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霍布斯的两副面孔:施米特、施特劳斯论霍布斯   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施米特和施特劳斯认为现代社会潜藏着一种巨大的危机--现代性危机.他们在对现代性危机的研究中,几乎一致认为霍布斯对此应负有不可推卸的责任,即霍布斯的思想奠基或者说推动了现代性危机的产生和发展.但施米特和施特劳斯分别从政治神学和政治哲学的视角审视霍布斯,从而使得霍布斯呈现出了两幅不同的面孔,即政治神学家和政治哲学家.  相似文献   
本研究以一个完整家庭(包括父亲、母亲、子女)为单位,基于施瓦茨的价值观理论,对上海及其周边中小城市、农村的107个14-17周岁的在校中学生家庭进行了价值观调查。在考察子女与其父母价值观差异的同时,运用多元回归分析探索当代中学生与父母价值观的相似性。结果表明,父母双方与子女价值观存在较大差异,其中母亲与子女的价值观差异更大;但子女与父母在集体主义价值观维度上表现出显著的相似性。  相似文献   
在当代哲学方法论议题兴起的背景下,卡尔纳普的"精确转释"方法又重新获得英美学界的关注和热议。卡尔纳普的"精确转释"通过用"精确转释项"取代"待精确转释项",从而将"日常概念"转化为"科学概念"。当代学者拓展了"精确转释"的使用范围,不再局限于科学探究范畴。一个充沛的"精确转释项"应该满足四个条件:丰赡性、精确性、相似性、简明性。本文指出,"丰赡性"标准可涵盖其他三项。"精确转释"也面临着两大理论困境:"转换主题"和"非充分阐明"。本文尝试给出一个糅合"精确转释"和"日常语言考察"的方案。  相似文献   
本研究以18299名六年级学生为研究对象,通过潜在剖面分析和方差分析,探讨了六年级学生阅读多策略使用类型的潜在异质性及其对阅读成绩的影响,结果显示:(1)六年级学生的阅读多策略使用存在3个类别:熟练使用型(占36.35%),基本掌握型(占49.29%),有待提升型(占14.36%);(2)3类学生在2类文本(文学类和信息类)和4种阅读能力(分析与整合、获取与解释、连接与推论、感悟与评价)上的阅读成绩均为:属于熟练使用型的六年级学生最好,属于基本掌握型的六年级学生次之,属于有待提升型的六年级学生最差。研究结果表明对学生开展阅读多策略使用的指导非常重要。  相似文献   
The Spatial Numerical/Temporal Association of Response Codes (SNARC/STEARC) effects are considered evidence of the association between number or time and space, respectively. As the SNARC effect was proposed by Dehaene, Bossini, and Giraux in 1993, several studies have suggested that different tasks and cultural factors can affect the flexibility of the SNARC effect. This study explored the influence of time units on the flexibility of the SNARC effect via materials with Arabic numbers, which were suffixed with time units and subjected to magnitude comparison tasks. Experiment 1 replicated the SNARC effect for numbers and the STEARC effect for time units. Experiment 2 explored the flexibility of the SNARC effect when numbers were attached to time units, which either conflicted with the numerical magnitude or in which the time units were the same or different. Experiment 3 explored whether the SNARC effect of numbers was stable when numbers were near the transition of two adjacent time units. The results indicate that the SNARC effect was flexible when the numbers were suffixed with time units: Time units influenced the direction of the SNARC effect in a way which could not be accounted for by the mathematical differences between the time units and numbers. This suggests that the SNARC effect is not obligatory and can be easily adapted or inhibited based on the current context.  相似文献   
This study analyzed psychophysical data from younger and elderly people on the influence of spacing between vertical lines, exposure time, and number of vertical lines in a stimulus for visual performance. A total of 50 elderly people and 31 graduate students participated in the experiment. Nine levels of spacing between lines (3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, and 29 points), three exposure times (0.2, 0.6, and 1.0 sec.), and five sets of numbers of lines (4, 5, 6, 7, and 8) were manipulated. Analysis showed enhanced spacing between lines and exposure time improved discrimination of separation. However, although performance on discrimination of separation increased as spacing between lines increased up to 21 points, it was degraded at higher values. A positive effect of number of lines on discrimination of separation was also observed, and performance increased as the number of lines decreased. The effect of age group, i.e., elderly versus younger, on performance was significant. The accuracy of the younger was greater than that for the elderly group. Moreover, three interactive two-way effects were found: group x spacing between lines, number of lines x spacing between lines, and number of lines x exposure time. The present findings could be used as a practical reference in the design of instrument displays in which the operator has to consider the scale and markings on a dial, especially if the display is operated in an emergency or is manipulated by elderly people.  相似文献   
This study examined the role of retrieval context in implicit priming by manipulating percentage of word-stem index as shallow and deep processing while performing a word-stem completion task. 80 subjects were randomly divided into four groups each of 20 subjects: shallow processing or deep processing with few retrieval indices, and shallow processing or deep processing with many retrieval indices. Analysis indicated that proportion of word-stem completion was significantly higher for studied words than for nonstudied words in all four groups and that the subjects in the groups with many retrieval indices had a significantly increased proportion of word-stem completion between studied and nonstudied words than those in the groups with few retrieval indices. Postquestionnaire analysis indicated that more previously studied items were retrieved if many studied items were available during implicit word-stem completion and that only a small proportion of word-stem completion was finished with studied words by the subjects who were aware of the prior studied and test word relations in all four groups. It was concluded that having more studied words retrievable contributed to more being retrieved and that involuntary awareness had very limited influence on the priming in the implicit word-stem completion.  相似文献   
The generalized graded unfolding model (GGUM) is an item response theory (IRT) model that implements symmetric, nonmonotonic, single-peaked item characteristic curves. The GGUM is appropriate for measuring individual differences for a variety of psychological constructs, especially attitudes. Like other IRT models, the location and scale (i.e., the metric) of parameter estimates from the GGUM are data dependent. Therefore, parameter estimates from alternative calibrations will generally not be comparable, even when responses to the same items are analyzed. GGUMLINK is a computer program developed to reexpress parameter estimates from two separate GGUM calibrations in a common metric. In this way, the results from separate calibrations of model parameters can be compared. GGUMLINK can secure a common metric by using one of five methods that have recently been generalized to the GGUM. The GGUMLINK executable program is available free and may be downloaded from http://www.education.umd.edu/EDMS/tutorials/index.html.  相似文献   
Cholinergic modulation of synaptic transmission is vital to memory processes and may be responsible for setting network dynamics in the hippocampus appropriate for encoding of information. found evidence suggesting M1 receptors cause presynaptic inhibition of glutamatergic transmission, while research supports a role of the M2 receptor. We examined muscarinic inhibition of fEPSPs in stratum radiatum of mice lacking m1 subtype receptors (KO) compared to wild type (WT) controls. WT mice exhibit greater suppression of transmission by muscarine as compared to KO in a dose dependent fashion. Oxotremorine shows no significant difference in suppression between WT and KO, while MCN-A-343, an M1 agonist, exhibits a significant difference between KO and WT, with KO showing no suppression. One hundred micromolar SGS-742, a selective GABA(B) antagonist, fails to affect either normal transmission or muscarinic suppression in either WT or KO suggesting that differences in suppression between the groups is not attributable to differences in GABA(B) receptor activation due to muscarinic activation of GABAergic interneurons. These findings support a role for presynaptic m1 mAChRs in modulation of synaptic transmission in CA1, but indicate that other muscarinic receptor subtypes, such as M2, are also involved in suppression of synaptic potentials.  相似文献   
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