of a training to school district staff where the goals were to raise awareness and understanding of race, gender and class issues, increase understanding of power and privilege, and build alliances between people from diverse backgrounds. The challenge came from a white, male participant and involved issues of privilege, the intersections of race, class, and gender, and resistance to addressing diversity matters. Reflections of what worked and didn't work are offered as well as recommendations to other facilitators who will face similar challenges.  相似文献   
本文是英国学者巴雷特教授代表作《唐朝道教研究——中国历史上黄金时期的宗教与帝国》一书的第三部分,从宗教与政治的角度论证了武周之后中宗、睿宗以及玄宗时期的道教与皇权之间的关系,着重从佛道地位的变化分析道教在中唐发展盛极一时,成为当时与儒家治世之道相抗衡的国之重策的原因。  相似文献   
Research suggests a positivity effect in older adults' memory for emotional material, but the evidence from the attentional domain is mixed. The present study combined 2 methodologies for studying preferences in visual attention, eye tracking, and dot-probe, as younger and older adults viewed synthetic emotional faces. Eye tracking most consistently revealed a positivity effect in older adults' attention, so that older adults showed preferential looking toward happy faces and away from sad faces. Dot-probe results were less robust, but in the same direction. Methodological and theoretical implications for the study of socioemotional aging are discussed.  相似文献   
Unconscious processes, by whatever name they may be known (e.g., "subliminal," "implicit"), are invariably operationalized by the dissociation paradigm, any situation involving the dissociation between two indicators (or sets of indicators), one of availability (epsilon) and the other, of accessibility (alpha), such that, epsilon>alpha. Subliminal perception has been traditionally defined by a special case of the dissociation paradigm in which availability exceeds accessibility when accessibility is null (epsilon>alpha/alpha=0). Construct validity issues bedevil all dissociation paradigms since it is not clear what might constitute appropriate indicators that, moreover, are pure and exhaustive. Semantic and theoretic drifts in the recent literature--e.g., the confusion of different versions of the dissociation paradigm, the equation of conscious-unconscious with direct-indirect tests, and the foisting of the criterion of qualitative differences--have tended to undermine emerging theoretic parsimony. On the other hand, a crucial factor has been left out of theory development: time. Both epsilon and alpha can rise and fall over time, often asynchronously, and so dissociations may wax and wane and, even, reverse over time. Some laboratory evidence suggests that accessibility measures (e.g., d'), as they approach chance, may actually dip below chance (subchance perception). If so, d'=0 (the chance-limen or objective threshold), could be an averaging artifact of positive and negative d's. Conscious accessibility is not either-or but more or less, and variable over time.  相似文献   
The paper begins by defending the Hohfeldianaccount of rights (as equivalence relations) from thecharge that it cannot capture their specialsignificance, and thus cannot be used in a right-basedmoral theory. It goes on to argue that, because of amisunderstanding of this relational account, theconception of right-based morality that has emerged inrecent years has been variously flawed from theoutset. A particular form of explanatory priority waswrongly taken to be essential, and then eitherincoherently combined with equivalence, or taken to bea reason for rejecting equivalence where right-basedthinking is concerned. In fact, this form of priorityis not sufficient for establishing a right-based moraltheory. It is also not necessary, since theHohfeldian analysis can be shown to be entirelyadequate to meeting the original aims of thoseproposing this approach to ethics.  相似文献   
Erdelyi MH 《The Behavioral and brain sciences》2006,29(5):499-511; discussion 511-51
Repression has become an empirical fact that is at once obvious and problematic. Fragmented clinical and laboratory traditions and disputed terminology have resulted in a Babel of misunderstandings in which false distinctions are imposed (e.g., between repression and suppression) and necessary distinctions not drawn (e.g., between the mechanism and the use to which it is put, defense being just one). "Repression" was introduced by Herbart to designate the (nondefensive) inhibition of ideas by other ideas in their struggle for consciousness. Freud adapted repression to the defensive inhibition of "unbearable" mental contents. Substantial experimental literatures on attentional biases, thought avoidance, interference, and intentional forgetting exist, the oldest prototype being the work of Ebbinghaus, who showed that intentional avoidance of memories results in their progressive forgetting over time. It has now become clear, as clinicians had claimed, that the inaccessible materials are often available and emerge indirectly (e.g., procedurally, implicitly). It is also now established that the Ebbinghaus retention function can be partly reversed, with resulting increases of conscious memory over time (hypermnesia). Freud's clinical experience revealed early on that exclusion from consciousness was effected not just by simple repression (inhibition) but also by a variety of distorting techniques, some deployed to degrade latent contents (denial), all eventually subsumed under the rubric of defense mechanisms ("repression in the widest sense"). Freudian and Bartlettian distortions are essentially the same, even in name, except for motive (cognitive vs. emotional), and experimentally induced false memories and other "memory illusions" are laboratory analogs of self-induced distortions.  相似文献   
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