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该研究以山东省610名高中生为被试,检验了中文版一般自我效能量表(GSES)的信度和效度.结果表明:(1)中文版GSES的有些项目,区分度不高;(2)中文版GSES具有较高的内部一致性信度与分半信度,但重测信度不高;(3)中文版GSES的单维度性没有得到证实;(4)中文版GSES不具有很好的预测效度.  相似文献   
By atomic-scale high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy, the long-period stacking ordered (LPSO) structures in a near-equilibrium Mg97Zn1Y2 (at.%) alloy have been characterised. In addition to 18R and 14H, new polytypes of LPSO structures are analysed and determined as 60R, 78R, 26H, 96R, 38H, 40H, 108H and 246R. All of these LPSO structures feature AB′C′A building blocks with two Mg layers and three Mg layers sandwiched between them. The Bravais lattices and space groups of new polytypes of LPSO structures were easily determined via the newly introduced method. A structural relationship between the LPSOs is proposed.  相似文献   
Based on career construction theory and the model of proactive motivation, the current research examined the mediating and moderating models for the relations among future work self, career adaptability, job search self-efficacy and employment status. A survey study was conducted among Chinese university graduates (N = 270). The results showed that future work self (measured at wave 1) had positive effect on employment status (measured at wave 3), with this relationship partially mediated by career adaptability (measured at wave 1) and job search self-efficacy (measured at wave 2). In addition, the results further revealed that the positive effect of future work self on job search self-efficacy was stronger among the graduates who had a higher level of career adaptability. In support of the hypothesized moderated mediation model, for individuals with a higher level of career adaptability, the indirect effect of future work self on employment status through job search self-efficacy was stronger. These findings carry implications for research on job search behavior, career education and career counseling.  相似文献   
Although mentoring others and career plateaus are both common experiences for seasoned employees, they are rarely examined together. In this study, we considered mentoring others as an antecedent of career plateaus and emotional exhaustion and turnover intentions as outcomes of career plateaus for mentors. We also examined the moderating role of mentors' proactive personality. Results of hierarchical regression analyses based on 188 mentoring dyads indicated that career-focused mentoring alleviated both hierarchical and job content plateauing perceptions. Mentors' proactive personality moderated the relationship between career-focused mentoring and hierarchical plateauing such that the negative relationship is stronger for low proactive personality mentors. Hierarchical plateaus were positively related to mentors' emotional exhaustion and turnover intentions whereas job content plateaus only positively related to turnover intentions. Proactive personality moderated the relationship between job content plateaus and mentors' work-related attitudes such that the positive relationships were stronger for more proactive mentors. The implications and future research suggestions are discussed.  相似文献   
社会支持的调节作用研究   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
林初锐  李永鑫  胡瑜 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1116-1119
为了考察社会支持在人格特征和心理健康水平之间的调节作用,利用症状自评量表、社会支持评定量表和艾森克人格问卷简式量表对1102名大学生进行施测。层级回归分析的结果不仅支持了社会支持的调节作用,而且表明社会支持与个体的心理健康水平之间存在三种不同的关系形式,即(1)社会支持的主效应显著,但是调节效应不显著;(2)社会支持的主效应和调节效应同时显著;(3)社会支持的主效应不显著,但是调节效应显著。  相似文献   
How do early bilingual experiences influence children's neural architecture for word processing? Dual language acquisition can yield common influences that may be shared across different bilingual groups, as well as language-specific influences stemming from a given language pairing. To investigate these effects, we examined bilingual English speakers of Chinese or Spanish, and English monolinguals, all raised in the US (= 152, ages 5–10). Children completed an English morphological word processing task during fNIRS neuroimaging. The findings revealed both language-specific and shared bilingual effects. The language-specific effects were that Chinese and Spanish bilinguals showed principled differences in their neural organization for English lexical morphology. The common bilingual effects shared by the two groups were that in both bilingual groups, increased home language proficiency was associated with stronger left superior temporal gyrus (STG) activation when processing the English word structures that are most dissimilar from the home language. The findings inform theories of language and brain development during the key periods of neural reorganization for learning to read by illuminating experience-based plasticity in linguistically diverse learners.  相似文献   
光阴荏苒,岁月如流。弹指间,离开母校道教学院已历时十三个春秋。而这座世界上唯一的道教最高学府亦随着时光的脚步,在广大学子们热切的期盼和无限祝福声中,迎来了自己第十五个生日。蓦然回首,往事历历在目。同众多道门学子一样,我们都曾在这片充满希望有热土上留下过自己的足迹,播种过理想的种子,对母校中国道教学院这个庄严神圣的名字,抱含着无比深厚的情愫。十五年的奋斗岁月,十五年的辉煌历程,母校为道门培育出一批又一批中流砥柱,为继承和发展道教事业增添了无穷的后继力量。作为从母校学习毕业的学子,多年来,我们无不在母校甘醇的乳汁…  相似文献   
肢体延长与美容增高的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美容医学持续升温,“美容增高”即“肢体延长术”被越来越多的爱美男女所尝试。纵观其发展经历了许多挫折与失败,并发症多且严重,应慎重认识其实际效果。如不加选择地运用美容医学,是对医学核心价值体系的扭曲和嘲弄。只有坚持运用正确的哲学思维进行引导,肢体延长术才会健康发展。  相似文献   
Workplace mentoring in the international context is an emerging research area with significant potential for global integration. However, although measurement equivalence is a prerequisite for examining cross-cultural differences, this assumption has yet to be examined in mentoring research. This study contributes to the mentoring literature by assessing the measurement equivalence of the Mentoring Functions Questionnaire (MFQ-9) across two diverse cultural settings, the U.S. and Taiwan. Results of a series of multi-group confirmatory factor analyses supported full configural invariance, full metric invariance, and partial scalar invariance across the two groups. These findings suggest MFQ-9 may provide acceptable comparisons and meaningful interpretations across cultures. Implications for future international mentoring research and managerial practice are discussed.  相似文献   
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