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清代前期,因五台山独特的地理优势,博大而悠久的佛教文化和清朝统治者的极力推崇,五台山藏传佛教渐至鼎盛。清初诸帝多次巡幸五台山;蒙藏高僧频繁朝拜;藏传佛教寺院数量、僧人人数迅猛增加;寺院管理制度日趋完善,为清初巩固民族团结和国家统一做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   
How accurate are children when dating very long-term memories? Chinese and European Canadian 8-, 11-, and 14-year-olds (N=344) recalled and dated memories from before they went to school in a memory fluency task. Parents provided verification of children's memories and age estimates. Across all age and culture groups, a telescoping effect (i.e., events were dated as taking place more recently than they actually did) was found for earlier memories (before 48 months) and a reverse telescoping effect for later memories (after 48 months). Older children showed a greater tendency to telescope earlier memories and a weaker tendency to reverse telescope later memories than did younger children. Euro-Canadian children showed larger reverse telescoping than Chinese children. These are the first systematic findings concerning the accuracy of children's dating of very long-term memories. They shed new light on the phenomenon of telescoping and have implications for research on childhood amnesia.  相似文献   
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate whether the theory of planned behavior (TPB) mediated the relationship between dialectical thinking and health behaviors. A sample of 285 undergraduates was tested with a dialectical thinking styles scale, health promoting lifestyle profiles, and TPB questionnaires. Structural equation modeling was used for data analysis. Results indicated that all the three dimensions of thinking styles (belief in the connection, acceptance of change, and acceptance of contradiction) exerted significant effects on TPB constructs. Specifically, the connection and the change dimensions had positive effects on health behaviors mediated by TPB, whereas the contradiction dimension had a negative effect. Model 2 showed a satisfactory fit, demonstrating the influential pathways between dialectical thinking and health behaviors. Implications in issues of health promotion and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The microstructure and crystallization behaviour of melt-spun Al88Ni9Ce2Fe1 amorphous alloy and nanophase composites have been studied by means of X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and scanning and isothermal calorimetry. The diffraction patterns from Al88Ni9Ce2Fe1 amorphous alloys are diffuse, indicating a basically amorphous structure but contain two rings presumed to be associated with quenched-in nuclei. In the cases of Al88Ni9Ce2Fe1 nanophase composites, nanoscale precipitated particles are homogeneously dispersed in an amorphous matrix, and the crystallite diameter and volume fraction are sensitive to quenching conditions. During thermal crystallization, a two-step phase transformation occurs in the amorphous alloy and nanocomposites, which is characterized by a diffusion-controlled precipitation of nanoscale Al particles and the growth of a Al3(Ni, Fe) nanophase prior to a Al11Ce3 nanophase. This study gives insight into structure-control for obtaining nanophases dispersed in an amorphous matrix by rapid quenching.  相似文献   
侯公林  陈云舫 《心理科学》1998,21(6):494-497
在以旋转的米老鼠图形作为测试项目,对每半岁为一个年龄段共133名3.5一6.5岁的幼儿进行心理旋转的实验研究中发现,幼儿在4岁时已经开始建立心理旋转能力.其发展特征呈连续性;男女幼儿间有一定的性别差异存在,但统计结果提示无显著性意义;男女幼儿在5-6岁间都发现有一个负增长阶段,其原因不明。  相似文献   
心理应激对大白鼠自由基损伤的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
侯公林  缪小春 《心理科学》2000,23(2):175-179
本研究将动物分为实验模型5天、10天、20天组及对照组,并检测各组动物上述组中的LPO、SOD、CAD水平进行了分析;研究因噪音诱发的心理应激反应时大白鼠脑、肝、肺、心、肾组织自由基损伤情况及防御酶的活性变化;结果发现:在心理应激反应条件下,动物各组织的因自由基反应而使LPO含量升高、防御酶SOD、CAD活性下降,表明:1.心理应激可以诱发动物体内产生大量的自由基,并对脑、肝、肺、心、肾组织产生影  相似文献   
情绪调节理论:心理健康角度的考察   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
以情绪调节与心理健康的关系为切入口,对情绪调节理论进行了阐述:早期精神分析理论,把情绪调节看作被动防御机制,情绪调节困难导致心理问题;情境观把情绪调节看作为应对情绪情境即时的心理反应,策略使用情况与心理健康相关;过程观认为情绪调节在情绪发生过程中展开,不同阶段所采用的调节策略与心理健康相关,后又把调节过程扩展到情绪恢复到正常状态所持续时间,时间与心理健康相关;结构观认为情绪调节结构的差异影响心理健康  相似文献   
家庭游戏中的母亲控制策略与儿童顺从行为   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以42个3岁儿童及其母亲为被试,考察在家庭自由游戏中母亲的控制策略和儿童的顺从行为之间的关系。结果表明:(1)在亲子交往中,母亲使用直接命令的频次最多,间接命令次之,否定控制最少。(2)3岁儿童对母亲控制的顺从率为56.1%;在儿童的不顺从行为中,无技巧不顺从占优势,其中消极不顺从的频次最多。(3)母亲的弱控制策略与儿童的顺从行为相关最高;强控制策略与儿童的无技巧不顺从相关最高。(4)在儿童不顺从时,母亲的弱控制策略容易导致儿童的顺从行为,强控制策略则容易导致儿童的情境性顺从行为。  相似文献   
侯印国 《法音》2022,(1):46-51
<正>腊月得名于腊,或云源于祭祀。《左传·僖公五年》记载,晋献公向虞周借路攻打虢国,宫之奇进谏阻止但未能获听,于是感慨"虞不腊矣",言下之意就是虞国即将灭国,再也无法举行年终的腊祭了。明代谢肇淛《五杂俎》中总结说:"腊之名,三代已有之。夏曰嘉平,殷曰清祀,周曰大蜡,总谓之腊。宫之奇曰:‘虞不腊’,是也。《史记》秦惠文王十二年初腊,盖西戎之俗,不知置腊,至是始效中国为之耳。"[1]或云出自猎狩,汉代应邵《风俗通》云:"腊者,猎也。田猎取兽祭先祖也。"  相似文献   
The effectiveness of retrieval practice for aiding long-term memory, referred to as the testing effect, has been widely demonstrated. However, the specific neurocognitive mechanisms underlying this phenomenon remain unclear. In the present study, we sought to explore the role of pre-retrieval processes at initial testing on later recognition performance by using event-related potentials (ERPs). Subjects studied two lists of words (Chinese characters) and then performed a recognition task or a source memory task, or restudied the word lists. At the end of the experiment, subjects received a final recognition test based on the remember–know paradigm. Behaviorally, initial testing (active retrieval) enhanced memory retention relative to restudying (passive retrieval). The retrieval mode at initial testing was indexed by more positive-going ERPs for unstudied items in the active-retrieval tasks than in passive retrieval from 300 to 900 ms. Follow-up analyses showed that the magnitude of the early ERP retrieval mode effect (300–500 ms) was predictive of the behavioral testing effect later on. In addition, the ERPs for correctly rejected new items during initial testing differed between the two active-retrieval tasks from 500 to 900 ms, and this ERP retrieval orientation effect predicted differential behavioral testing gains between the two active-retrieval conditions. Our findings confirm that initial testing promotes later retrieval relative to restudying, and they further suggest that adopting pre-retrieval processing in the forms of retrieval mode and retrieval orientation might contribute to these memory enhancements.  相似文献   
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