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四重模型(The Quadruple Process Model,简称Quad Model)是一个可对内隐任务中四种性质不同加工的独立、同时性影响进行测量的多项式模型。首先采用武器识别任务等实例对模型参数、结构、数据分析及可行性进行说明;随后介绍该模型在内隐研究中的应用,涉及情境易变性与可塑性、个体与群体差异及内隐任务外行为等三类问题;最后从多方面对其进行评价与展望。  相似文献   
Young adults in the United States, Croatia, and China described personal episodes of times when they felt especially good or bad about themselves. These self-esteem memories were either recent (episodes that occurred during the previous 4 weeks) or remote (episodes that occurred between the ages of 10 and 15). Systematic content differences between memories of positive and negative self-worth were apparent primarily for remote rather than for recent memories. Across cultures, long-lasting positive memories frequently represented achievement themes, whereas negative memories frequently represented social themes. Links between achievement success and positive self-regard, and between social distress and negative self-regard, are explained using theories of self-esteem and autobiographical memory.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the strategy of self-reference can benefit memory for multi-element events, a kind of relational memory that is relatively less studied but highly relevant to daily life. Young and older adults imagined different person-object-location events with reference to themselves and two famous others (i.e., George Clooney and Oprah Winfrey), rated the likelihood that each event would happen, and then completed incidental memory tests on different pairs of elements within the event. We found that self-reference enhanced memory for object-location and person-object pairs in both age groups. Such self-reference effects were observed consistently only for events rated as likely to happen. There was also an overall memory advantage for the higher-likelihood events, which did not differ between young and older adults. Further, the self-reference effects were not correlated with memory functioning in either age group. Retrieval of within-event associations showed a significant level of dependency, which did not differ as a function of reference condition or likelihood category. These findings highlight the ways in which self-reference and prior knowledge improve relational memory, and suggest that the advantage of self-reference is not attributable to increased dependence of elements within complex events.  相似文献   
Marxist methodology is the direct reflection of Marxist world outlook.Marxist methodology and its basic principles are inseparable.Everything starts from reality,analyze specific circumstances,history and logic are consistent,and combine theory and practice are four basic propositions of Marxist methodology.They are all the expressions of Marxist world outlook and methodology,but with different characteristics.However,there are several specious even habitual fallacies which need to be discriminated,analyzed...  相似文献   
The variation of career decision ambiguity tolerance (CDAT) by cultures and development stages was examined in a sample of Chinese high school students (n = 339), a sample of Chinese college students (n = 356), along with U.S. college students (n = 328). It was hypothesized that career decision ambiguity tolerance decreases when individuals experience more societal/cultural pressure on decidedness and responsibility for their career decision making. Based on the three-factor structure of CDAT (i.e., preference, tolerance, and aversion), measurement invariance was examined between Chinese and U.S. college students and between Chinese high school and college students. While the factor of tolerance was not upheld in both Chinese samples, the factors of preference and aversion were found to be structurally invariant across cultures and developmental stages. The analyses comparing means of preference and aversion found that U.S. college students had a higher level of preference relative to Chinese college students. It was also found that in comparison to Chinese high school students, Chinese college students had a higher level of aversion. The criterion validity of CDAT in Chinese culture was supported in the findings of preference and aversion being associated with career exploration and career indecision. The implication of this study was discussed along with its limitations and suggestions for future research.  相似文献   
选取北京389对夫妻,采用婚姻压力、婚姻质量、婚姻承诺和夫妻支持问卷,探讨了婚姻压力和婚姻质量、婚姻承诺和夫妻支持的现状,以及承诺和支持在压力对婚姻质量影响中的调节效应。结果发现:(1)丈夫的婚姻质量、婚姻承诺及提供信息支持的水平显著高于妻子。(2)婚姻压力显著负向预测夫妻各自的婚姻质量,但只有妻子感知的婚姻压力能显著负向预测丈夫的婚姻质量。(3)婚姻承诺和夫妻支持的调节作用存在性别差异,即自身和配偶的承诺和支持水平,只能在妻子的婚姻压力对自身婚姻质量的预测中起到调节作用,而丈夫身上并未发现这一效应。  相似文献   
Belief in the benevolence and moral legitimacy of leaders in central government is theorized as a form of cultural capital consistent with the hierarchical relationalism of East Asian societies with Confucian roots. A reliable measure of benevolent authority beliefs (BAB) is introduced, and its convergent and discriminant validity relative to established measures of institutional trust are established. Its socialization as part of the political culture of Taiwan was examined among high school adolescents aged 13–16. Significant gender differences were found inconsistent with traditional patriarchy. Regression analyses showed that within the relationship with mothers but not fathers, adolescents associated higher reciprocal filial piety, authoritative parenting, and authentic (positive) affect with higher BAB. For daughters but not sons, reciprocal filial piety, authoritative parenting style, and authentic (positive) affect in the relationship with their father were positively associated with BAB. Affect‐based transfer from parent‐child relationships rather than authoritarian obligations based on rote learning was a key socializing factor in a contemporary Chinese society.  相似文献   
侯静  陈会昌  陈欣银 《心理科学》2003,26(2):244-248
本研究采用家庭录像观察的方法,考察了61名3-4岁儿童在家庭环境中的两个情境--自由和带有智力任务倾向的拼图游戏情境中所表现出来的行为特征,结果发现:1儿童在两种游戏情境中与母亲交往时所表现出来的行为特征可以从独立性、顺从、言语交流和参与四个维度进行评价。2当儿童的游戏从自由游戏转为带有智力任务倾向的游戏时,儿童与母亲的交往行为方式发生明显变化,交流行为和积极情绪明显减少,而依赖行为和不与母亲交流的行为显著增加。3在上述两种游戏情境中,儿童与母亲的交往行为表现出个别差异,在自由游戏情境中,42.6%为独立型、32.8%为顺从型和24.6%为交流型;在拼图游戏情境中,54%为独立型、23%为顺从型和23%不顺从型。  相似文献   
侯神  李永鑫 《社会心理科学》2005,20(5):207-212,198
用修订后的中文super职业价值观量表为工具对377名在读硕士研究生的职业价值观进行调查,研究结果表明:1.在研究生职业价值观中影响最大的因素为进取心、经济价值和工作关系。2.研究生对15种职业价值尺度最重视的前4位依次为生活方式、成就、独立性、同事关系,而对监督关系、变动性、安全性、管理最不重视。研究生的职业价值观在不同年级、性别、工作经历、婚姻状况、学科间重视顺序一致性程度很高,但在一些价值尺度上也表现出了团体差异和个别差异。  相似文献   
侯晓晖  岑国桢 《心理科学》2011,34(6):1441-1447
大学生作弊问题正备受关注,因为这与大学之崇高社会地位和历史使命相悖,且危害教育公平、降低高等教育公信力。本文就国外心理学领域对该问题研究取得的丰硕成果,从大学生作弊流行率、影响因素、防范措施以及有关理论方面进行了回顾和分析,进而就关于作弊的分类及类型、性质和模型解释诸重要问题做了探讨并提出了看法。  相似文献   
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