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The betel nut is a common stimulant in many Asian countries. We employed the masking task developed by Enns and Di Lollo (Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 4, 345-352, 1997) to investigate the effects of betel nuts on sensory and attentional processing. In the masking task, participants needed to identify a target that was masked by either a contour mask or an object mask. Sensory processing was assessed by examining target identification in the contour mask condition when the target was presented only centrally, whereas attentional processing was assessed by examining target identification in the object mask condition when the target was presented randomly in either a central or a parafoveal location. The results showed that chewing betel nut and chewing gum produced significant contour masking with a large effect size, similar to the pure control condition, in which participants chewed nothing, and the placebo control condition, in which what participants chewed was disguised. This suggests that neither betel nut nor gum affects sensory processing. Alternatively, betel nut chewing could produce a reduction in object masking for the habitual chewers and the nonchewers, suggesting an effect of betel nut on attentional processing. This concentrated attention was also observed in the placebo control condition; thus, it cannot be exclusively driven by the expectation effect. Also, chewing per se reduced the attentional distribution foveally.  相似文献   
This study examined the influence of gender, socioeconomic status, and race/ethnicity on the career aspirations of over 22,000 8th and 10th grade youth. The top five occupations identified by youth as aspirations included artist, lawyer, musician, FBI agent, and actor/actress. Top occupations were also reported for each gender × socioeconomic status × race/ethnicity group. Aspirations were coded by social prestige level, minimum education requirements, and median salary. Results revealed significant main effects for socioeconomic status and race/ethnicity as well as significant interaction effects. Further, significant gender main effects and a significant gender × ethnicity interaction were found for occupational prestige and educational requirements.  相似文献   
We studied the efficacy and implementation outcomes of a culturally responsive parent training (PT) program. Fifty-four Chinese American parents participated in a wait-list controlled group randomized trial (32 immediate treatment, 22 delayed treatment) of a 14-week intervention designed to address the needs of high-risk immigrant families. Parents were eligible for intervention if they were Chinese-speaking immigrants referred from schools, community clinics, or child protective services with concerns about parenting or child behavior problems. Retention and engagement were high with 83% of families attending 10 or more sessions. Results revealed that the treatment was efficacious in reducing negative discipline, increasing positive parenting, and decreasing child externalizing and internalizing problems. Treatment effects were larger among families with higher levels of baseline behavior problems and lower levels of parenting stress. Further augmentation of PT to address immigrant parent stress may be warranted. Qualitative impressions from group leaders suggested that slower pacing and increased rehearsal of skills may improve efficacy for immigrant parents unfamiliar with skills introduced in PT.  相似文献   
尔曼里作为回族文化的一部分,有着多元的文化类型,是伊斯兰教中国本土化的产物,在中国回族多元教派门宦的社会中,尔曼里具有着地域性和教派门宦的特征,其多元的文化类型是回族人多元认同的中国化表达。笔者认为,尔曼里作为一种回族民俗与宗教兼顾的族群行为,其形成的特定场景和历程决定着这一华俗存在的合理性。  相似文献   
在神经发育过程中Semaphorins为轴突导向和神经细胞的迁移提供导向信息。这些导向分子通过抑制自发的或异常的轴突生长来维持己建立的神经连接,并参与突触可塑性以及中枢神经受损后抑制神经再生与神经细胞的死亡。目前,虽然对Semaphorins在神经发育、成熟及受损不同阶段中的功能己有初步的了解,但Semaphorins其受体多样,尚无法预测Sema-phorins与其受体的结合将产生的生物学效应以及Semaphorins在神经系统中起作用的分子机制。进一步研究Semaphorins对癫痫、精神分裂、老年痴呆症等神经系统性疾病的治疗具有深远意义。  相似文献   
利用128导事件相关电位技术,对19名正常被试在言语、峰鸣声和音乐刺激上产生的脑电早期外源性成分N1进行了考察。实验结果发现,在音素条件和蜂鸣声条件下,左侧额叶N1波幅显著高于右侧。偶极子溯源分析发现音素条件和蜂鸣声条件下的偶极子都位于左脑额叶,而音乐条件下的两个偶极子位于右脑额叶。证明范畴属性对信号加工大脑半球优势的影响在加工的早期就开始发挥作用。  相似文献   
钟伟芳  莫雷  金花  徐贵平 《心理学报》2012,44(6):735-744
一般语言学理论认为, 在句子阅读理解过程中, 句子意义建构是基于词汇语义整合的, 其反映在N400之上, 开始于词语呈现后约250 ms。然而, 近年关于语义P600效应的研究却提示句意建构可能存在多通道或方式, 读者甚至可能在N400反映的加工出现之前就已建立了初步句意。为探明在句子阅读理解过程中是否存在比N400反映的加工更早的句意建构, 以及如果存在这样的句意建构, 其是从何时开始的, 本研究开展了四个实验。实验1发现被试在句末双字词呈现200 ms后已将其联系到上文语义表征而建立了句意, 提示句意建构开始于N400反映的加工出现之前。实验2与3进一步发现, 读者开始建立句意的时间约在句末词呈现了150 ms之时。实验4排除了实验1~3效应的其他一些可能解释, 提升了实验1~3结果的可靠性。总体上, 本研究提示:在句子阅读理解过程中, 读者在句末双字词呈现了约150 ms之时就已建立了句意; 可能存在比N400反映的加工更早的句意建构。  相似文献   
发展性阅读障碍是一种遗传性很高的认知功能缺陷, 运用关联分析对其遗传机制进行研究是近年来的新趋势。从研究方法的视角可以将现有的关联分析研究归为以下三类:家系法研究、病例-控制法研究和数量性状关联分析研究。阅读障碍关联分析研究的新趋势主要体现在与全基因组扫描技术、神经成像技术以及基因功能研究的结合上, 促进了从“基因-大脑-行为”层面对发展性阅读障碍的遗传机制进行理解。  相似文献   
王爱平  舒华 《心理科学》2008,31(2):438-441
本研究采用传统印刷文本、普通电子文本和超文本导航模式考察阅读材料的呈现方式对儿童阅读活动的影响.研究结果表明:(1)在三种呈现方式条件下,高阅读水平者的阅读成绩显著优于低水平者;女生成绩显著优于男生;(2)阅读材料的不同呈现方式对儿童阅读理解无显著影响;(3)在三种呈现方式中,儿童对超文本的正向评价要优于传统印刷文本和普通电子文本.这表明大部分儿童可以在短时间内接受,并熟悉非线性文本方式.  相似文献   
Background . Consideration of motivation in higher education has often been drawn upon theories and research that were based upon school or workplace studies. Aims . This paper reports an open naturalistic study to better characterize the motivational orientation of students in higher education. Method . Open semi‐structured individual interviews were conducted with 36 students from three universities in Hong Kong. The analysis used an exploratory grounded theory approach. Results . Motivation was characterized as a framework with six continua with positive and negative poles. On enrolment, students had positions on the six facets of motivation, which shifted as they progressed through their degree, according to perceptions of their teaching and learning environment. The positive poles of the six continua were given labels: compliance, individual goal setting, interest, career, sense of belonging and university lifestyle. Conclusion . The formulation of motivational orientation is consistent with contemporary social cognitive theories of motivation in that it has been characterized as a multifaceted phenomenon, with students expressing context‐dependent multiple motives.  相似文献   
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