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A possible relationship between recognition of facial affect and aberrant eye movement was examined in patients with schizophrenia. A Japanese version of standard pictures of facial affect was prepared. These pictures of basic emotions (surprise, anger, happiness, disgust, fear, sadness) were shown to 19 schizophrenic patients and 20 healthy controls who identified emotions while their eye movements were measured. The proportion of correct identifications of 'disgust' was significantly lower for schizophrenic patients, their eye fixation time was significantly longer for all pictures of facial affect, and their eye movement speed was slower for some facial affects (surprise, fear, and sadness). One index, eye fixation time for "happiness," showed a significant difference between the high- and low-dosage antipsychotic drug groups. Some expected facial affect recognition disorder was seen in schizophrenic patients responding to the Japanese version of affect pictures, but there was no correlation between facial affect recognition disorder and aberrant eye movement.  相似文献   
In this cross-sectional study, differences in interference control, one component of executive function, were investigated among three age groups, 15 early childhood (7- to 8-yr.-olds), 25 middle childhood (9- to 12-yr.-olds), and 20 young adults (21- to 30-yr.-olds). Participants were administered a computer version of the Stroop color-word test with an oral response; correct responses, response time (RT), and the interference ratio were examined. The data indicated that (1) most of the participants showed no errors in word reading, color-naming, and incongruent color-naming tasks; (2) in word-reading and color-naming tasks, RT for 7- to 8-yr.-olds was longer than that for 9- to 12-yr.-olds, while RT of 9- to 12-yr.-olds and young adults were comparable; (3) in an incongruent color-naming task, RT for 7- to 8-yr.-olds was longer than RT for 9- to 12-yr.-olds, which was longer than RT for young adults; and (4) the interference ratio was higher in 7- to 8-yr.-olds than in 9- to 12-yr.-olds, which was higher than in young adults. These results suggested the difference in interference control between early and middle childhood reported on the go/no-go task and the stop-signal procedure would be observed in the Stroop color-word paradigm as well. The utility of this modified Stroop color-word test for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities was discussed.  相似文献   
There is a theoretical debate regarding whether children represent God with reference to a human. Most previous studies have assessed this issue focusing on knowledge/omniscience in western children. This study used a theoretical framework characterising mental capacities in terms of motivational/emotional (experience) and cognitive (agency) mental capacities and tested whether Japanese children discriminated between God, a human, a baby and an invisible agent according to these capacities. Three‐ to 6‐year‐old children were asked about the experience and agency of the agents. The results revealed that children discriminated God from a human in terms of mental capacities including experience and agency in 3‐year‐old children. On the other hand, 4‐ to 6‐year‐old children, but not 3‐year‐old children, discriminated a human from a baby and an invisible person. The results suggest that the Japanese children's representations of God differed from their representation of a human during preschool years.  相似文献   
Depression in early puerperium was evaluated in terms of maternal attachment in mothers of children admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in comparison to a control group of mothers of full‐term infants. A survey including Zung's self‐rating depression scale (ZSDS), a postpartum maternal attachment scale and items addressing the mother's feelings and peripheral conditions was conducted on mothers of children admitted to the NICU. Among the 153 mothers who gave valid responses, positive ZSDS scores of over 40 were seen in 61.8%. In terms of the children's disorder, strong depressive tendency was noted among mothers of low birth weight infants. Significant correlation was noted between the ZSDS and the ‘core maternal attachment’ (negative correlation) and ‘anxiety regarding children’ (positive correlation) subscales of postpartum maternal attachment. Path analysis revealed the father's positive reaction in learning of the pregnancy resulted in elevation of the ‘core maternal attachment’ score, in contrast to the control group mothers. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
One hundred and twentyeight mentally retarded children, ages 6 to 14, from a special school were assessed by teachers in terms of nine maladaptive behaviors. The results indicated that the prevalence of some maladaptive behaviors changed as a function of IQ and age, and that there were splits of such changes as IQ-dependent and as age-dependent by maladaptive behavior.  相似文献   
Theoretical assumptions regarding the genetic and environmental structure of personality proposed in Cloninger's seven-factor model of temperament and character were verified in a Japanese sample by using the twin method. The Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) was administered to 296 twin pairs ranging in age from 14 to 28 years old. Among four temperament dimensions (novelty seeking [NS], harm avoidance [HA], reward dependence [RD], and persistence [PS]), HA and PS showed significant additive genetic contributions and no shared environmental effect, supporting the original theoretical assumption. NS and RD could be explained by either genetic or shared environmental factors with nonshared environment. All three character dimensions (cooperativeness [CO], self-directedness [SD], and self-transcendence [ST]) could be explained exclusively by additive contributions and no shared environmental effect. Multivariate genetic analysis indicated that there were no significant associations between NS, HA, and RD, as the theory predicts, and the genetic components of PS, SD, and CO were derived from those of the temperament dimensions. The fourth genetic component, which had a substantial load specifically on ST and overlapped with PS, was identified. Although most of the nonshared environmental effects were trait-specific, the phenotypic correlation between NS and HA could be explained by nonshared environmental overlap.  相似文献   
Dans cette rétrospective historique, nous retraçons le développement de la communauté psychologique japonaise des années 1960 aux années 1980 en distinguant trois périodes: la période de démarrage (fin décennie 60), la période allant de la naissance aux premiers balbutiements (décennie 70) et la période du développement et de l'indépendance (décennie 80). De plus, nous précisons le statut actuel de la communauté psychologique japonaise et présentons une brève discussion sur les problémes à règler dans le futur.
In this historical review, we trace the development of Japan's community psychology from the 1960s to the 1980s by dividing it into three periods: the quickening period (late 1960s), a period from birth to toddling age (1970s) and a period of development and independence (1980s). In addition, we outline the present status of Japan's community psychology and present a brief discussion on some problems to be addressed in the future.  相似文献   
Relationships among mental health,coping styles,and mood   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The present study investigated the relationships between mental health (measured by the General Health Questionnaire--6 factors: General Illness, Somatic Symptoms, Sleep Disturbance, Social Dysfunction, Anxiety and Dysphoria, Suicidal Depression), coping styles (two strategies: Cognitive centered, Emotional centered), and mood (Tense Arousal, Energetic Arousal). 96 students answered questionnaires before their semester test which was a stressor. Analysis showed that (1) Tense Arousal scores correlated positively with overall General Health scores and all General Health factor scores, and Energetic Arousal scores correlated negatively with overall General Health scores and all General Health factor scores except one; (2) Anxiety and Dysphoria scores predicted Tense Arousal scores the best of General Health factor scores, while both Social Dysfunction scores and General Illness scores predicted Energetic Arousal scores. (3) Participants with high Energetic Arousal scores used a Cognitive centered coping strategy much more than an Emotional centered coping strategy. That is, people with low Energetic Arousal scores seem to use the Emotional centered coping strategy and have anxiety/dysphoria, while people with high Energetic Arousal scores seem to use a Cognitive centered coping strategy and have good health and social activity. These results suggest that there are small but significant relationships among mental health, coping styles, and mood.  相似文献   
The present study investigates the effects of short- and long-term life review interviews on young adults' psychological well-being. Study 1 investigates mood using the Japanese UWIST adjective checklist (yielding two scores: Tense Arousal which represents low hedonic tone and Energetic Arousal which represents high hedonic tone). Results show that Energetic Arousal significantly increased after life review, although Tense Arousal did not change. Study 2 investigates self-esteem and mental health (measured by the General Health Questionnaire-6 factors: General Illness, Somatic Symptoms, Sleep Disturbance, Social Dysfunction, Anxiety and Dysphoria, Suicidal Depression). Both self-esteem and mental health scores increased after life review. With regard to factors of mental health, General Illness and Anxiety Dysphoria scores were much higher than those on Somatic Symptoms, Sleep Disturbance, Social Dysfunction, and Suicidal Depression. There was also a significant difference between before and after scores on General Illness, Somatic Symptoms, Sleep Disturbance, and Anxiety Dysphoria, but not in Social Dysfunction and Suicidal Depression. That is, short-term life review led to higher hedonic tone scores, and long-term life review led to better mental health scores in healthy young adults. These results suggest that both short- and long-term life review in an interview promote young adults' immediate psychological well-being. Further research is required for young adults who have psychological problems.  相似文献   
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