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本研究的目的是验证航线飞行管理态度量表在中国文化背景下作为航线飞行安全文化测量工具的信度和效度.通过对量表的验证性因素分析,结合对驾驶行为规范性水平的实时评估,测定量表的信效度.结果表明:(1)航线飞行管理态度量表三因素结构模型具有良好的拟合效果和较高的信、效度,达到了心理计量学的标准.(2)航线飞行管理态度量表能够有效地预测驾驶行为规范性水平.研究结果确认航线飞行管理态度量表具有良好的信度和效度,可以应用于中国文化背景下的航空安全文化特征诊断.  相似文献   
A great deal of progress has been made on information ethics. Which portion is not sufficient? That might be the comparison from countries to countries. The purpose of this study was closely examined using the cross-cultural method for comparison. To determine the ethics cognitions and behaviors of the students, a comprehensive survey was distributed. The questionnaire for the study used Mason’s four essential factors in information ethics that included Privacy, Accuracy, Property and Accessibility (PAPA). The samples were comprised of Kaohsiung Taiwan and Nanjing China, junior high school students in 2006. The sample and the survey were obtained from two stages of random sampling that was conducted using an Internet website. Students could read the online questionnaire in the computer laboratory and then send immediate feedback to the website server. The result of the experiment showed the divergence of information ethics in cognition and behavior between Kaohsiung and Nanjing school children. The effects of background and correlation are from cognition and behavior between two regions.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that touching leads to positive behavior, particularly in an educational context. A new experiment was carried out in which students were encouraged to intervene in a course by demonstrating the solution of a statistical exercise on the blackboard. According to the experiment, students were or were not briefly touched on the forearm by the teacher during the corrective exercise. After that, the teacher asked his students to demonstrate the exercise on the blackboard. The results showed that touching increases the volunteers’ rate. Various explanations (familiarity, status and mood) were suggested to explain such results. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
政府转型与中国医疗服务体系的改革取向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在中国的医疗卫生服务领域,出现了市场失灵和政府失灵并存的现象.市场与政府双失灵造成的恶果是,无论是市场主导的还是政府主导的医疗卫生资源,都涌向城市、涌向经济发达地区;在农村地区,在经济落后地区,在城乡结合部,不仅高层次医疗卫生专业力量不足,设备不足,甚至连机构的数量也不足.针对这些问题,一种流行的解决思路是恢复医疗卫生服务的计划体制,但计划经济时代农村同样是缺医少药.正确而且唯一的改革道路,就是两条腿走路:第一条腿是全面放宽对社会资本进入医疗卫生服务领域的管制,为所有的医疗机构(不论民营还是公立,不论是非营利性还是营利性)创造一个公平竞争的制度环境;第二条腿是政府将新增公共资源更多地投入到市场不足的地方和市场失灵的领域,从而引导整个医疗卫生服务体系健康均衡地发展.  相似文献   
航空安全文化评估新进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
安全文化作为组织文化的重要组成部分,是影响组织成员安全态度和行为的核心价值体系,通过个体变量对组织安全保健和安全绩效产生深远的影响。在安全态度与价值观层面上利用问卷调查的形式探讨航空安全文化的结构成份,不仅揭示了安全文化现象背后的基本隐形内涵,同时也有助于我们理解特定文化因素在现代航空安全管理中的重要作用。该文阐述了安全文化与航空安全管理的关系问题,介绍了不同航空组织内安全文化的作用及评估机制,并进一步指出了目前研究中存在的不足和对未来研究的展望。  相似文献   
本文基于动机行动和成就动机理论,构建一个被调节的中介模型以检验创造性人格对员工创造力产生的作用机理。以251套来自主管-下属配对的问卷数据为样本,实证分析结果表明:创造性人格可预测员工创造力产生,学习目标导向与绩效证明目标导向在两者之间起部分中介作用;内在动机能够强化个体目标导向对创造力的作用,并显著正向调节创造性人格对员工创造力的间接效应。最后,论文讨论了研究发现对员工创造力产生的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   
Names can play an important role in forming first impressions. While much of the literature has demonstrated how alphabet-based names influence impression formation, little is known about how character-based names (e.g., Chinese names) affect interpersonal trust. Across six studies, we demonstrated that a difficult-to-recognise Chinese name with less frequently used characters activated masculine perception, which in turn decreased trust in the name holder. The masculine inferences from difficult names were replicated across within-subjects (Study 1a and 1b) and between-subjects judgements and maintained irrespective of normative knowledge about difficult names as male names (Study 1c). The mediation of gender stereotypicality was manifested in both measured spontaneous gender inference (Study 2a and Study 2b) and manipulated gender information (Study 2c). The effects of recognisability on masculine and trust perceptions were independent of pronunciationability (Study 2b). This research extends previous research by revealing the implications of character-based names and pictographic language on the feeling-as-information theory, also in terms of interpersonal contexts.  相似文献   
去极端化是推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化、维护总体国家安全和落实新时代党的治疆方略的一项重要任务。依法充分调动全社会的积极性和正能量,共筑去极端化的铜墙铁壁,是落实新时代党的治疆方略的最强力量;发挥社会组织在去极端化中的积极作用,构建多元共治的治理、管理与服务法治,是落实新时代党的治疆方略的优势制度;健全和落实好去极端化的法律措施,把好依法严控的关键环节,是落实新时代党的治疆方略的治本之策;坚持提高去极端化的法治化、社会化、智能化、专业化水平,推进治理制度创新和能力建设,是落实新时代党的治疆方略的重要举措。  相似文献   
郑显亮  顾海根  赵必华 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1195-1200
与一阶因素模型相比,二阶因素模型具有较多优点,但二阶因素模型的测量等价性检验要更复杂,它需要依次进行七个不同水平的检验:形等价、一阶弱等价、二阶弱等价、一阶强等价、二阶强等价、二阶严等价和一阶严等价。低水平的等价性满足之后,才能进行更为严格的高一水平的等价性检验。运用均值和协方差结构(MACS)模型对大学生网络利他行为量表(IABSU)进行二阶因素模型的测量等价性检验,结果表明,IABSU具有跨地域的完全一阶、二阶严等价性。  相似文献   
本文就精神分裂症患者平稳追踪眼动的特点,从生理心理学的观点进行了探讨。记录用眼电位图加以表示。研究表明:1)本病患者的平稳追踪眼动,主要以正弦波畸变或缺失为主,标志着患者有严重的追踪眼动障碍。2)不同病期和临床表现的患者,追踪眼动异常无显著差异。3)困难的眼追踪,提示本病患者有明显的视觉认知障碍和某种程度的注意缺陷。文中并就本病的发生机制进行了一些探讨。4)药物对实验结果有一定影响,但并不能改变疾病本身某种固有的病理特征。  相似文献   
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