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了解引起肝胆疾病腹腔感染的主要病原菌及其对抗生素的耐药性,为临床用药提供参考。对2011年3月到2012年10月期间115例腹腔感染的患者腹腔引流液细菌培养及药敏试验进行分析。细菌阳性率为75.7%,90株微生物包括14种细菌和1种真菌。革兰阳性菌占12.2%;革兰阴性茵占84.4%;白色念珠茵占3.3%。革兰阴性菌,...  相似文献   
通过对203名大学生进行人际信任量表(ITS)和新版明尼苏达多相人格问卷(MMPI-2)的施测,从个体差异的角度来考察大学生信任倾向与各心理健康症状之间的关系。结果表明,MMPI-2临庆量表中的抑郁、精神衰弱、精神分裂症和社会内向性,内容量表中的焦虑、恐惧、强迫性、抑郁、怪异思维、愤怒、愤世嫉俗、反社会行为、A型行为、低自尊、社会不适、家庭问题、工作障碍、治疗反感,均与信任倾向呈负相关。此外,四类不同心理健康特征的被试在信任倾向上存在差异,适应良好型被试的信任倾向得分显著高于其他三类,适应不良型的信任倾向显著低于其他三类,精神敏感型和外向冲动型的信任倾向居中.且这两娄之间没有显薯差异。  相似文献   
姚琦  马华维  阎欢  陈琦 《心理科学进展》2014,22(10):1647-1659
以社交网络的典型代表Facebook为例, 以社交网络用户个体行为为着眼点, 从个体使用社交网络的动机、社交网络用户个体行为的主要表现及其影响因素和结果变量四个方面, 梳理国外心理学领域有关社交网络的最新研究成果。今后研究可以在社交网络用户个体行为的测量、样本代表性、线上和线下社交网络的交互作用、具体人格特质变量的预测作用以及对社交网络功能的动态考察等方面推进已有研究。  相似文献   
This investigation examines the respective contributions of perceived support from parents, peers, and school to the psychological adjustment of 519 thirteen-year-old Asian adolescents from a middle school in Singapore, and the mediating role dispositional optimism plays in these relationships. The findings suggest that positive supportive relationships with parents, peers, and the school are important contextual factors influencing the psychological well-being of these adolescents. Dispositional optimism partially mediates support from each of these three sources and psychological adjustment. Sex differences were noted. This study contributes to a small body of research highlighting the role of a positive mechanism that underpins emotional wellbeing and psychological adaptation in the three developmental contexts that are important in shaping the beliefs, thinking and behavior of the growing Asian adolescent, particularly with respect to girls. Implications arising from this study are discussed. This study was supported by the Academic Research Fund grant (RI 5/04 YLS) from National Institute of Education to Lay See Yeo.  相似文献   
“行为经济学之父”Richard Thaler因在行为经济学领域的突出贡献而获2017年诺贝尔经济学奖。Thaler利用行为经济学原理提出了“明日多储蓄”项目, 助推美国养老金储蓄率的提高。在初涉养老金储蓄领域时, Thaler提出采取“自动加入”的方式提高员工养老储蓄参与率; 接着提出采取“自动升级”的方式提高员工的储蓄率, 最终形成了“明日多储蓄”项目。“明日多储蓄”项目具有自由家长主义性质, 不仅能提高员工养老储蓄参与率、储蓄率, 还能优化资产投资配置。该项目产生了深远的影响:在应用层面上, 英国、新西兰等国家跟进推出了类似的养老储蓄政策; 在研究层面上, 一批后继研究者受此启发展开了个体养老金储蓄行为背后心理学机制的探索。结合中国养老储蓄三大支柱发展不平衡的现状, 我们提出可利用框架效应、心理账户、默认选项、将损失程数由双程变为单程等行为经济学手段助推中国养老储蓄的发展。国家可以考虑通过制度设计和政策制定助推全社会养老金参与率和缴纳水平的提高。  相似文献   
This study examined correlates of academic procrastination and students’ grade goals in a sample of 226 undergraduates from Singapore. Findings indicated that self-efficacy for self-regulated learning was significantly and negatively related to procrastination. High self-efficacy for self-regulated learning also predicted students’ expectations of doing well and low self-efficacy for self-regulated learning predicted students’ expectations of not doing well academically. Additionally, help-seeking predicted students’ expectations of doing well academically while academic stress predicted students’ expectations of not doing well academically. Implications for education and educational practice were discussed. This project was partially supported by the Undergraduate Research Experience on Campus (URECA) program from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.  相似文献   
陈欢  毕圣  庞隽 《心理学报》2016,48(12):1589-1599
作者考察了权力感知对消费者怀旧偏好的影响及其心理机制。通过3个实验, 作者发现低权力者比高权力者更加偏好怀旧产品或怀旧品牌, 而寻找生活意义的动机在该影响过程中起中介作用。具体而言, 权力的缺失导致个体认为自己的生活缺乏意义, 进而激发出寻找生活意义的动机。由于怀旧可以通过回忆有意义的事件和提供社会支持两条途径来帮助个体重拾生活意义, 因此低权力的消费者倾向于进行怀旧消费。这一研究发现进一步丰富了现有的权力和怀旧文献, 并对怀旧营销的设计具有重要的实践指导意义。  相似文献   
超越效价和唤醒—— 情绪的动机维度模型述评   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
情绪的动机维度模型认为, 高动机强度的情绪窄化(narrow)认知加工而低动机强度的情绪扩展(broaden)认知加工。该理论超越了先前对效价和唤醒两大情绪维度的二分法, 证明了情绪的动机维度对注意、记忆等认知加工产生扩展和窄化效应, 深化了积极情绪的扩展-建设理论, 有助于深入理解情绪与认知的交互作用。未来研究应建立动机维度的操作性定义, 并进一步发展出诱发不同动机维度情绪的标准化刺激材料或任务。  相似文献   
Huan VS  Yeo LS  Ang RP  Chong WH 《Adolescence》2006,41(163):533-546
This study investigated the role of optimism together with gender, on students' perception of academic stress. Four hundred and thirty secondary school students from Singapore participated in this study and data were collected using two self-report measures: the Life Orientation Test and the Academic Expectation Stress Inventory. Results revealed a significant negative relationship between optimism and academic stress in students. Gender was not a significant predictor of academic stress and no two-way interactions were found between optimism and gender of the participants. Possible explanations for the results were suggested and implications of the findings were discussed.  相似文献   
使用异步培训技术自主学习循证教育干预方法,或可帮助自闭症儿童职前教师应对新时代自闭症儿童融合教育高质量发展带来的挑战。采用3个实验探究了自闭症儿童职前教师在3种学习材料呈现方式下对回合式教学法的自主学习效果。结果发现,学习材料呈现方式对自闭症儿童职前教师自主学习回合式教学法的效果有显著影响:“字幕+画面+声音解说”组成的视听双通道材料——真实教学视频下的学习效果最好,“文本+图像”组成的PPT材料比同属视觉单通道材料的Word文本更有优势。结果表明,无论是在知识层面的学习(实验1、2和3),还是在实操层面的忠诚度提升(实验3),学习内容以视听双通道方式呈现时,自闭症儿童职前教师的自主学习效果最好。  相似文献   
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