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Leadership, followership, and evolution: some lessons from the past   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article analyzes the topic of leadership from an evolutionary perspective and proposes three conclusions that are not part of mainstream theory. First, leading and following are strategies that evolved for solving social coordination problems in ancestral environments, including in particular the problems of group movement, intragroup peacekeeping, and intergroup competition. Second, the relationship between leaders and followers is inherently ambivalent because of the potential for exploitation of followers by leaders. Third, modern organizational structures are sometimes inconsistent with aspects of our evolved leadership psychology, which might explain the alienation and frustration of many citizens and employees. The authors draw several implications of this evolutionary analysis for leadership theory, research, and practice.  相似文献   
The critical resources furnished bydeconstruction have more than occasionally beenturned with negative effect on traditional andmore recent conceptions of liberal learning,including the reaffirmation of the humanitiesassociated with philosophical hermeneutics. Thefirst two sections of the paper review thecontrasting and mutually opposed stancestowards learning represented by earlyformulations of deconstruction and ofhermeneutics. An exploration is thenundertaken in the later sections ofdevelopments that have taken place in bothdeconstruction and hermeneutics since theDerrida-Gadamer encounter in Paris in 1981.While not in any sense assimilatinghermeneutics to deconstruction or vice versa,this exploration identifies significant shiftsin later formulations of both which provide amore inclusive context for understandinglearning as a human undertaking, including theidentification of tensions that are morepromising than negative.  相似文献   
Twenty-five personnel from two Antarctic research stations spent the austral winter (February-October) confined in small, isolated stations located on the Antarctic ice cap. At the end of this confinement, they completed two questionnaires. The first asked about alcohol and marijuana use and self-rated adjustment to the living conditions; it also asked for nominations of others with whom each would most like and least like to spend another Antarctic tour. The second questionnaire was a recently developed personality inventory. Personality scale scores were correlated with self-rated adjustment and peer nominations. The results were consistent with previous research, and indicated that adjustment was a function of narrow interests and a low need for stimulation. More importantly, the findings also demonstrated that personality inventories are useful for predicting adjustment to working conditions in such isolated settings.  相似文献   
Criticize measurement-based personality research by recounting a well-known limitation: indices of relationship are often inflated because of the similarity of content across measures of presumably different constructs. In this paper we endorse the major contention of Nicholls et al. that measurement-based research may be conducted thoughtlessly, and we extend their thinking by pointing out an important underlying issue—the problem of defining what constitutes a “syndrome.” In contrast to them, however, we argue that the problems in measurement they cite do not entail the consequences they foresee and, in addition, have limited application.  相似文献   
Narcissism, Self-Esteem, and Defensive Self-Enhancement   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This study investigates the relationships among narcissism, self-esteem, and defensive self-enhancement in samples of 60, 84, 300, and 57 subjects. Using various self-report indices of these constructs we found that (a) defensive self-enhancement is composed of two orthogonal components: grandiosity and social desirability; (b) grandiosity and social desirability independently predict self-esteem and may represent distinct confounds in the measurement of self-esteem, (c) narcissism is positively related to grandiose self-enhancement (as opposed to social desirability), (d) narcissism is positively associated with both defensive and nondefensive self-esteem, and (e) authority, self-sufficiency, and vanity are the narcissistic elements most indicative of nondefensive self-esteem. The results are consistent with several theories that postulate a two-component model for self-esteem regulation and personality development.  相似文献   
In Expt 1, male Betta splendens were given a choice between food and a mirror image in a T-maze. All fish consistently preferred food. In Expt 2, the choice of fish that lived in the T-maze for the duration of the experiment was compared with the choice of fish that were transferred to the T-maze for each experimental session. Fish that lived in the T-maze consistently preferred food, but fish that were transferred showed a shift in preference toward mirror image. Differential inhibition of hunger and aggression by fear is suggested as the cause of the preference shift.  相似文献   
Two experiments were designed to assess the relationship between task difficulty and arousal. Electrodermal measures of tonic and phasic arousal to four levels of task difficulty at stimulus onset and offset were studied in college students for intramodal and intermodal tasks. The students were presented for 18 trails with visual-auditory or visual-visual stimuli with either 2.0-, 0.2-, or 0.02-sec difference between stimuli onset or offset, and asked to judge which stimulus came on or went off first or merely to observe the stimuli. Both frequency and amplitude of skin conductance responses reliably differentiated the levels of task difficulty for both the intramodal and the intermodal task. None of the measures of tonic level of arousal was reliable. Electrodermal measures of phasic responses accurately reflected the task demands.  相似文献   
This study reports on the personality correlates of rated leadership using the California Psychological Inventory (CPI) and 50 college football players. Subjects were also given leadership scores using a CPI-based leadership regression equation. Two findings are of interest. First, consistent with past research, leaders were characterized by high scores on CPI Scales for Dominance, Self-Acceptance, and Responsibility. Second, coaches' leadership ratings correlated .62 with scores on the leadership regression equation. This provides an additional cross validation of this leadership equation and supports the notion that a stable set of personality traits characterize leaders. Some theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   
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