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Research examining how changes in life circumstances affect subjective well-being has been dominated by set-point theory. New evidence challenges the assumptions of this theory, indicating that major life events can result in lasting changes to individuals’ life satisfaction. This study examines whether changes in national-level conditions following migration affect the life satisfaction of immigrant groups from different source countries by comparing the average life satisfaction levels of immigrant groups to that of non-emigrants in their source countries. Life satisfaction differences between immigrant groups and the native-born population in Canada are also examined. Results show that migration to a country with improved national-level conditions increases immigrants’ life satisfaction. Most immigrant groups had higher life satisfaction than their source-country counterparts and life satisfaction scores were similar to those of the native-born population. These findings persist when the sample includes immigrants who have resided in Canada for up to 20 years.  相似文献   
张明  桑汉斌  鲁柯  王爱君 《心理学报》2021,53(7):681-693
个体对刺激的反应不仅受刺激本身的影响, 还会受到先前刺激的影响, 表现为对当前试次中刺激的反应会受到前一试次的影响, 即试次历史。本研究采用“线索-中性线索-靶子”范式探讨前一试次有效性对跨通道的非空间返回抑制的影响。实验1通过连续两个试次间的线索有效性考察在跨通道非空间返回抑制中试次历史的影响。为了在跨通道非空间返回抑制中减小试次历史的影响, 实验2通过延长试次间时间间隔考察跨通道非空间返回抑制中试次历史的作用是否减小。结果发现, 前一试次线索无效时, 当前试次中的返回抑制效应量显著小于前一试次有效时, 这种影响会根据试次中线索和靶子通道的不同而不同。并且当延长试次间的时间间隔可以有效地减少前一试次对当前试次的影响。因此本研究表明, 试次历史能够对跨通道非空间返回抑制产生影响, 并且这种影响可以通过增大试次间时间间隔来减小。  相似文献   
为比较同一家庭父亲与母亲教养投入对青少年情绪和行为适应的影响及作用机制差异,采用问卷对1155名中小学生进行调查。结果表明:(1)父亲教养投入显著预测青少年情绪适应,母亲教养投入显著预测青少年行为适应;(2)父亲教养投入仅通过父子依恋的完全中介作用影响青少年的情绪和行为适应; 母亲教养投入既通过母子依恋的部分中介作用影响青少年的消极行为适应,也通过父子依恋的部分中介作用影响青少年的情绪和行为适应。结论表明:父亲与母亲教养投入对青少年情绪和行为适应的直接影响存在适应领域的特异性,其作用机制也存在差异。本研究精准地区分出父亲与母亲教养投入影响青少年适应性的特定范围及不同的作用机制,这对于同一家庭内的父亲与母亲教养投入的精准干预提供了新的视角。  相似文献   
恐惧是一种基本的情绪, 在人类的生存和适应中发挥着重要作用。先前的研究表明, 杏仁核、背侧前扣带回、脑岛等脑区是条件化恐惧习得的认知神经基础, 杏仁核、海马和腹内侧前额叶等脑区在恐惧消退过程中发挥重要作用。研究发现, 催产素与恐惧习得和恐惧消退过程密切相关。恐惧习得过程中, 催产素影响杏仁核、背侧前扣带回的活动, 影响杏仁核与背侧前扣带回和脑干间的功能连接, 促进或抑制恐惧习得过程; 恐惧消退过程中, 催产素影响了杏仁核和腹内侧前额叶的活动, 并且影响杏仁核与内侧前额叶和海马间的功能连接, 促进或抑制恐惧消退过程。未来研究应从性别差异、神经网络模型、身心发育和病理研究等角度展开, 力图深入理解催产素影响恐惧情绪加工的认知神经机制。  相似文献   
高科  李琼  黄希庭 《心理学探新》2012,32(2):110-115
自我控制的能量模型是解释自我控制的一个重要理论模型。该模型认为,所有的自我控制行为依赖一种共同且有限的能量,执行自我控制会消耗这种能量,导致自我损耗效应的产生,但能量也可以通过一些方法得以恢复和提升。该模型得到大量行为和生理层面研究的支持,但也有研究者从疲劳、情绪、动机、血糖指标、时间知觉等方面提出质疑。未来研究可从自我能量的性质、总量等角度进一步完善能量模型,同时结合我国文化探讨理想、信念、价值观对提升我国国民意志力的作用。  相似文献   
As China is undergoing marketization and privatization, the doctor-patient relationship (DPR) is changing, posing numerous social problems such as a trust crisis. In this article, the authors look at the characteristics of the DPR, and then present an historical account of the changing features of the Chinese DPR. In the final section, they explain how Chinese traditional culture is important for rebuilding the DPR in reform-era China and make suggestions for its health care reform.  相似文献   
This article proposes a factor, the critical electronegativity difference Δx cri, to correlate alloy composition with thermal stability and glass-forming ability of Al–Ni–RE (RE: Rare Earth element) ternary metallic glasses. The Al-rich metallic glasses with Δx > Δx cri exhibit glassy behavior, whereas alloys with Δx < Δx cri are nanocrystalline. Nanoglassy alloys occur when Δx ≈ Δx cri. The best glass formers are located near Δx cri. Furthermore, an equation has been deduced to calculate Δx cri with varying RE covalent atomic radius.  相似文献   
In this article, we propose an efficient atomic packing cluster-based composition protocol to help design Al-based metallic glasses. Its validity is verified by some typical experimental data from the literatures. Furthermore, with this understanding, the Al–Ni–Y alloy system is re-evaluated. As a result, the best glass former Al86Ni9Y5 in this system, with the critical thickness of about 500 µm, is successfully fabricated by wedge casting.  相似文献   
BiFe1? x Ta x O3 (x = 0, 0.05, 0.1) nanopowders have been fabricated by a simple sol–gel method. Dielectric measurements at microwave frequencies (2–18 GHz) were made using a vector network analyser. Without tantalum, the BiFeO3 nanopowder presents a relaxation-like response with a characteristic frequency of 15 GHz, which can be associated with an overdamped process. The Ta-doped nanopowders, however, show resonant behaviour with resonant frequencies of 12.5 and 14.6 GHz. The intensity of the resonant peak near 14.6 GHz decreases with increasing Ta addition. This behaviour is associated with a damped resonance process. Room-temperature magnetic measurements indicate that the addition of Ta influences the magnetic properties of the BiFeO3 nanopowders, with BiFe0.95Ta0.05O3 having the strongest ferromagnetism with a saturation magnetisation M s of about 0.05 µB/Fe. The origin of the enhanced ferromagnetism is possibly associated with the distortion of the oxygen octahedral by the Ta substitution or/and the statistical distribution of Fe3+ and Fe2+.  相似文献   
情绪加工老龄化已经成为老龄化研究的新热点, 但其内在机制仍然缺乏统一的解释。本研究以自动加工和控制加工为切入点, 综合行为实验、ERP和fMRI实验技术, 开展表情加工的老龄化研究, 从情绪与认知交互的角度进一步揭示情绪加工老龄化的内在机制。具体内容包括表情自动加工和控制加工的年龄差异及其神经机制, 表情自动加工与认知控制的相互作用, 以及个体差异在情绪加工老龄化中的作用等。本研究将加深对情绪加工老龄化的理解, 为相关理论模型的验证、修正和完善提供实证依据。  相似文献   
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