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When interacting with infants, human adults modify their behaviours in an exaggerated manner. Previous studies have demonstrated that infant‐directed modification affects the infant's behaviour. However, little is known about how infant‐directed modification is elicited during infant–parent interaction. We investigated whether and how the infant's behaviour affects the mother's action during an interaction. We recorded three‐dimensional information of cup movements while mothers demonstrated a cup‐nesting task during interaction with their infants aged 11 to 13 months. Analyses revealed that spatial characteristics of the mother's task demonstration clearly changed depending on the infant's object manipulation. In particular, the variance in the distance that the cup was moved decreased after the infant's cup nesting and increased after the infant's task‐irrelevant manipulation (e.g. cup banging). This pattern was not observed for mothers with 6‐ to 8‐month‐olds, who do not have the fine motor skill to perform the action. These results indicate that the infant's action skill dynamically affects the infant‐directed action and suggest that the mother is sensitive to the infant's potential to learn a novel action. A video abstract of this article can be viewed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNS2IHwLIhg&feature=youtu.be  相似文献   
The saccadic latency to visual targets is susceptible to the properties of the currently fixated objects. For example, the disappearance of a fixation stimulus prior to presentation of a peripheral target shortens saccadic latencies (the gap effect). In the present study, we investigated the influences of a social signal from a facial fixation stimulus (i.e., gaze direction) on subsequent saccadic responses in the gap paradigm. In Experiment 1, a cartoon face with a direct or averted gaze was used as a fixation stimulus. The pupils of the face were unchanged (overlap), disappeared (gap), or were translated vertically to make or break eye contact (gaze shift). Participants were required to make a saccade toward a target to the left or the right of the fixation stimulus as quickly as possible. The results showed that the gaze direction influenced saccadic latencies only in the gaze shift condition, but not in the gap or overlap condition; the direct-to-averted gaze shift (i.e., breaking eye contact) yielded shorter saccadic latencies than did the averted-to-direct gaze shift (i.e., making eye contact). Further experiments revealed that this effect was eye contact specific (Exp. 2) and that the appearance of an eye gaze immediately before the saccade initiation also influenced the saccadic latency, depending on the gaze direction (Exp. 3). These results suggest that the latency of target-elicited saccades can be modulated not only by physical changes of the fixation stimulus, as has been seen in the conventional gap effect, but also by a social signal from the attended fixation stimulus.  相似文献   
In insects, cholinergic neurons are thought to transmit olfactory conditioned stimulus (CS) to the sites for associating the CS with unconditioned stimulus (US), but the types of acetylcholine (ACh) receptor used by neurons participating in the association have not been determined. In cockroaches, a type of nicotinic ACh receptor specifically antagonized by mecamylamine (MEC) has been characterized. Here we investigated the roles of neurons possessing MEC-sensitive ACh receptors (MEC-sensitive neurons) in olfactory conditioning of salivation, monitored by changes in activities of salivary neurons, in cockroaches. Local and bilateral microinjection of MEC into each of the three olfactory centers, antennal lobes, calyces of the mushroom bodies and lateral protocerebra, impaired olfactory responses of salivary neurons, indicating that MEC-sensitive neurons in all olfactory centers participate in pathways mediating olfactory responses of salivary neurons. Conditioning of olfactory CS with sucrose US was impaired by injection of MEC into the antennal lobes or calyces, i.e., conditioned responses were absent even after recovery from MEC injection, suggesting that the CS-US association occurs in MEC-sensitive neurons in calyces (most probably Kenyon cells) or in neurons in downstream pathways. In contrast, conditioned responses appeared after recovery from MEC injection into the lateral protocerebra, suggesting that MEC-sensitive neurons in the lateral protocerebra are downstream of the association sites. Since lateral protocerebra are major termination areas of mushroom body efferent neurons, we suggest that input synapses of MEC-sensitive Kenyon cells, or their output synapses upon mushroom body efferent neurons, are the sites for CS-US association for conditioning of salivation.  相似文献   
The present study examined the effects of emotion elicited by episodes (past events or expected future events) and the relationship between individual differences in emotional intelligence and memory. Participants' emotional intelligence was assessed on the Japanese version of Emotional Skills and Competence Questionnaire. They rated the pleasantness of episodes they associated with targets, and then performed unexpected free recall tests. When the targets were associated with episodes that were past events, all participants recalled more of the targets associated with pleasant and unpleasant episodes than those associated with neutral episodes. However, when the targets were associated with episodes expected to occur in the future, only participants with higher emotional intelligence scores recalled more of the targets associated with pleasant and unpleasant episodes. The participants with lower emotional intelligence scores recalled the three target types with similar accuracy. These results were interpreted as showing that emotional intelligence is associated with the processing of targets associated with future episodes as retrieval cues.  相似文献   
Misspellings in sentences are usually easy to understand by readers due to top-down influences. Although top-down processing allows for fluent reading of misspelled items, the nature of their representations in memory is not known. If representations of misspellings are distinct from representations of correctly spelled words, their influence should be seen in later recognition decisions. In this set of experiments, participants read words and misspellings embedded in sentences and were later given a recognition test. The sentences contained semantically biased or neutral contexts. In Experiment 1, misspellings were created by removing a single letter (e.g., drveway). In Experiment 2, the recognition items probes were presented in uppercase letters (e.g., DRVEWAY) to reduce the visual similarity between study and test items. In Experiment 3, the misspellings were created by substituting visually similar letters (e.g., driweway). In contrast to the previous experiments, in Experiment 4, participants were explicitly told about the memory test to see how response strategies affect performance. Overall, the results indicate that people retain surface feature information about misspellings which seem to inform their memory judgments, and that the processing of this information cannot be strategically controlled.  相似文献   
Driving a car in daily life involves multiple tasks. One important task for safe driving is car-following, the interference of which causes rear-end collisions: the most common type of car accident. Recent reports have described that car-following is hindered even by hands-free mobile telephones. We conducted functional MRI with 18 normal volunteers to investigate brain activity changes that occur during a car-following task with a concurrent auditory task. Participants performed three tasks: a driving task, an auditory task, and a dual task in an fMRI run. During the driving task, participants use a joystick to control their vehicle speed in a driving simulator to maintain a constant distance from a leading car, which moves at varying speed. Language trials and tone discrimination trials are presented during the auditory task. Car-following performance was worse during the dual task than during the single-driving task, showing positive correlation with brain activity in the bilateral lateral occipital complex and the right inferior parietal lobule. In the medial prefrontal cortex and left superior occipital gyrus, the brain activity of the dual task condition was less than that in the single-driving task condition. These results suggest that the decline of brain activity in these regions may induce car-following performance deterioration.  相似文献   
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