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本研究采取单因素完全随机实验设计,以94名学前末期儿童(66-74月龄)为被试,在控制证据顺序的条件下探究观察因果学习结果和自主探索结果对儿童因果推理的影响,结果发现:(1)在只获得观察学习结果或自主探索结果一种证据条件下,绝大多数儿童依据所获证据推断因果关系;(2)在获得观察学习结果和自主探索结果两种证据条件下,儿童能综合两类证据推断因果关系,其中自主探索结果对儿童因果推理的影响力大于观察学习结果。  相似文献   
This study explores how thinking styles relate to religious beliefs among subgroupings (by gender, university class level, and academic discipline) of university students in mainland China. The Thinking Styles Inventory-Revised II (TSI-R2) and the Religious Belief Scale (RBS) were administered to 522 students. Results showed that, those with Type I styles (i.e. more creativity-generating, less structured, and cognitively more complex) tended to be less religious, while those with Type II styles (i.e. more norm-favouring, more structured, and cognitively more simplistic) scored higher on the RBS. The limitations, contributions, and implications of this research are discussed.  相似文献   

This article draws the attention of research managers and policy makers to the issue that to become a science power curtailing misconduct is the daunting challenge that emerging countries simply cannot ignore. Systematic and orchestrated efforts are needed to foster and institutionalize research integrity education among all stakeholders.

Differential equation models are frequently used to describe non-linear trajectories of longitudinal data. This study proposes a new approach to estimate the parameters in differential equation models. Instead of estimating derivatives from the observed data first and then fitting a differential equation to the derivatives, our new approach directly fits the analytic solution of a differential equation to the observed data, and therefore simplifies the procedure and avoids bias from derivative estimations. A simulation study indicates that the analytic solutions of differential equations (ASDE) approach obtains unbiased estimates of parameters and their standard errors. Compared with other approaches that estimate derivatives first, ASDE has smaller standard error, larger statistical power and accurate Type I error. Although ASDE obtains biased estimation when the system has sudden phase change, the bias is not serious and a solution is also provided to solve the phase problem. The ASDE method is illustrated and applied to a two-week study on consumers’ shopping behaviour after a sale promotion, and to a set of public data tracking participants’ grammatical facial expression in sign language. R codes for ASDE, recommendations for sample size and starting values are provided. Limitations and several possible expansions of ASDE are also discussed.  相似文献   
We examined the relationship between suicidal ideation (SI) and the depressed mood, life stress and parenting styles in children. A large‐scale survey was conducted including 5328 children from 65 elementary schools in Taiwan. SI was measured by asking children if any suicidal thoughts had occurred in the previous month. A series of regression models was analysed separately for male and female students. Compared with boys, girls demonstrated a higher proportion of SI. Among boys, SI was significantly associated with a high level of perceived environmental stress (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 2.61), a high degree of depressed mood (aOR = 2.39), authoritative (aOR = 1.72) and authoritarian (aOR = 2.53) parenting styles and two or more life‐stress events (aOR = 1.45). A high level of perceived environmental stress (aOR = 2.09), a high degree of depressed mood (aOR = 2.89) and an authoritarian parenting style (aOR = 1.76) were significantly associated with the SI in girls. Gender‐specific interventions aimed at preventing SI must enhance support systems at school and at home, particularly for students who suffer from a high degree of stress and depressed mood, and are subjected to an authoritarian parenting style.  相似文献   
According to a traditional account, understanding why X occurred is equivalent to knowing that X was caused by Y. This paper defends the account against a major objection, viz., knowing-that is not sufficient for understanding-why, for understanding-why requires a kind of grasp while knowledge-that does not. I discuss two accounts of grasp in recent literature and argue that if either is true, then knowing that X was caused by Y entails at least a rudimentary understanding of why X occurred. If my defense is successful, it would cast doubt on an influential account of the epistemic value of understanding.  相似文献   
知识产权与人权的价值冲突,在本质上反映了现行知识产权制度中手段性价值与目的性价值之间的矛盾关系。确保现行知识产权制度中手段性价值服务于目的性价值、一般目的性价值服从于最高目的性价值,并据以平衡知识产权与人权的价值冲突,乃是改善现行国际知识产权秩序的现实需要。  相似文献   
《管子》借鉴吸收先哲思想中“廉”的智慧,并赋予它充沛的生命力。《管子》把“廉”与政治结合起来考察,使之成为立国的四大纲要之一。《管子》的“廉”思想在社会生活和政治生活领域具体表现为:廉正为人、廉洁奉公、廉明治国。《管子》的“廉”思想在哲学、经济、法律、教育等方面均显示出与众不同的理论特色。  相似文献   
本研究深入考察了我国现阶段小学儿童算术估算能力的发展状况。通过运用自编材料对1027名儿童的团体与个别测试,发现其估算能力的发展具有如下特点:(1)明显受到题目类型的影响,但在不同年龄阶段影响又不尽相同。(2)三年级可能是整数和小数估算能力发展的一个关键期,五年级是发展分数估算能力的较好时期。(3)不同估算策略的发展进程差别相当大,不同时期都有发展的侧重点。(4)小学儿童在估算时易发生多种错误,而且不同年级均有一些典型错误。另外研究还对儿童估算能力、策略与错误类型的发展进行了深入讨论。  相似文献   
By analyzing the author of Ziyi 缁衣 (Black Costumes) as well as Ziyi’s transmission and evolution by studying and analyzing the ancient text, one can see that Ziyi was a work of Zisi or the Zisi and Mencius School. Comparing the similarities and differences between the transmitted version of Ziyi and its Guodian 郭店 and Shangbo 上博 versions, one finds that the original version of Ziyi had been significantly revised by Confucian classics teachers in the unstable political and social climate during the Western Han Dynasty, specifically, the thought of moral politics of the original Confucians contained in the work was garbled and concealed, and the idea of law and the legal system was highlighted accordingly. The uncovered Guodian and Shangbo versions of Ziyi have removed the shroud that Confucians in the Han Dynasty had spread over it for 2, 000 years, revealing the thought of moral politics of the original Confucians. Translated by Huang Deyuan from Kongzi Yanjiu 孔子研究 (Confucius Studies), 2007, (1): 30–41  相似文献   
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