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用模糊数学方法预测商品喜爱度的实验性探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究是一种运用模糊数学方法来预测商品喜爱度的实验性探索。 从实验一中取得被试对一种商品的单维评价[R′_(ji)]和综合评价[B_j],然后根据导出权数集[A_i]。 从实验二中取得被试对另一种同类商品的单维评价[R″_(ji)],然后与[A_i]加权,就预测出第二种同类商品的综合喜爱度[B_j]。 经验证,此种预测是可行的。并且它比其它预测方法更准确,更简便。  相似文献   
卡车驾驶员的夜间视力研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用YJS—II型夜间视觉检查仪对238名男性卡车驾驶员的暗适应时间和夜间视力进行了测试。结果表明:卡车驾驶员暗适应时间的95%上限值为59.67秒;卡车驾驶员暗适应时间和夜间视力的年龄阈值为40岁;事故组与安全组卡车驾驶员暗适应时间存在显著差异(P<0.05),事故组卡车驾驶员的暗适应时间较长,表明卡车驾驶员的暗适应能力差是引起夜间交通事故的重要因素。研究结果为驾驶员的选拔,安全教育以及制订预防夜间交通事放对策提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   
宗教与民族的关系,不论在中国还是全世界,在历史文化还是现实生活中,都是一个引人注目的重大问题。本文旨在从理论上澄清二者的基本关系。文章先从理论和现实两方面提出了研究二者关系的必要性,再从宗教与民族关系的根源、宗教对民族形成的作用、宗教与民族特性的区别、宗教与民族发展的相互作用、宗教对民族之间关系的正负影响等方面,进行了兼顾问题两面的理论澄清,指出在宗教与民族二者之中,任一方的道德或理性成分的发展都会有利于另一方的道德或理性成分的发展,任一方的狂热或反理性倾向都会加剧另一方的狂热或反理性倾向;最后从世界各国宗教与民族关系的历史与现状着眼,概括了宗教与民族各自面对的问题,并从中尽力总结出七条经验教训,以期有利于我国在宗教与民族关系上的理论研究和实际工作。  相似文献   
Attention can enhance selectively the visual information processing of particular locations or objects. Recent studies have shown that this enhancement has limited spatial resolution, the smallest regions that can be isolated by attention are much coarser than the smallest details that can be resolved by vision. Multiple similar objects spaced more finely than the limit of attentional resolution cannot be individuated for further processing and can only be perceived as a grouped texture. As a result, at any given time, only part of the spatial and temporal information registered by the early sensory systems is available to conscious perception. It is likely that attentional resolution is limited at a stage beyond V1 and that it has a finer grain in the lower visual field than in the upper field. The spatial aperture of attention is elongated along the radial axis relative to fixation. The briefest temporal window of attention is also much broader than visual temporal resolution. Many perceptual phenomena related to rapid serial visual presentation may reflect the limited temporal resolution of attention.  相似文献   
儿童在数及数学上对部分与整体关系认识的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文概括了九个有关数和数概念的实验研究结果。作者在最早的四个实验的基础上,提出了儿童对部分与整体关系认识的十二项指标,再以之通过正整数,几何图形和分数三个方面进行探讨,探讨结果由两个数学试验验证应用。根据研究总结果,作者讨论了揭示认识对象的内在规律对于主体认识活动的作用,部分与整体关系认识的年龄特点,阶段性及激进时期以及认识这个关系的心理过程。也对数的部分与整体关系的掌握对小学数学教学的应用提出了意见。  相似文献   
<本底抉择与道德理论>是翟振明教授在美国出版的一本伦理学专著.在这部著作中,翟振明以哈贝马斯的交互理性及对话伦理为理论出发点,提出了本底抉择的概念,从而形成了对哈贝马斯理论的某种超越.在交互共同体中,翟振明赋予交互共同体中每个成员的选择以最本底的意义,哈姆雷特式的经典问题"To-Be-Or-Not-To-Be"成为每个成员进行本底抉择时必须直面的问题.更为重要的是,翟振明将本底抉择建基于真正的人(具有人的度规的人)之上,并对人的生命给予一种现象学意义的审视.  相似文献   
分布式群体在动态系统控制决策中的内隐学习   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
何贵兵  曾建华 《心理学报》2003,35(6):777-785
采用计算机网络模拟技术,考察分布式群体在动态系统控制决策过程中对系统规则的内隐学习效应及其迁移。结果表明,在决策者的显性规则知识量极少且没有增加的情况下,决策绩效随决策进程适应性提高。决策者所能报告的规则知识量与决策绩效的相关也不显著。同时,当决策任务目标转换时,决策的高绩效得以维持。这表明群体决策者能对动态系统规则进行内隐学习,且能正迁移到类似的决策情景中。研究进一步指出,群体决策行为的动态适应与内隐过程有关。  相似文献   
In general, stimuli that are familiar and recognizable have an advantage of predominance during binocular rivalry. Recent research has demonstrated that familiar and recognizable stimuli such as upright faces and words in a native language could break interocular suppression faster than their matched controls. In this study, a visible word prime was presented binocularly then replaced by a high-contrast dynamic noise pattern presented to one eye and either a semantically related or unrelated word was introduced to the other eye. We measured how long it took for target words to break from suppression. To investigate word-parts priming, a second experiment also included word pairs that had overlapping subword fragments. Results from both experiments consistently show that semantically related words and words that shared subword fragments were faster to gain dominance compared to unrelated words, suggesting that words, even when interocularly suppressed and invisible, can benefit from semantic and subword priming.  相似文献   

Carolyn Saarni’s theory of emotional competence has made a central contribution by directing attention to some important functions of emotion in social interaction. Her work is permeated with examples of how emotions function within both successful and unsuccessful social interactions and relationships. An examination of her stated principles of emotional competence suggest in places a perspective that is primarily intrapsychic in nature, harking back to the early roots of emotion theory and research. In this piece, we note where Saarni has advanced implications of a relational theory of emotion for understanding emotional competence. In addition, we reframe some of Saarni’s principles to make them more consistent with current relational approaches to emotion. Finally, we offer additions and extensions that we believe are compatible with the general direction of her thinking before her untimely death.  相似文献   
Schools’ busy situation is far away from its Greek root “Scholé” that means leisure time compared with political duty and war at that era which is also similar in ancient China. From the leisure point of view, school should be relax and free for young children in kindergarten. This means that play should take the most time on the schedule. Unfortunately, Political class skillfully disseminating serious competition among nations to deliver anxiety on young generations’ education to the public,which makes parents and school system highly valued formal learning much more than play. Chinese kindergarten may be have the longest formal learning time due to its history emphasis on learning from the model. Endure hardship as the basic habit from the younger children for the nature of life is full of hardship in Chinese philosophy. These underpinned ideas encounter great challenges from the Western early childhood education which puts more emphasis on play. Play is conceived as children’s life itself, in which integrated learning can happen and is much more suitable and abundant for young children than formal learning. Although Chinese Educational Ministry promulgated kindergarten work regulation and educational guideline to make play as the basic activity in 1996 and 2001,there are still lots of factors that impede kindergartens implement play in practice. Lack of free time in kindergarten both on schedule and in fact is the obvious sign. This paper wants to reflect those factors in cultural perspective and try to use variety meanings of time especially subjective time to analysis the practice on reconstructing kindergartens’ play atmosphere and time, and the findings on creating different inter-subjective time for young children.  相似文献   
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