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The microstructural features of M23C6 carbide in a long-term aged heat- and corrosion-resistant Ni-based superalloy have been investigated in detail using various kinds of transmission electron microscope (TEM) techniques. It is found that TEM contrast, which is related to structural and chemical inhomogeneities inside the grains, always exists in the interior of grains in the alloy. The structure of these inhomogeneous regions has been determined to be the same as that of the γ′ and t-M23C6 phases, where t-M23C6 indicates a transitional and metastable phase. Although possessing the same structure as the M23C6 phase, the chemical composition of the t-M23C6 is different from that of the M23C6 phase. Compared with M23C6, t-M23C6 is richer in Ni, Co, Al and Ti but poorer in W, Mo and Cr. This phenomenon of structural and chemical inhomogeneity demonstrates that pristine M23C6 carbide (p-M23C6) precipitated in standard heat-treated samples is unstable. Therefore, upon long-term ageing treatment, Ni, Co, Al and Ti may locally enrich inside the p-M23C6 phase, finally forming the γ′ phase, which can be described by the decomposition reaction p-M23C6 → M23C6 + γ′.  相似文献   
This study examined the effects of cultural-values conflict and parental expectations on the career decision-making difficulties of university students in three cities in China (Beijing, Wuhan, and Hong Kong, N = 1342). The Multidimensional Scales of Individual Traditionality and Modernity (Yang, Yu, & Ye, 1989) were used as a measure of cultural-values conflict and cultural orientation. The Living-Up-to Parental Expectation Inventory (Wang & Heppner, 2002) was used to measure parental expectations. The Career Decision-Making Difficulties Questionnaire (Gati & Saka, 2001) was used as a dependent measure. It was found that levels of cultural-value conflict were associated with higher levels of career decision-making difficulties for students in the Chinese Mainland cities but not for students in Hong Kong. Perceived parental expectations and perceived self-performance in the expected areas were found to be predictive of career decision-making difficulties. Cultural-value orientation, especially endorsement of Chinese traditional values, was found to moderate the relationship between parental expectation and career decision-making difficulties. Theoretical, research and practical implications of findings were discussed.  相似文献   
This paper develops a ridge procedure for structural equation modelling (SEM) with ordinal and continuous data by modelling the polychoric/polyserial/product‐moment correlation matrix R . Rather than directly fitting R , the procedure fits a structural model to R a= R +a I by minimizing the normal distribution‐based discrepancy function, where a > 0. Statistical properties of the parameter estimates are obtained. Four statistics for overall model evaluation are proposed. Empirical results indicate that the ridge procedure for SEM with ordinal data has better convergence rate, smaller bias, smaller mean square error, and better overall model evaluation than the widely used maximum likelihood procedure.  相似文献   
本研究采用主—客体互倚模型(actor-partner interdependence model,APIM)的方法深入探讨夫妻的依恋风格、婚姻归因与自身及配偶感知到的婚姻质量之间的关系。以方便取样的方式在北京地区选取155对夫妻,采用Brennan等(1998)编制的亲密关系经历量表(ECR),Stander编制的婚姻归因量表(MAQ)和Spanier编制的婚姻质量问卷(DAS),要求夫妻双方分别报告其依恋风格、婚姻归因方式和感知到的婚姻质量。通过配对t检验、相关分析和结构方程模型分析发现:(1)夫妻对婚姻质量的总体知觉较为一致,但丈夫的婚姻满意度显著高于妻子;(2)夫妻双方在回避依恋和焦虑依恋两个分量表上不存在显著差异,但在婚姻归因上,妻子比丈夫表现出了更多的消极归因;(3)妻子的消极依恋显著地负向预测自身感知到的婚姻质量,而丈夫的消极依恋对自身感知到的婚姻质量没有显著影响;(4)在控制了丈夫、妻子的依恋风格、归因方式对其自身婚姻质量的主体效应之后,丈夫的依恋风格不能显著预测妻子感受到的婚姻质量,但其归因方式可以显著地预测妻子感受到的婚姻质量;然而妻子的归因方式并不能显著预测丈夫的婚姻质量。  相似文献   
唐源鸿  卢谢峰  李珂 《心理科学进展》2010,18(11):1762-1770
个人-组织匹配(Person-Organization Fit,简称P-O匹配)的提出契合了组织行为学中人与情境双向互动的研究趋势,同时也符合组织及其成员灵活应对动态格局的现实要求。这种以双边互动性和匹配灵活性为出发点和立足点的研究是P-O匹配的特色所在。然而,目前该领域考察呈现出淡化原有独特立意的倾向。为此,我们在梳理P-O匹配学术背景和社会背景的基础上,强调将互动性和灵活性这两点基本要求融入其概念界定、测量策略的选取及应用课题当中,是为P-O匹配特色的重拾。  相似文献   
本文探讨了消防员工作群体的应激过程中的4个方面,包括心理应激源、应激反应、应对方式和社会支持。同时编制了心理应激问卷,考察了该问卷心理应激源、应激反应、应对方式、社会支持4个分量表的信度和效度及各个分量表的因素结构。  相似文献   
晋祠有关帝庙,庙内有关帝像,塑像身上就穿有龙袍,袍上又绘有九种花纹,其内容在古代均有说法。据历史记载,在我国上古时候,舜继承尧作了天子。舜是工匠出身,从前在寿邱地方靠制作竹器谋生,做了天子依然十分俭朴。有一天,舜在宫中休息。时值炎夏,南风习习。忽然想到京城蒲坂(今山  相似文献   
对于新生儿重症监护室中的一部分危重新生儿,虽然可以借助高新尖的医疗技术挽留他们的性命,但却不能避免其出现影响远期生存质量的后遗症。因此患儿家属和医务人员陷入了是否对这些危重新生儿实施放弃治疗的两难困境。对NICU中放弃治疗的对象、伦理学依据、伦理学意义以及如何实施放弃治疗的问题加以讨论,为NICU医务人员提供有益参考。  相似文献   
超扫描指同时记录多个被试脑活动, 以探索其社会互动脑机制的研究手段。从博弈论视角, 可区分超扫描任务中的冲突、合作与协作三类任务, 分离已有研究中未严格界定的“协作”与“合作”概念, 为超扫描研究的多人互动范式建立新模型。任务所包含协作因素的多少, 与任务是否涉及心理理论功能是影响个体脑间活动同步现象的重要条件。未来研究可结合进化博弈论等理论模型, 进一步探索合作与协作行为的差异及规范形成的心理与神经机制。  相似文献   
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research - This paper provides experimental and theoretical evidence for the syntactic realization of an implicit possessor argument in Relational Nouns (RNs, e.g....  相似文献   
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